raspberry ketones?

ashleydwsmith Posts: 693
edited July 2013 in Road general
Anyone used these for weight loss?


  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    Sorry, and I mean this in the nicest of ways, but..........

    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • silverpigeon
    silverpigeon Posts: 327
    If something seems too good to be true.........

    Basso Astra
    Principia Ellipse SX
    Kinesis Racelight 4S
    Kinesis Crosslight Pro Disc
  • Spiteful
    I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles
  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    Two ways to drop weight.

    1. Eat less
    2. Exercise a lot more

    2 doesn't really work that well - see 1.
  • Diy thanks for the sensible answer, the other two thanks. Thats all that can be said.
  • Sprool
    Sprool Posts: 1,022
    "Recent Studies on Raspberry Ketone

    Most of the hyped of claims about raspberry come from a study conducted on mice. The study shown an dramatic weight loss in the mice. However, this study has never been able to show weight loss in adults taking raspberry ketones."
    File under Gillian McKeith-like fad nutrition rubbish.
    Dont fill yourself with quack pills and processed rubbish to eat healthy - just eat healthy. Sensible carbs, lower fat, good unprocessed protein, mixed balanced diet, less beer, more salads and veg and fruit. Leave the diet pills and nutritional supplements on the shelf for those who are looking for a lazy answer and who have more money than sense.
  • Grill
    Grill Posts: 5,610
    Don't listen to the naysayers. I reckon that if you ingest nothing but raspberry ketones you'll lose quite a bit of weight. You may die, but at least you won't need one of those double-wide coffins.
    English Cycles V3 | Cervelo P5 | Cervelo T4 | Trek Domane Koppenberg
  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    Diy thanks for the sensible answer, the other two thanks. Thats all that can be said.

    If you are seriously keen to drop weight try a 5:2 diet, its probably the easiest way to lose weight. I have been on it a year. Lost about 14lb in the first 4-5 weeks. It seems to get you to your green zone bmi and hold you there. I've since been able to build in training on fasting days and oddly I'm faster on a 20-30 mile sprint ride than a normal day. Resting HR is a bit funny on fasting days - tends to sit around mid to high 30s, because the metabolism stays low without food. There are supposed to be health benefits (lower cholestrol, Lower Insuline like growth factor IGF1) but its not proven.

    Any two days a week eat no more than 500 kcal for a woman 600 for a man. Its easiest just to drink lots of water, tea etc during the day and have your cals at the end of the day in a big salad or soup etc. The other 5 days eat what you want. Net result is you will be 2-3000 cals a week down and you will lose weight.

    Its hard to start - first couple of weeks are the worse, but when its grim you just think about what you can eat the next day.
  • Grill
    Grill Posts: 5,610
    Or just become vegan like me ;)
    English Cycles V3 | Cervelo P5 | Cervelo T4 | Trek Domane Koppenberg
  • ed_j
    ed_j Posts: 335
    Grill wrote:
    Or just become vegan like me ;)

  • djhermer
    djhermer Posts: 328
    Grill wrote:
    Or just become vegan like me ;)

    Are you Durianrider in disguise?
  • Grill
    Grill Posts: 5,610
    djhermer wrote:
    Grill wrote:
    Or just become vegan like me ;)

    Are you Durianrider in disguise?

    Nope. I don't nearly as many bananas and I'm not a raw vegan. Love me some cooked food. :)
    English Cycles V3 | Cervelo P5 | Cervelo T4 | Trek Domane Koppenberg
  • Phippsy
    Phippsy Posts: 26
    +1 for the 5:2 diet. I've dropped from over 14st to 12.09 in 6 months.

    I too have noticed that riding on a fast day is fabulous, the power keeps coming and I can ride well in excess of 2 hours. Hopefully someone will research properly why this is but I wonder if its blood flow diversion from digestion giving muscles more attention. Anyhoo, worked for me.
  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    I was thinking something similar and also the fact that on a fast day, I'm about 1-2kg lighter. I'm down about 10kg overall. Wasn't exactly fat to start - just in the slightly over weight bmi category.
  • Diy that sounds great.

    I do need to lose weight, im not massive but can see it going the wrong way, and need to stop and get rid of it.
  • Sprool
    Sprool Posts: 1,022
    Phippsy wrote:
    +1 for the 5:2 diet. I've dropped from over 14st to 12.09 in 6 months.
    I too have noticed that riding on a fast day is fabulous, the power keeps coming and I can ride well in excess of 2 hours. Hopefully someone will research properly why this is but I wonder if its blood flow diversion from digestion giving muscles more attention. Anyhoo, worked for me.
    So you cycle quicker on a fast day? That's kind of fitting ;)
  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    Diy that sounds great.

    I do need to lose weight, im not massive but can see it going the wrong way, and need to stop and get rid of it.

    IMO there is nothing more grim than being on a diet. Particularly if you like food. At least with the 5:2 you can look forward to whatever you fancy the next day.

    Today is the day after the 2nd day fasting (I tend to do monday and thursday). I had scrambled eggs on toast for breakfast and burger and chips for lunch. I probably wont eat anything now until tomorrow as I am stuffed. But I'll be eating whatever I fancy over the weekend and back to veggie soup on monday. HR today 49-51bpm yesterday it was 35-38.
  • ju5t1n
    ju5t1n Posts: 2,028
    Phippsy wrote:
    I too have noticed that riding on a fast day is fabulous, the power keeps coming and I can ride well in excess of 2 hours. Hopefully someone will research properly why this is but I wonder if its blood flow diversion from digestion giving muscles more attention. Anyhoo, worked for me.
    This is my experience too. I’ve dropped from 95kg to 85kg. And I’ve been racing on fast days! My results have included a top 10 in an E123 circuit race and a 22 minute 10 on my road bike. I also did several PBs on the Concept2 rower while fasting.
  • Phippsy
    Phippsy Posts: 26
    Triathlete friend of mine reports the same when swimming on a fast day. Having said all that if you empty yourself on a fast day, then eat 600 cals of salad, the following day can be slightly slower!
  • ju5t1n
    ju5t1n Posts: 2,028
    Yes, the day after a fast+race day I feel a bit sluggish how ever much I eat.
  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    Yeah the day after can be a bit "heavy", I put this down to over eating. You do typically over eat the day after by about 10%, but given you are 1500ish cals down it doesn't dent it much.
  • So assuming monday I go for the 5:2 diet what would you recommend for the fast days to eat?
  • ju5t1n
    ju5t1n Posts: 2,028
    I eat lots of boiled eggs – they seem to stop me feeling hungry. Any they’re protein which is good. And fruit, lots of fruit.
  • So assuming monday I go for the 5:2 diet what would you recommend for the fast days to eat?

    Burger and chips
    I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles
  • Boiled eggs, I always see, to feel full after eating them too
  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    Tea, coffee, gallons of water and then a nice thick veggie soup for your evening meal as late as you can bare. There are about 300 cal per serving, so you can have a large serving and top it up with a few extras. The other option is a massive green salad. There are very few cals in salad.

    Avoid, carbs if you can, cheese, meat etc. There are too many cals per portion for you to be able to eat much. Lots of websites quote 500 and 600 cal meals.

    Don't forget to count the cals in your hot drinks too. If you have sugar in Tea or coffee then you are stuffed.

    Alternatively you can have that big mac, but no fries or shake ;)
  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    So assuming monday I go for the 5:2 diet what would you recommend for the fast days to eat?

    How's it going so far?
  • diy wrote:
    Two ways to drop weight.

    1. Eat less
    2. Exercise a lot more

    2 doesn't really work that well - see 1.

    It did for me.
  • Laughable if im honest. Started calorie counting in sainsburys. Felt like a right pillock. But determined to go for it monday. Keep looking at myslef in the mirror and go 'OH MY GOD' ' I GO OUT IN LYCRA LIKE THIS'
  • binkybike
    binkybike Posts: 104
    I can't be bothered with a diet, I was 16st at the end of February when i got back from a month driving around NZ eating loads of bad food, but since then I have eaten what I wanted and riding my bike on average 150miles a week and i am now 14 stone 6. I think I'll be 14 stone by the beginning of August as a ramp up my training for the Ride London

    I am a veggie which might help but i love cheese which doesn't. My non scientific advice is:

    Ride your bike.