LBS cut MY fork steerer too short and used the cut off

wild bore cluff
wild bore cluff Posts: 115
edited June 2013 in Workshop
LBS cut MY fork steerer too short and used the cut off to make up the length to attach handle bars. it was about an inch so the top bolt of handle bars and bottom bolt are attached to different parts of steerer. they are telling me the expander is holding this together. i said i didn't think it is safe?


  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,531
    no way is it safe

    that is utter lunacy, you could die
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,673
    Demand a new fork.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • i did, but they say they will ask the mechanic why he did it. i was there for 40 minutes but they wont budge. they are calling me tomorrow, this is a big chain with 19 stores so i was very dis appointed with there attitude
  • mattv
    mattv Posts: 992
    Horrifically unsafe. Do not ride. Take it to the shop and leave it there til they put a new same quality fork on it.
  • ademort
    ademort Posts: 1,924
    LBS cut MY fork steerer too short and used the cut off to make up the length to attach handle bars. it was about an inch so the top bolt of handle bars and bottom bolt are attached to different parts of steerer. they are telling me the expander is holding this together. i said i didn't think it is safe?

    A bloody disgrace, name and shame.People like that should not run a bike shop.Ask them to build up the bike and tell them you want the person who,s told you it,s ok to ride it at full speed down the biggest steepest hill in your area. I for one bet he won,t.
    Chinarello, record and Mavic Cosmic Sl
    Gazelle Vuelta , veloce
    Giant Defy 4
    Mirage Columbus SL
    Batavus Ventura
  • i have left bike with them, it is shocking that i had to argue about this.
  • denniskwok
    denniskwok Posts: 339
    I reckon you need to name and shame the shop so the rest of us can avoid them.
  • declan1
    declan1 Posts: 2,470
    That's unbelievable. As said above demand a new fork and don't get them to fit it - take it to a proper LBS. Also name and shame...

    Road - Dolan Preffisio
    MTB - On-One Inbred

    I have no idea what's going on here.
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,673
    in the mean time get onto CAB.

    and just to be clear you left them the frame, the headset spacers, stem and the forks for fitting.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    F*ing numpties - the fact they won't even admit to their own f-ups demonstrates that they need to have a big *avoid* notice posted on here. There's plenty of competent shops about - threaten them with small claims court and use this thread as evidence.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • post the name of the shop this is outrageous - we need to know so we can avoid - otherwise they may kill us all !!
  • Bar Shaker
    Bar Shaker Posts: 2,313
    You could have been killed!!
    Boardman Elite SLR 9.2S
    Boardman FS Pro
  • sue them for attempted murder (you didn't sleep with the mechanics partner by any chance did you?)
  • JayKosta
    JayKosta Posts: 635
    If the shop will not give you a new properly cut fork, then contact the 'chain store's management directly and complain. If they still won't make it right, contact the bike manufacturer, since they might have some type of license agreement with the seller.

    Jay Kosta
    Endwell NY USA
  • right, it seems no one thinks this is good idea. the shop was cycle surgery hemel hempstead, first time there as i have just moved to the area.
  • farrina
    farrina Posts: 360
    Might be worth going to the top as their conduct as described appears outrageous

    WHOIS for the domain name comes back to

    Cycle Surgery - HO
    The Rock
    2 Thornberry Way
    Guildford,, Surrey gu1 1qb

    I thought they may have been a franchise but I suspect that they may be related to Snow and Rock so are apparently part of a chain.

    Personally I would be taking photographs to send with my letter to HO. If they are a decent firm they will be as appalled as everyone on here is.

    Good luck.


  • cheers Alan,
    we get on to them tomorrow.
  • bernithebiker
    bernithebiker Posts: 4,148
    Can we see a photo of this please?

    Have to say, as balls ups go, it's quite an ingenious one, that probably wouldn't be spotted by most people......! (unless they decide to take their stem off).....
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    Can we see a photo of this please?

    Have to say, as balls ups go, it's quite an ingenious one, that probably wouldn't be spotted by most people......! (unless they decide to take their stem off).....

    Nice of them to own up to it in some respects......

    Seriously though, I think this is the worst piece of LBS cycle butchery I've so far heard of on these forums. It's staggering that someone who is supposedly competent enough to crop a steerer wouldn't know that this outcome was potentially lethal.
    Faster than a tent.......
  • racingcondor
    racingcondor Posts: 1,434
    If you're saying what I think you're saying then don't ride it until it's replaced. The bung is not load bearing (or at least, shouldn't be), that's what the stem bolts are for so if they're not completely engaged with the steerer you have a problem.
  • i have left my bike with them so i cant get a photo.
    i have been given contact details for someone high up in cycle surgery so i think this is something he will need to hear about. 3 staff members would have let this bike leave the shop TWICE. they didn't get me the first time, so they tried again.
    i recorded a 40+mph on my speedo lucky i didn't slow down or meet anyone!!!
  • freddiegrubb
    freddiegrubb Posts: 448
    You pay an "expert" to do a job they are then legally obliged to offer a safe & sound service, no doubt they carry public/customer liability insurance. Hit the trading standards button my son.
  • yes, if they held their hands up at the start i would have been ok about it but now i am going to hit them with everything i can.
  • napoleond
    napoleond Posts: 5,992
    Holy sh!T!!
    Insta: ATEnduranceCoaching
    ABCC Cycling Coach
  • dgunthor
    dgunthor Posts: 644
    i'd get in touch with trading standards, that's dangerous
  • Mccaria
    Mccaria Posts: 869
    I would be staggered if they don't resolve this by replacing the forks.

    However if for any reason they delay, get a copy of the fitting instructions for this particular fork. Usually details on fork fitting will be included with the owners manual, if not then it will probably be available on the internet. This will clearly show the proper means of fitting which has not been followed here. In some instructions they even include some "don'ts", but this don't is so stupid, it probably wont be in !
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    Wow, just Wow!! incredible incompetence .....
  • t4tomo
    t4tomo Posts: 2,643
    post the name of the shop this is outrageous - we need to know so we can avoid - otherwise they may kill us all !!

    :D:D:D:D As overeactions go thats right up there.
    Bianchi Infinito CV
    Bianchi Via Nirone 7 Ultegra
    Brompton S Type
    Carrera Vengeance Ultimate Ltd
    Gary Fisher Aquila '98
    Front half of a Viking Saratoga Tandem
  • izza
    izza Posts: 1,561
    Use contact details in here: ... elease.pdf

    Tell him his job is being made much harder than it needs to be by the incompetence of your local branch.
  • slowsider
    slowsider Posts: 197
    Rolf F wrote:
    Seriously though, I think this is the worst piece of LBS cycle butchery I've so far heard of .

    Aye, not exactly cycle surgery, as they claim :mrgreen: