"I descended like a girl" B Wiggins . . . . discuss!



  • smithy21
    smithy21 Posts: 2,204
    Thread of the year. :roll:
  • deejay
    deejay Posts: 3,138
    Pross wrote:
    clanton wrote:
    So now dopers descend better too than non dopers? BS post.

    Yep, pump them full of speed and all fear of the consequences would go out of the window :lol:
    Richard Virenque could drop most riders going downhill throughout his career with juice or without.
    Poor old Heras should have let him go. :roll:

    Ladies, please
    Organiser, National Championship 50 mile Time Trial 1972
  • Vino'sGhost
    Vino'sGhost Posts: 4,129
    prawny wrote:
    My theory, is that the phrase 'like a girl' is a contraction of 'like a little girl' which I don't think anyone could find offensive.

    Also, if I were a woman, I'd probably take offence at being called a girl if I was the offence taking kind. I don't relly like being referred to as a boy now I'm in my thirties.

    Not defending what Wiggins said was right, but just something that crossed my mind. Feel free to tear my logic apart.

    peace and love.

    Prawny if you were a woman you find offence in something. they all always do.

    which is why non of them go down without encouragement

    :roll: :roll: :mrgreen:
  • Vino'sGhost
    Vino'sGhost Posts: 4,129
    Note go down refers to descending you filthy filthy people :lol:
  • deejay
    deejay Posts: 3,138
    Note go down refers to descending you filthy filthy people :lol:
    So the flip side to your error is that Ladies won't go downhill without encouragement.
    Organiser, National Championship 50 mile Time Trial 1972
  • Daithi
    Daithi Posts: 184
    Note go down refers to descending you filthy filthy people :lol:

    If you think that's filthy? This thread sounds plain perverse!


    Daithi, Cardiff
  • Daithi
    Daithi Posts: 184
    b45her wrote:
    oh FFS stop trying to be ultra PC about stuff like this, its a saying, throw like a girl, hit like a girl etc.


    . . . hit like a girl? I wish I could! :wink:
    Daithi, Cardiff
  • roypsb
    roypsb Posts: 309
    Is anybody really upset by what he said? There's some awful shit out there in the world. What BW said is so inconsequential it's ridiculous.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,174
    You forget, some people get offended if there is nothing to offend them.
  • Tom Dean
    Tom Dean Posts: 1,723
    'like a girl' = 'shite', right?
    Who could be offended by that?

    But, anyway, you should only be upset by THE WORST THING IN THE WORLD - nothing else matters, and this is a case of political correctness gone mad...

    FWIW I don't think Wiggins meant anything, and I'm not upset by a jock making an off the cuff remark. The predictable rush to defend this dumb comment is what I find depressing.
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,661
    Chebrikov wrote:
    Wiggin's ability to descend decreases in direct relation to the increase in the balance of his bank accounts and the departure of ex dopers.

    I find it ironic that Sky's pursuit of marginal gains, and Wiggins' severe weight loss and adherence to a scientific numbers approach to preparation and training, should result in his losing more time descending than he gains in time trials.

    Sky set much store by their Dr Peters, who's job is to ensure the psychological strength of the riders, but it would seem he has failed to make sure Wiggins knows where to find his bottle. Wiggins bottle may well be full of Gatorade but his loss of bottle has cost him far more time than Prof Asker Jeukendrup's bottle contents have saved him.

    Perhaps the loss of team mates and coaches who in the past doped, and a certain Doctor Leinders, have contributed to Sir Brad's lack of confidence.

    Sir Brad is a London boy. He knows all about bottle. But is he hungry enough?

    Be honest, Are you Trev the Rev? If so I have to admire the switch in writing style. What do you think about clipless pedals? I assume you think they re the best thing in the world yes?
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • Tom Dean
    Tom Dean Posts: 1,723
    ^deffo Trev! now banned
  • Would like to think today's events are bad Karma but sadly I don't believe in any of that afterlife stuff. Anyway it brought a smile to my face.
  • Herbsman
    Herbsman Posts: 2,029
    Tom Dean wrote:
    'like a girl' = 'shite', right?
    Who could be offended by that?

    But, anyway, you should only be upset by THE WORST THING IN THE WORLD - nothing else matters, and this is a case of political correctness gone mad...

    FWIW I don't think Wiggins meant anything, and I'm not upset by a jock making an off the cuff remark. The predictable rush to defend this dumb comment is what I find depressing.
    Great post
  • slim_boy_fat
    slim_boy_fat Posts: 1,810
    Showed my wife this thread, who is the mother of our 6 year old daughter. Her response, 'have they not gone anything better to do?'.
  • Tom Dean
    Tom Dean Posts: 1,723
  • slim_boy_fat
    slim_boy_fat Posts: 1,810
    Tom Dean wrote:
  • Tom Dean
    Tom Dean Posts: 1,723
    Who do you think she meant?
  • slim_boy_fat
    slim_boy_fat Posts: 1,810
    Tom Dean wrote:
    Who do you think she meant?
    Everyone discussing the topic.
  • Tom Dean
    Tom Dean Posts: 1,723
    :? so should I agree with her (a woman with a young daughter!)? You clearly don't.
  • slim_boy_fat
    slim_boy_fat Posts: 1,810
    Tom Dean wrote:
    :? so should I agree with her (a woman with a young daughter!)? You clearly don't.
    I think she was probably suggesting the topic was not worthy of discussion. But you carry on.
  • Tom Dean
    Tom Dean Posts: 1,723
    Tom Dean wrote:
    :? so should I agree with her (a woman with a young daughter!)? You clearly don't.
    I think she was probably suggesting the topic was not worthy of discussion. But you carry on.
    so should I agree with her (a woman with a young daughter!)? You clearly don't... Do you understand my confusion yet?

    I understand what your wife said. She is not the one commenting on the forum.
  • slim_boy_fat
    slim_boy_fat Posts: 1,810
    Tom Dean wrote:
    Tom Dean wrote:
    :? so should I agree with her (a woman with a young daughter!)? You clearly don't.
    I think she was probably suggesting the topic was not worthy of discussion. But you carry on.
    so should I agree with her (a woman with a young daughter!)? You clearly don't... Do you understand my confusion yet?

    I understand what your wife said. She is not the one commenting on the forum.
    lol, interwebz fails again. It's so good at it.
  • Tom Dean
    Tom Dean Posts: 1,723
    You'll have to spell it out for me.

    It looks like you have just commented 5 times on something not worthy of comment. Is this a reasonable assessment? Or do you not agree with your wife? (who, as a woman (with a daughter), is the authority on the subject)
  • slim_boy_fat
    slim_boy_fat Posts: 1,810
    Tom Dean wrote:
    You'll have to spell it out for me.

    It looks like you have just commented 5 times on something not worthy of comment. Is this a reasonable assessment? Or do you not agree with your wife? (who, as a woman (with a daughter), is the authority on the subject)
    I commented on the discussion not the issue ;)
  • Tom Dean
    Tom Dean Posts: 1,723
    Fair enough. I always think that when people get annoyed by the very fact you comment, rather that actually admitting they disagree with you, you are onto something ;)
  • slim_boy_fat
    slim_boy_fat Posts: 1,810
    Tom Dean wrote:
    Fair enough. I always think that when people get annoyed by the very fact you comment, rather that actually admitting they disagree with you, you are onto something ;)
    Annoyed? Don't think so, bemused, maybe.
  • Tom Dean
    Tom Dean Posts: 1,723
    You're still not really seeing the irony are you?

    Presumably there are many other discussions on subjects that do not interest you, yet there is something about the subject of casual sexism that interests you so little you want to comment again and again.
  • slim_boy_fat
    slim_boy_fat Posts: 1,810
    Tom Dean wrote:
    You're still not really seeing the irony are you?

    Presumably there are many other discussions on subjects that do not interest you, yet there is something about the subject of casual sexism that interests you so little you want to comment again and again.
    I don't remember making any comments about sexism, casual or not. I'm just amazed at what some people will argue about on the internet. So not to derail this thread anymore, I'm out. Enjoy the discussion.
  • Tom Dean
    Tom Dean Posts: 1,723