What injuries have you had



  • Clank
    Clank Posts: 2,323
    rgliniany wrote:
    can i ask clank.... what is grenading your arm??? :?

    Head of my right humerous was in seven pieces - it had fragmented, like the grenade!

    That was natures way of saying I sucked at skiing!
    How would I write my own epitaph? With a crayon - I'm not allowed anything I can sharpen to a sustainable point.

    Disclaimer: Opinions expressed herein are worth exactly what you paid for them.
  • bwfc4eva868
    bwfc4eva868 Posts: 717
    Mountain Bike - Lots of Grazes and Lacerations from those bloody pedal pins
    Broken nose after hitting a tree.

    Motorbike - ACL rupture and Displaced fractured Patella (2007) left leg
    Ankle Sprain (2009) Left Leg again
    MCL,LCL and ACL Partial Tears, Torn Cartilage and Proximal Fibula Fracture (Feb 2013) Left leg yet again
  • streetvw
    streetvw Posts: 164
    worst I've had as a result of an off bike excursion is a dislodged Kidney stone which landed me in hospital for a week :shock:
    2011 Canyon Nerve XC7 viewtopic.php?t=12765275
  • tudj
    tudj Posts: 254
    Rugby - I got a massive haematoma in my right calf, almost resulted in amputation below the knee! It did result in the biggest bruise I've ever seen, from ankle to knee and all the around my leg which was bigger than my thigh.

    Hockey - Dislocated shoulder twice, many lumps, bruises etc from stick/ball. Torn muscle in my back, that one was not fun, I could hardly move for about 2 weeks. I'm also covered in scars from astroturf burns, knees and knuckles especially.

    Biking (only been doing it for ~8 months) - Concussion, torn Rotator Cuff (shoulder) + unknown damage still under investigation :P Many lacerations from rock strikes, pedals etc. Split my elbow open in a spectacular OTB half way down a bridleway descent.
  • mcnultycop
    mcnultycop Posts: 2,143
    I recently grazed my knuckle installing new chainrings.
  • rgliniany
    rgliniany Posts: 753
    Clank wrote:
    rgliniany wrote:
    can i ask clank.... what is grenading your arm??? :?

    Head of my right humerous was in seven pieces - it had fragmented, like the grenade!

    That was natures way of saying I sucked at skiing!

    :shock: 'kinell
    It's a boy , It's a boy , I Shouted Running Into The Street With Tears Running Down My Face.....

    That's The Last Time I Holiday In Thailand

    URL Pinkbike
  • Re-Cycle
    Re-Cycle Posts: 83
    Lost my front tooth ( unfortunately not in a cool manner, thing fell out when I tried to pull my gloves off with my teeth to use my phone grrr smart phones!!)

    Ripped my shin to bits on barbed wire

    Tiddle winks
    Nasty strain in my right thumb

    Motor bike
    Injured my pride on several occasions

    Working on staying shiny side up these days :D
  • Tom Barton
    Tom Barton Posts: 516
    Gosh! :shock: I must not be trying hard enough!

    Crush injury to 3 toes in a 'pedal-rock-sandwich' incident and just cuts, trail rash, the odd bash from a pedal and bruises for me!
  • Maro
    Maro Posts: 226
    Anybody seen the film Unbreakable? I think that's me, reading this thread I'm saying ouch to each post, I've had similar incidents to some, and my shins are scarred forever, damn those pedals.

    I've had motorbike crashes (once a car went over my arm), been hit on the head by hockey balls, fallen off and over countless things. Last year a mate and me got tangled up amongst our bikes, he sustained a compound fracture to his elbow, I had a scratch on my leg.

    A few years ago I realised I had hit the trails too fast as I got to about 2 foot above the landing, ended up over the bars using my limbs as brakes. I was left with no skin on my knees, elbows, right hip and a few little scratches to my face. Of course I carried on riding, one kid said to me "did you see that guy face plant?" to which I replied covered in blood "err, that was me". The next moning I went to A&E cos my right arm wouldnt lift above shoulder height, 2 days later I had physio but it was pretty much fine by then anyway.

    To this day after 15 years of extreme sports and doing other sports before that all I have ever done is broken a little toe when I was 10.
    Bird Aeris. DMR Trailstar. Spesh Rockhopper pub bike.
  • SteveH28
    SteveH28 Posts: 44
    Wow I feel the same, my injuries are nothing compared to some of you on here!!

    Ive torn my right shoulder muscle (no idea on proper name) in same place 3 times,
    parallel fracture to right thumb, (fracture goes into the bone then up parallel along the bone),
    rotating fracture to left thumb, (helter skelter like fracture going along the bone),
    fractured right wrist,

    on a moped i got hit by car, shunting my right foot againt the engine resulting in one broken bone, 2 fractured bones and a torn ligament in my right ankle and foot.

    Had an accident at work once resulting in my right leg in a splint for 9 months and an operation to remove cartillage behind the kneecap which ahad a life of its own making my knee either lock or not support any weight.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I've on recently started cycling again so im pretty accident free

    few skinned knuckles ( I now have gloves)

    swollen/bruised/bleeding toes nothing to bad

    foot slip of pedals and hit floor

    minor cuts and grazes on legs due to scrubs and tree roots and netals