What injuries have you had

Adam k
Adam k Posts: 37
edited May 2013 in MTB general
Iv been riding about 3-4 years so pretty new to it but I fall of most times I ride iv only ever broken my toe that was about 8 weeks ago in Scotland where I slipped of the pedal and snapped my toe back.iv had a lot of pedals hitting shins as well and a good face plant in wales off the side of some north shore il upload some photos of them.

What injuries have you done ????


  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    Why would I want to look at pics of your scabby face?
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • estampida
    estampida Posts: 1,008
    make sure you have cum to bed eyes

    and your mouth is open..... :roll:
  • Adam k
    Adam k Posts: 37
    cooldad wrote:
    Why would I want to look at pics of your scabby face?

    You might like my face :lol:
  • giantAstax
    giantAstax Posts: 55
    Adam k wrote:
    Iv been riding about 3-4 years so pretty new to it but I fall of most times I ride iv only ever broken my toe that was about 8 weeks ago in Scotland where I slipped of the pedal and snapped my toe back.iv had a lot of pedals hitting shins as well and a good face plant in wales off the side of some north shore il upload some photos of them.

    What injuries have you done ????


    Broken arm
    Badly damaged shoulder
    Patellar tendonitis (both knees)
    ITB damage
    Hamstring damage/pull
    Soft tissue damage to right hand (twice)
    Numerous lacerations to legs, shins and knees caused by pedals, trees, gorse and assorted shrubbery
    Various grazes and bruises to face
    Skin removal from lower left leg (extensive grazing)
    Worn the skin of my @rse 3 times on epic 8hr + rides :oops:


    Broken finger
    Paralysed for 2 days (no use of legs) after lower back injury
    Hamstring pull
    Knee ligament damage
    Broken nose
    Groin strain
    Twisted/sprained ankle
    Over extended knee
    Brused ribs

    Don't think I missed anything :mrgreen:
  • houston26
    houston26 Posts: 115
    Broken arm, broken rib, concussion, whiplash.


    And people say your safer in a car????
  • The Rookie
    The Rookie Posts: 27,812
    Gravel rash off Leamington 4X track
    Pierced inned upper arm (brake lever) nearly severing a muscle group, finished the second half at Cannock using my right hand to lift the left onto the bars, passenger had to change gear to drive home.
    2 broken ribs, finished 6 miles of ride 'short breathing' off bike for 2 weeks, off MTB for 3.
    Currently riding a Whyte T130C, X0 drivetrain, Magura Trail brakes converted to mixed wheel size (homebuilt wheels) with 140mm Fox 34 Rhythm and RP23 suspension. 12.2Kg.
  • thekickingmule
    thekickingmule Posts: 7,957
    Numerous lacerations to various parts of the body
    Jarred wrist
    Massively swollen arm (from Glentress, others know what I mean)
    Damaged knee ligaments (damn clipless pedals)

    Broken arm
    Cracked head

    Broken jaw/dislodged all teeth
    Cracked head

    Being me
    Bit through tongue
    Many, many other things
    It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
    Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
    Blender Cube AMS Pro
  • clamps81
    clamps81 Posts: 315
    Been riding about two years, the usual gashes, bumps, scrapes and so forth. Only ones worth mentioning are whatever it was I did to my shoulder last Jan at Cwmcarn - I didn't go to hospital, but probably should have as it's never been quite right since. Split my eyebrow region open on a rock in Italy last year and last November I got a bit enthusiastic on a solo weekday ride round Afan and bust my arm in two places. Had to walk two miles back to carpark and then drive home one handed in the van - suffice to say, not the most intelligent thing that I have ever done.
    Nukeproof Mega AM

    Tomac Snyper - Now sadly in pieces
  • WindyG
    WindyG Posts: 1,099
    Broken 2ribs, 2 toes, 2 fingers
    Gravel rash
    Plenty of cuts and bruises

    Normal life
    Way too much to list, lots of A&E visits and some good scars to show for it.
    I am a bit accident prone.
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Mostly shin vs pedals ie:

  • cj11
    cj11 Posts: 72
    In no particular order...
    Broken wrist
    severed extensor tendon (thumb)
    2 broken ribs
    1 tooth
    cracked pelvis (only hairline)
    15 stitches in left shin, damn pedal pins.
    Nothing serious , yet.
  • Adam k
    Adam k Posts: 37
    supersonic wrote:
    Mostly shin vs pedals ie:


    Iv got one in same place but yours looks worse bloody pedals lol



    I did it again this year pedals always hit the same spot lol


  • Adam k
    Adam k Posts: 37
    This one was my first SPD fail trying to do a wheelie whilst clipped in and goin to far over

  • Drzee
    Drzee Posts: 11
    Last August, mate stayed with the van while I did one more loop, remember riding down a twisty trail and next thing waking up with a couple of riders around me. Not sure what happened, may have clipped a tree but used my face and shoulder to stop, breaking my nose with multiple bruising all over, ambulance to hospital strapped to stretcher, MRI scan, x-rays, broken bone in hand, 24 hours in hospital and operation on hand 2 weeks later with 6 weeks off work.

    Still don't know what happened or how long knocked out for.

    Thanks again to the guys who found me in Winterfold wood!

  • paul.skibum
    paul.skibum Posts: 4,068
    sprained ankle
    broken couple ribs
    broken wrist
    assorted cuts and bruises
    indeterminate hip and knee damage
    herniated disc
    Closet jockey wheel pimp whore.
  • levolon
    levolon Posts: 78
    concussion , pedal rash , rotater cuff proper bastid that one. usual brambles and staby things

    motorcycles caused far more injuries as did being a kid that loved danger lol fractures galore !!! well 13 anyway
    had a few visits to the docs too from riding dodgy birds ?? but alcohol is solely to blame for that lol
  • Kowalski675
    Kowalski675 Posts: 4,412
    I need to stop reading this thread, as a newbie it's putting me off, lol. No injuries from MTB so far. Cut open lip and gum from face v wall incident on BMX as a kid. Broken collarbone from motorcycles.
  • notax
    notax Posts: 138
    I rode for years with no significant injuries - including trips to the Alps etc... Then it all went wrong about four years ago when the back wheel came off my bike as I was riding fast but easy stuff in QE Park. Full speed into a tree, air ambulance job as they thought my neck was broken :shock: It wasn't. Phew.

    Shattered wrist, broke arm, whiplash and concussion. Few months off work.

    Got on the bike too soon for a trip to the Alps, had lost all muscle strength. Fell within a couple of hours and without the strength to fall well broke my thumb and tore the ligament, flew straight back to UK same hospital ward...

    Got on bike too soon (see a theme) and went to Dartmoor for a long rock hopping ride but couldnt hold the bars properly. Result - pulled the ligaments off my elbow and it was ironically this pretty minor injury that took longest to recover from! Only now able to get back to weight training about three years later.

    Also had another accident in the middle of the above - 15 minutes into an Alpine holiday. I thought I'd broken my neck but turned out to be pretty bad compression of the vertebrae. Whilst being X rayed they found I had broken my neck years earlier in a rally car crash without knowing it :shock:
  • levolon
    levolon Posts: 78
    Notax wrote:
    I rode for years with no significant injuries - including trips to the Alps etc... Then it all went wrong about four years ago when the back wheel came off my bike as I was riding fast but easy stuff in QE Park. Full speed into a tree, air ambulance job as they thought my neck was broken :shock: It wasn't. Phew.

    Shattered wrist, broke arm, whiplash and concussion. Few months off work.

    Got on the bike too soon for a trip to the Alps, had lost all muscle strength. Fell within a couple of hours and without the strength to fall well broke my thumb and tore the ligament, flew straight back to UK same hospital ward...

    Got on bike too soon (see a theme) and went to Dartmoor for a long rock hopping ride but couldnt hold the bars properly. Result - pulled the ligaments off my elbow and it was ironically this pretty minor injury that took longest to recover from! Only now able to get back to weight training about three years later.

    Also had another accident in the middle of the above - 15 minutes into an Alpine holiday. I thought I'd broken my neck but turned out to be pretty bad compression of the vertebrae. Whilst being X rayed they found I had broken my neck years earlier in a rally car crash without knowing it :shock:

    if someone says "break a leg mate " it would be a nice change for you id think :wink:
    made me cringe some of them injuries ,and ive had a few breaks myself...
    addictive this mtb lark :lol:
  • notax
    notax Posts: 138
    Yes, I've been pretty lucky from the waist down! Touch wood the only scars down there are on my inner thigh strangely - competed at the Megavalanche last year and heading over the bars ripped my thigh a couple of times on my dropper post lever - about the only part of me not protected by armour :roll:

    Just remembered another nasty injury - I was racing someone on the road on my mtb with a totally flat front tyre, it was the end of the ride so I couldn't be bothered to fix it. All was ok until I turned at high speed into the pub carpark. Tyre came straight off the rim and I used my bare arm as a brake :cry: Had to treated for burns, pretty odd - lots of plasma but very little blood. Probably a good place for me to stop in case I put anyone off their breakfast!
  • pilch
    pilch Posts: 1,136
    The worst injury I had was a bruised coccyx, did it the week before I went on holiday to venezuela... that's a 10hr flight and the longest i could sit in one position was a few minutes at a time, not the best of journeys
    A berm? were you expecting one?

    29er race

    29er bouncer
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    knocked myself out twice

    hurt both my shoulders, should probably have gone to hospital but didn't bother

    sprained my wrist pretty badly that I thought it was broken on a ride with gazlar and northern monkey, then had to ride 11 or 12km home back over the mountain

    general cuts and bruises, nothing major
  • estampida
    estampida Posts: 1,008
    well, over the last 24 years of biking, 20 years of skating and 18 of snowboarding...

    broken toes - 3 left (Big and two next), 2 right (big and next to it)
    Broken ankle - right
    Knee dislocated - left (massive snowboard crash on big air ramp popped back in on second impact..)
    ribs - left 3,4,5 at the same time (ow), right 4,5,6 ( right, were over a few years)
    Broken left elbow
    Shoulder dislocated - right (different snowboard crash on top of glas maol, had to board back to the car park..)
    wrists - Scaphoid fractures / breaks - left stopped counting, right, stopped counting at a dozen or so.....
    Collar bone, broken twice, now is constantly separated and I can stretch and it makes a very loud audible click
    broken nose

    these are nothing compared to the number of concussions, that is the long term worry, I used to go biking with a guy, he had 12 head x-rays in a year, that is almost radio therapy.... another one had 72 stitches to put his nose back on after a face plant....

    and notax, a mate of mine had the same broken back found years later...... so most people are carrying damage that they do not know about...

  • gavstorie
    gavstorie Posts: 11
    I have a recurring injury that seems to never get better.. Ever since I started riding again I have had a broken wallet.. It seems to get better slowly but then it takes a hammering and I am back to square one..

    Think i should have taken up tiddlywinks :-)
  • rockmonkeysc
    rockmonkeysc Posts: 14,774
    Mountain biking:
    Two broken ribs
    Broken Radius
    Separated shoulder
    Broken collar bone
    Fractured shoulder blade
    Dislocated shoulder (three times)
    Broken little finger
    Many, many flesh wounds

    Rock climbing:
    Broken ankle
    Broken wrist
    Slipped disc
    Broken finger (six of them!)

    Working (heavy steel fabrication):
    Broken fingers (too many)
    Crushed fingers (three fingers, 18 breaks)
    Severed tendons in finger
    Now I'm a design engineer, I once cut my finger on a staple.

    The human body is too weak :shock:
  • Motley13
    Motley13 Posts: 89
    Been quite lucky soo far riding, mainly just had the classic bruises and cuts from things, got even worse since getting new pedals shins are mulit coloured and cut all the time now. Worse ive had was my last crash where i went over the handle bars and thought it was a good idea to land on my face rather than put my hands out to stop myself, ended up looking like the phantom of the opera due to the cuts on my face :roll:
  • angry_bird
    angry_bird Posts: 3,786
    Well, I've dislocated my right shoulder a few times, lost part of a tooth, countless gashes in the legs, broken nose, broken the big toe on my right foot. Broke one of the smaller ones too although I can't be sure if it was broken before I smashed my foot up or not.
    2 broken fingers on the right handy and I put a big ass hole in the left side of my body over my pelvis the other month, I could get my fingers in and poke the bone. It's amazing how much adrenaline numbs the pain. The doctor disapproved, then did exactly the same thing but I guess he had sterile gloves on :lol: Several incidences of whiplash too.

    Oh and I broke my ankle, but that wasn't bike related, that was playing tennis, in a separate incident I also chipped my right radius in training. Since starting uni I've fractured my jaw and had a couple of nice concussions from playing hockey :roll:
  • rgliniany
    rgliniany Posts: 753

    concussions and scrapes from being run over twice..... separate occasions....
    lost a tooth... broke nose at the bridge and right above my teeth.... maserated my top lip (all in one go)


    managed to come off a wall and put my ankle on a 90 degreeangle to what is classed as normal.... felt the bones arrange themself into the normal position when i lifted it up..... made me feel a little queasy..

    lacrosse..... knocked out and chipped a tooth when a dude ran into me with my head down...
    It's a boy , It's a boy , I Shouted Running Into The Street With Tears Running Down My Face.....

    That's The Last Time I Holiday In Thailand

    URL Pinkbike
  • Clank
    Clank Posts: 2,323
    Angry Bird wrote:
    and had a couple of nice concussions from playing hockey :roll:

    Hockey - dangerous sport, that. Landed me in hospital twice, both times concussed - first time with a fractured eye socket, second time with a compressed skull fracture (them balls is hard!). I quit the sport after the second visit :lol:

    Biking, I've only hurt myself on the road (including fractures to C4 and C5, a dislocated sturnum and broken ribs and wrist in one major off). F**k, I couldn't sneeze for a decade without wincing. Plus, my headbangin' days were kinda over. At this point, I started to wonder if injury was someone's way of telling me to stop doing stuff I was s**t at. :lol:

    Aside from that I've bust fingers, toes, my coccxyx (just don't ask. Just don't :lol: ), little bones in my hands, my nose, and grenaded the top of my right arm (that one puzzled the quacks). Personally, on that score I consider myself quite lucky as I've known people who have had much, much worse (particulalrly when you read the rest of this thread!)

    My worst injury however was many, many, moons ago. I awoke in hospital following a head injury sustained from (they beleive) me being hit with a brick, or some such. It cost me about eight years of memory.
    How would I write my own epitaph? With a crayon - I'm not allowed anything I can sharpen to a sustainable point.

    Disclaimer: Opinions expressed herein are worth exactly what you paid for them.
  • rgliniany
    rgliniany Posts: 753
    jesus..... thats crazy about the memory thing..... im glad i have a thick skull...... bit like homer simpson syndrome.....

    can i ask clank.... what is grenading your arm??? :?
    It's a boy , It's a boy , I Shouted Running Into The Street With Tears Running Down My Face.....

    That's The Last Time I Holiday In Thailand

    URL Pinkbike