Smut Stash



  • tetley10
    tetley10 Posts: 693
    When I was a poor student, i had a summer job working at the dump. One of mny favourite jobs ever, 3 and a half days a week. Good wages no tax.

    We used to have one of those huge blue paper recycling bins that people would put there old newspapers and magazines in. One of my jobs was to get inside said blue container and shift the papers to the other side so that more could be added.

    One afternoon I was watching some fella who was chucking a mammoth stack of magazines into the container, he looked a bit nervous so I made a note and when the site had emptied I got inside the bin to see what he had been getting rid of.
    Now, I was hoping to find a shoot load of porn magazines. I did find a whole lot of porn magazines, however, they were not the kind of porn magazines I was hoping for.
    There was about 50 of them and not one contained a bird. They contained picture of poeple with names like Graham, Trevor and Terry rather than Gail, Theresa and Terri.
    Did have quite a collection in the hut though. The drivers of the lorries that took the skips to be emptied used to treat it like a library.
  • peat
    peat Posts: 1,242
    I have a pact with an old housemate and good friend that should one of us die unexpectedly, we are to gain access to each other's residence, remove and then destroy the hard drives with hammers, nails and fire.

    I have alot of grot from my university days that i can't bear to part with, yet can't bear to watch either. In the event of my death, i wouldn't want a relative to inherit those poisoned chattels.