Oh no, not Rolf.



  • Frank the tank
    Frank the tank Posts: 6,553
    VTech wrote:
    Im 40, overweight, bald head.
    However much I would like to think you were right, my sad but straight minded head led me to believe that she thought I was a meal ticket.
    Well certainly not a love god. :wink::lol::lol:
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • Pituophis
    Pituophis Posts: 1,025
    This thing about Rolf is pure fabrication :evil:
    Everyone knows he's a big animal lover ....... :? ...... :shock: .......... :(
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    Can you guess what it is yet?

    From the moment I heard the news I was looking forward to posting this on Cake Step.

    Damn you, thegreatdivide, damn you all the way to Hades.
  • smoggysteve
    smoggysteve Posts: 2,909
    Wonder when the Chuckle Brother Gang-banging incident will come to light?!?!?!? Those two always looked dodgy. Two men with mullets going - to me - to you. Sickening.
  • Tom Dean
    Tom Dean Posts: 1,723
    But and it is a big but in my mind, is this the first step in creating "The Disappeared".
    - usually meaning secret arrest (and murder). Exactly the opposite of what is happening.

    Of course there are some worrying issues around this, but I think you're being a bit dramatic.
  • ben@31
    ben@31 Posts: 2,327
    edited April 2013
    I reckon Gordon the Gopher is next. After he gets snitched by Roland the Rat.

    You can see it in his eyes.
    "The Prince of Wales is now the King of France" - Calton Kirby
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    VTech wrote:
    I understand that but as anyone knows, once arrested it then doesn't matter if your innocent or guilty, you're finished.

    To some extent, it's the price society and individuals pay for 'due process' of law.

    But it's true, the media have a caustic way of reporting this stuff. Anyone reasonable person see's it as spen666 outlined it. Unfortunately there are a whole load of unreasonable people out there and they often have big mouths.

    It reminds of me the 'big lie' theory i.e. a lie/false assertion so shocking that no-one in their right mind would make it up: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Lie

    Unfortunately 'big lies' stick tenaciously well, even when disproved comprehensively. My theory is that it's because when the media/people jump on the bandwagon of a big lie they don't have the backbone or self-respect to admit that they were wrong all along.

    Anyway, in terms of Rolf Harris, let the law do its work. Then we can judge.
  • Lysander
    Lysander Posts: 349
    Its a shame I really use to like him.
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    You're right Lysander, you should be thoroughly ashamed.
  • Frank the tank
    Frank the tank Posts: 6,553
    Lysander wrote:
    Its a shame I really use to like him.
    I still do like him, nowts been proven yet.
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    There are an awful lot of speculators with tight rse cheeks hoping this doesnt effect the values of his works.
    Living MY dream.
  • jawooga
    jawooga Posts: 530
    I thought the thread title was a witness quote in the Jimmy Saville trial...
    "bring out the Rolf"
    "...but the Rolf's sleeping"
    "well, I guess you better go and wake him up then"
    witness A wrote:
    "Oh no, not Rolf"
  • Flexisurfer
    Flexisurfer Posts: 249
    VTech wrote:
    Dont believe a word of it, its disgusting what the media and police are doing.
    How can they link a "one off" incident 20+ years ago to the saville case ?

    They are losing all respect from the general public who do not know what to believe.

    You're a real dick aren't you?

    So a victim walks into a police station to say they have been indecently assaulted in someway by someone famous and its the fault of the media and police? Oh just because their famous and it will ruin their career lets leave them out of it, sod the victim.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    VTech wrote:
    Dont believe a word of it, its disgusting what the media and police are doing.
    How can they link a "one off" incident 20+ years ago to the saville case ?

    They are losing all respect from the general public who do not know what to believe.

    You're a real dick aren't you?

    So a victim walks into a police station to say they have been indecently assaulted in someway by someone famous and its the fault of the media and police? Oh just because their famous and it will ruin their career lets leave them out of it, sod the victim.

    You need to read, sit down and take in what I wrote.
    My aunt was raped (no jesting here, im deadly serious) so I take it with great meaning when speaking of these matters.

    My point is that The media, through some dodgy police who call media agents at the arrest who then come and take pictures and post or print allegations before anything is known and this in turn takes away believability from the public.
    I also see what happens on a monthly basis where girls throw themselves at famous people for various reasons from wanting to be in a VIP section of a club to wanting to sell a story or even thinking that the guy will leave his longtime girlfriend or wife for them.
    Its quite laughable to what lengths people go and whilst I think that side is quite ridiculous you also have to remember that these actions take away the seriousness of what happens when a girl is attacked through no fault of her own.

    My comment is related to the fact that it is my own opinion that I lose belief of someone who has not made a claim for 30 years and suddenly comes out when the thought of a payday looms.
    This takes away some reality from the traumas faced by women and boys who are abused and raped daily.

    There are huge numbers of people making claims against saville who are lying and the police are fully aware of this, maybe in the hope of notoriety or in the hope of a payout, who knows but they take away from those who were genuinely abused which is a true sin.

    Please understand that although you took my meaning in the wrong way, it wasnt meant to be as you thought.
    Living MY dream.
  • crumbschief
    crumbschief Posts: 3,399
  • ooermissus
    ooermissus Posts: 811
    Not sure we have any firm knowledge of what Rolf was arrested for - so surely this is all rather pointless speculation.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    All I have read is that it is a one off incident involving a woman in her 30's at the time who has made a statement based on something that happened in the 80's.
    I question why it was linked to this investigation in the first instance.
    Does this mean that if you are a public figure, from now on you will be investigated under the jimmy saville umbrella from now on ?
    Again, not taking anything away from those concerned, more that they should be categorised to make sure something like that never gets covered up again in the future.
    Living MY dream.
  • ooermissus
    ooermissus Posts: 811
    But do we really know that's the allegation? The police aren't saying anything and the media haven't reported much either - not even the name for a long time.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    I'm not sure. All I have read is that it's been called an historic incident. Also, that its not in connection with Saville or anyone underage but a woman in her 30's.

    I think this really sums up my point. He has been accused without really being caused which is needless and pointless. If he was a danger the police should lock him up. If he isn't they should allow justice to take its course. Either way, it should never be publicised until the defendant is found guilty.
    It's ok to say we should side with the accuser but at the same time, the defendant also has rights, both morally and legally.

    Anyone from the West Midlands area may know frankly, an estate near longbridge.
    A guy in his 40's was beaten to death with his son as he was accused of sexually abusing a kid.
    It turns out that the guy was a care worker who had devoted his life to looking after disadvantaged kids including his son who had severe learning difficulties.
    Word was spread that this guy had abused a kid and within a week he and his son were dead.

    The claims of course were false, he was a good man who had done good all his life but the word of a drunken fool get him and his son killed.

    These matters are serious, the public do not need to m ow unless they are in potential danger.
    Living MY dream.