Just look at this pathetic arsehole.



  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    I was coralled (think they call it kettling nowadays) off the train from Leeds by the police with a load of Spurs (shite) 0n their way to Elland road.

    As I was trying to explain quitely to one of the constabulary that I was actually just on my way to visit a friend at Leeds Met Uni, one of the Spurs (shite) shook up a can of coke , opened it and attempted to shove it up the nostril of a police horse.

    Fortunatley the horse just brought its head down on him and he was given a good truncheoning by officers around him.

    Different days, not so much CCTV , But police reaction to football "fans" in those days was a lot more in your face.
  • izza
    izza Posts: 1,561
    Here is video


    He admits his excuses are feeble but is doing what he can to try and 1) reduce his fine when arriving in court and 2) not lose his season ticket from NUFC and 3) not have his benefit fraud curtailed.

    I've never seen an oxygen deprived guy look more non-panicked - especially for a person who has stumbled out of a pub (having had only 2 pints and 2 bottles over 2 hours before the horse assault) with a sore filling that even the wind made unbearable.

    He and his excuses are pathetic.
  • Pituophis
    Pituophis Posts: 1,025
    Punching a horse is disgraceful :shock:

    I wish he'd punched a dog, then shat outside it's basket :D
  • BigJimmyB
    BigJimmyB Posts: 1,302
    Slowmart wrote:
    So this arsehole is claiming disability benefit and can afford a £45 ticket to a football game. :roll:

    I wonder what Beveridge would say in the shift of a safety net for the weak and disadvantaged to lifestyle choice by the lowlife scum we support as tax payers. :roll:

    Hear hear

    Fair play for him agreeing to being interviewed by the beeb, and to be fair he doesn't come across as a moron, but 'self-defence' and 'cold on me tooth'...mmmmmm
  • Lagrange
    Lagrange Posts: 652
    This guy is a tw@ - no doubt about that. He would be one if he did not punch horses and I'd not cry too many tears if the h gave him a good kicking in reaction to its assault. BUT.
    Living and biking in Essex is my world and there are horse people there too. And dog people. I'm always wary of either but there is one FA horse woman with her fit daughter (who inevitably will develop said FA later in life ) who I hate absolutely. On the bridleways they will never let me pass if I'm behind (because she tells me that bridleways are for H not bikes) and when I approach she shouts at me to get out of the way as I'm scaring the H. Well the H's are effng giants and I'm not and they are not the slightest bit bothered by me. This is just FA and her daughter being a pia and trying to rule the place. So under those circumstances I'm inclined to whack the horse on the nose even if it is only a proxy for machine gunning all four of them. :twisted:
  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    ddraver wrote:
    Let's be honest guys, the horse barely felt anything...

    Did the horse tell you that ??
  • seanoconn
    seanoconn Posts: 11,625
    Imposter wrote:
    ddraver wrote:
    Let's be honest guys, the horse barely felt anything...

    Did the horse tell you that ?? Do you have evidence?


    There's a pattern emerging here :wink:
    Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי
  • Lagrange
    Lagrange Posts: 652
    Imposter wrote:
    ddraver wrote:
    Let's be honest guys, the horse barely felt anything...

    Did the horse tell you that ??

    Actually horses don't communicate verbally.
  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    Lagrange wrote:
    Imposter wrote:
    ddraver wrote:
    Let's be honest guys, the horse barely felt anything...

    Did the horse tell you that ??

    Actually horses don't communicate verbally.

    I know that. He wrote it down, obviously....
  • vitesse169
    vitesse169 Posts: 422
    Lagrange wrote:
    This guy is a tw@ - no doubt about that. He would be one if he did not punch horses and I'd not cry too many tears if the h gave him a good kicking in reaction to its assault. BUT.
    Living and biking in Essex is my world and there are horse people there too. And dog people. I'm always wary of either but there is one FA horse woman with her fit daughter (who inevitably will develop said FA later in life ) who I hate absolutely. On the bridleways they will never let me pass if I'm behind (because she tells me that bridleways are for H not bikes) and when I approach she shouts at me to get out of the way as I'm scaring the H. Well the H's are effng giants and I'm not and they are not the slightest bit bothered by me. This is just FA and her daughter being a pia and trying to rule the place. So under those circumstances I'm inclined to whack the horse on the nose even if it is only a proxy for machine gunning all four of them. :twisted:

    Get an air zound - that'll sort the wenches right out....!
  • BigJimmyB
    BigJimmyB Posts: 1,302
    Lagrange wrote:
    This guy is a tw@ - no doubt about that. He would be one if he did not punch horses and I'd not cry too many tears if the h gave him a good kicking in reaction to its assault. BUT.
    Living and biking in Essex is my world and there are horse people there too. And dog people. I'm always wary of either but there is one FA horse woman with her fit daughter (who inevitably will develop said FA later in life ) who I hate absolutely. On the bridleways they will never let me pass if I'm behind (because she tells me that bridleways are for H not bikes) and when I approach she shouts at me to get out of the way as I'm scaring the H. Well the H's are effng giants and I'm not and they are not the slightest bit bothered by me. This is just FA and her daughter being a pia and trying to rule the place. So under those circumstances I'm inclined to whack the horse on the nose even if it is only a proxy for machine gunning all four of them. :twisted:

    Where do you ride? I'll glsadly come with you and put them straight. Whats FA btw?
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    Newcastle fans must have lowest IQ in Premiership.
    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... trial.html
  • smoggysteve
    smoggysteve Posts: 2,909
    Bustacapp wrote:
    parasitic, brain dead oxygen thief

    Sorry, where I come from we just shorten it to Geordie.
