Whats your food the day before...?

jgsi Posts: 5,062
A road race/crit/long sportive which gives you the best performance on the day?
Do you go balanced/pro carb/ pro protein or do you simply dont worry about it?


  • ut_och_cykla
    ut_och_cykla Posts: 1,594
    bit more carbs - no known gut irritants, plenty of water.
  • alihisgreat
    alihisgreat Posts: 3,872
    I don't worry about it for a crit - or a sportive.. but the local sportives aren't very tough.

    I'd probably just try and eat properly for the whole week before a longer road race - but don't overdo it the day before.
  • danlikesbikes
    danlikesbikes Posts: 3,898
    Pretty much as others just good sensible food. My personal choice is chicken & pasta with simple home made sauce nothing to spicy for me the day before & in the morning make sure I have something pretty good either toasted bagel, porridge guess it just depends on what I feel like.
    Pain hurts much less if its topped off with beating your mates to top of a climb.