hidden purchases - nothing to declare?

zoltansocrates Posts: 118
edited March 2013 in Road beginners
bikes is an addiction, once you start you need more, you are always thinking 'what else do i need?' you justify to your own mind the third spare turbo tyre purchase just so you can go and look around the shops, normally, on most occasions, you buy something, you have to - but who declares all to the missus? is every purchase 'owned up' or is that set of new bars or wheels in the boot of your car until she goes out? are the new assos bib shorts decalred or shoved up the jumper?
and if you do get caught/have to declare do you remove the purchase stickers displaying costs? is your bike shop the one that discounts all year round at sometimes up to 75% of rrp, is that new endura jacket explained away as an 'oh i bought it last year in the sale'

or is it only me who, when returning home of an evening, feels like i am living in a perpetual airport scene from midnight express?


  • Cliff22
    Cliff22 Posts: 104
    I'm lucky in the fact that my better half has just taken up cycling so if something appears in the post she normally hears.
    I ordered it for either of us in the sale, if it fits you then its yours......
  • Vandiesel
    Vandiesel Posts: 506
    bikes is an addiction, once you start you need more, you are always thinking 'what else do i need?' you justify to your own mind the third spare turbo tyre purchase just so you can go and look around the shops, normally, on most occasions, you buy something, you have to - but who declares all to the missus? is every purchase 'owned up' or is that set of new bars or wheels in the boot of your car until she goes out? are the new assos bib shorts decalred or shoved up the jumper?
    and if you do get caught/have to declare do you remove the purchase stickers displaying costs? is your bike shop the one that discounts all year round at sometimes up to 75% of rrp, is that new endura jacket explained away as an 'oh i bought it last year in the sale'

    or is it only me who, when returning home of an evening, feels like i am living in a perpetual airport scene from midnight express?
    lmao! I can totally relate to this thread! I'm very new to this world of two wheels having made some life changes (health reasons) and have been involved with track cars that is extremely costly! I've just bought a TCR 3 and collect Sat. My wife has been watching me research for weeks knowing full well things will be hidden, disguised and lied about!!
    Yes, I too am Billy Hayes from Midnight Express!
    Giant TCR Composite 3
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    My missus is pretty supportive of my hobby and aware of the costs as she has to research stuff for Christmas and birthdays and communicate with relatives. I took her into the LBS so that she could work out for herself why i needed a shiny new carbon bike when I already had a road bike ( and a hybrid ) and why they are so expensive and she was cool about that. I don't tell her everything I spend and neither does she tell me. We have a joint bank account and both have internet access to it and fortunately for us there is plenty of money going in. She is pretty shrewd and not a lot would get past her. Without wishing to sound patronising, a relationship is based on mutual trust and finance is an important part of that relationship. If she wants to go and buy new shoes and a top that's fine with me. If you can't trust your partner with money, what other areas can they not be trusted in ...
  • mpatts
    mpatts Posts: 1,010
    I once received a bike in the post with a "congrats on winning our monthly prize" slip inside.

    Insert bike here:
  • Vandiesel
    Vandiesel Posts: 506
    mpatts wrote:
    I once received a bike in the post with a "congrats on winning our monthly prize" slip inside.

    haha that's brilliant!
    Giant TCR Composite 3
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I often order to arrive on days the mrs is not going to be in.
    Some have to be hidden, but other things blend in nicely. When things 'appear' I say that I have had them ages (which is actually true lol).
    I have often sold a few sale items on ebay, so thats a good line if something comes when I am not in to ferret it away.
    Sometimes she cannot see the woods for the trees, wheel bags are great for hiding new wheels. Mrs knows I have two sets and she would never open the bag to look at them, but if she did :oops:

    I am tired of the deceit now though and I have turned over a new leaf. Mrs is not stupid and I feel better for being honest with her.
    I have not ordered anything for over a week now! :P
  • Hi there, first post on here but have been reading the road forums for a few weeks now. Brilliant advice incidentally. Back on topic! My OH doesn't really mind so much to the extent that I'm collecting my first new roadbike in 20years tomorrow and she has been most supportive, even when the budget limit kept getting pushed. However I have to say that whenever we return home and there is a Wiggle or Dales package behind the door I do feel the urge to quickly whip it out of site and into the cupboard before it's spotted! :)
  • Vandiesel
    Vandiesel Posts: 506
    Ozzysbeard wrote:
    Hi there, first post on here but have been reading the road forums for a few weeks now. Brilliant advice incidentally. Back on topic! My OH doesn't really mind so much to the extent that I'm collecting my first new roadbike in 20years tomorrow and she has been most supportive, even when the budget limit kept getting pushed. However I have to say that whenever we return home and there is a Wiggle or Dales package behind the door I do feel the urge to quickly whip it out of site and into the cupboard before it's spotted! :)
    I'm starting to feel more at home :mrgreen:
    Giant TCR Composite 3
  • navrig
    navrig Posts: 1,352
    Have it delivered to the office. Small - med packages travel in the work rucsac. large packages wait until I have the car and she is away for the weekend or evening.

    I currently have a new set of Mavic Ksyriums sitting in the garage hidden amongst the spare wheel stock. The problem is they are the shiny finish and look too clean. I cannot bear the thought of rubbing an oil rag over the shiny between the spokes just to camaflouge the newness!!

    I deserve to have that first ride with virginal cleanliness, it doesn't happen very often.
  • marylogic
    marylogic Posts: 355
    Just don't complain when she tells you she picked up a pair of Jimmy Choos for £20 in Primark :lol:
  • djm501
    djm501 Posts: 378
    No idea what you're all talking about...

    *tries not to glance too obviously at the spare sets of handlebars lying on the floor of his works office*
  • g00se
    g00se Posts: 2,221
    Another option is to have it delivered to your single/divorced cycling mate. Then nip round later with a cheery "Bob's got an old carbon frame that he's letting me have for a steal!".

    The problem is that the other half thinks that he's such a wonderful, generous guy that she aught to sort him out with one of her single friends...
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Think the mrs has probably rumbled my Garmin 500 though :shock:
    The unit is a doddle to hide, but the mount on both my bikes is a bit of a givaway :oops:

    It does not say 500 on it so I will probably have to mention my new Garmin Edge 200 shortly 8)
  • goonz
    goonz Posts: 3,106
    Ha this thread is all so familiar!!! :)

    I order most things to my office unless its to large and then I have to get it delivered at home. My wife is totally exaserbated with my cycling addiction but i did sell a few things at the start of the year so that softened the blow somewhat.

    I cant hide anything as she knows all my hiding spots and can tell when I am wearing something new and different. Gear for the bike goes straight into the garage so can hide it for a while, but clothing has to come in with me and thats when I get caught!

    I have found buying her something at the same time definitely makes things easier so each time you need a new frame or gruppo, just buy her a new pair of shoes or handbag! :)
    Scott Speedster S20 Roadie for Speed
    Specialized Hardrock MTB for Lumps
    Specialized Langster SS for Ease
    Cinelli Mash Bolt Fixed for Pain
    n+1 is well and truly on track
    Strava http://app.strava.com/athletes/1608875
  • mrbubbaman
    mrbubbaman Posts: 171
    My Mrs is a detective, so I have no chance! She eventually rumbles me and I get grief :mrgreen:
  • ianbar
    ianbar Posts: 1,354
    i am quite lucky as it was my now wifes family that got me into cycling. i dare not suggest to her that i now want a mountain bike on the back of such rubbish weather (just spent £2500 on a titanium summer bike)...i did save especially for it though. she does understand generally but if i spent money i dont have then that would be different matter, give it few weeks when weather SHOULD be much nicer and she will be complaining i am out all the time though!
    enigma esprit
    cannondale caad8 tiagra 2012
  • slowmart
    slowmart Posts: 4,516
    I rarely drink I don't smoke or have affairs and you could say I'm a boring git.

    However if the worst thing is some nice cycling kit turns up now and again thats a pretty good deal. :wink:
    “Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime. Teach a man to cycle and he will realize fishing is stupid and boring”

    Desmond Tutu
  • Toe knee
    Toe knee Posts: 525
    Bought an endura windchill jacket not long ago," the salesman knocked £25 off because it was last years range love ..."
    He he he ... :D:D:lol: Oh and those gloves...erm ...bought them last year you just haven't seen them before ... :D:)
  • Peddle Up!
    Peddle Up! Posts: 2,040
    Two things...

    "Gentle the slope, easy the way"

    Wife pounds (£W)
    Purveyor of "up" :)
  • Frank pole
    Frank pole Posts: 112
    Got a pair Archetypes being built now - delivered to mates address! Sorted!
  • Buckie2k5
    Buckie2k5 Posts: 600
    Ive started to hide things myself now, theres only so many times "ye but you go out for lunch with your friends every week how much does that cost" works. ;)
  • SoSimple
    SoSimple Posts: 301
    This has to be the best ever thread on here.

    I've just managed to pick up a Garmin Edge 800 for £99 as they've brought out a new version!

    She didn't quite say it but I could see her thinking....you paid £99 for that tiny little thing!
  • I was just the same. From my Garmin 800 to pedals, jerseys... and "not another box from bloody Wiggle, what have you ordered now"... I've given up trying to hide stuff as its better I keep her on side to receive all my goodies :)

    However, I'm not sure how to broach the subject of a wilier Cento 1 SR that I've got my eye on...!
    Still trying to convince the missus of the n+1 rule...!
  • goonz
    goonz Posts: 3,106
    SoSimple wrote:
    This has to be the best ever thread on here.

    I've just managed to pick up a Garmin Edge 800 for £99 as they've brought out a new version!

    She didn't quite say it but I could see her thinking....you paid £99 for that tiny little thing!

    Where did you pick up an 800 for 99?
    Scott Speedster S20 Roadie for Speed
    Specialized Hardrock MTB for Lumps
    Specialized Langster SS for Ease
    Cinelli Mash Bolt Fixed for Pain
    n+1 is well and truly on track
    Strava http://app.strava.com/athletes/1608875
  • me-109
    me-109 Posts: 1,915
    Same place as my Bryton!
  • andy9964
    andy9964 Posts: 930
    Advice needed as to how I can change a black Hardrock MTB, for a white road bike.
    Would "What, that old thing?" be a good line :)
    Going to look at it today, may leave a deposit and pick it up next week, using the C2W scheme as the purchase method excuse (it's not, the LBS doesn't use the same scheme as my employer)

    Wish me luck :?
  • goonz
    goonz Posts: 3,106
    good luck the C2W shceme is a wicked way of getting a bike without the missus kowing too much. I got 2 like that! :) At least its monthly so doesnt show as such a massvie dent in the bank balance!
    Scott Speedster S20 Roadie for Speed
    Specialized Hardrock MTB for Lumps
    Specialized Langster SS for Ease
    Cinelli Mash Bolt Fixed for Pain
    n+1 is well and truly on track
    Strava http://app.strava.com/athletes/1608875
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    Ask yourself the question..... Will the other half actually notice new kit ? Mine doesn't.

    If the other half will notice, then:
    1) get new stuff delivered to work.
    2) buy it from your LBS, so that the other half doesn't take delivery.
    3) make sure that the garage / bike storage place, is in a right state, so that the OH doesnt venture in there.
    4) Camoflage new stuff. eg. My old wheels were white with black tyres, my new wheels were black, so I put white tyres on them. She never noticed :lol:
    5) FInd an other half who doesn't care so long as you don't go completely over board !
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    MattC59 wrote:
    Ask yourself the question..... Will the other half actually notice new kit ? Mine doesn't.

    If the other half will notice, then:
    1) get new stuff delivered to work.
    2) buy it from your LBS, so that the other half doesn't take delivery.
    3) make sure that the garage / bike storage place, is in a right state, so that the OH doesnt venture in there.
    4) Camoflage new stuff. eg. My old wheels were white with black tyres, my new wheels were black, so I put white tyres on them. She never noticed :lol:
    5) FInd an other half who doesn't care so long as you don't go completely over board !

    Exactly, my other half knows I have a black bike, a blue bike and a couple of others (or had until 3 got stolen from the shed recently) but wouldn't have a clue about the clothing, extra wheels, shoes and has little interest...
    Do not write below this line. Office use only.
  • Beckers62
    Beckers62 Posts: 66
    I'm going to hack you all off now :D

    My other half emails me links to kit she thinks I might like. She was egging me on last night when I showed her a Rapha jersey I quite like the look of

    To be fair, she cycles too and we have separate finances

    Best arrangement ever