100th Tour De France - Your chance to ride in Paris



  • Paul 8v
    Paul 8v Posts: 5,458
    http://m.guardian.co.uk/environment/bik ... s-cyclists

    Here is the article, basically I think I am going to have to try and hire a bike over there otherwise this isn't happening. They have their own version of the Borris bike, might have to be that!
  • graeme_s-2
    graeme_s-2 Posts: 3,382
    My plan is to hire velib bikes and ride in from our hotel. Biggest problem will probably be finding an empty stand to get rid of it afterwards!
  • Paul 8v
    Paul 8v Posts: 5,458
    I don't know how long the whole process will be but a Velib could get expensive if it's a good few hours. Free for the first half hour, then a euro for the next half hour, 2 for the next then every other half hour is 4 euros. I suppose it won't be that much in the long run. the trick apparently is to just keep swapping them over.

    I've just emailed every bike shop in Paris to try and find a rental, a few have come back but they won't let you reserve them for that day :-(

    At least if i can't find anything else I won't be the only guy on a Velib!

    Eurostar can sod off if they think I'm leaving a carbon bike with their guys to chuck about, bit of a shame as it's scuppered any hopes of going over on the train for rides in France. I doubt many serious cyclists would leave their bikes with them now they can't keep an eye on them :-(
  • graeme_s-2
    graeme_s-2 Posts: 3,382
    When I worked out the price for a velib for the afternoon it didn't seem much worse than hiring a bike for the day. Not ideal but seems like it should work.

    I bet there will be loads of people on velibs. I think they were even mentioned in the original blurb when they first announced the ride.
  • For those doing the ride around the Champs Elysees, I am the host of the Team Sky Fanzone (which some call Brit Corner). We are on Facebook and Twitter https://www.facebook.com/groups/139830856157977 and @TeamSkyFanzone respectively.

    We are also holding a spectating event if you are in Paris on Saturday 20th July at Le Frog XVI on Avenue Kleber from 1.30pm which can be seen at https://www.facebook.com/events/426900034043426/ so if you fancy discounted drinks and watching a potentially decisive day for the yellow jersey please come along and meet many cycling fans.

    Oh, and you don't need to be British or a Team Sky fan to be welcome. Everyone is!
  • greasedscotsman
    greasedscotsman Posts: 6,962
    WOW! :D
  • wavefront
    wavefront Posts: 397
    Yup, wow!

    Did the complete stage route this morning, finishing with the organised ride around the Champs élysées with a few others (5000?) , cool to see , a sea of yellow t shirts everywhere. Cycled back to Versailles / Buc and now going to watch them all ride back into Paris in a few minutes - lovely day, if a tad hot!! The only negative was waiting at the start line for over an hour in the blistering heat.... Not sure why it started late?
  • greasedscotsman
    greasedscotsman Posts: 6,962
    Don't think it was late? But yes, it was very, very hot. They could have dished out some of the bottles of water they had at the end whilst we were all waiting.

    Was worth it though, to see the sea of yellow coming down the Champs Elysees. Give it a bit of gas thought the tunnel and last km or so, which was great fun! Great end to a couple of weeks at the Tour! Off shortly to see the final stage...
  • graeme_s-2
    graeme_s-2 Posts: 3,382
    Had a fantastic time on my Velib. Great event, really well organised. Looked spectacular!
  • typekitty
    typekitty Posts: 188
    It did look amazing! Didn't know about it which was a huge shame :( Looked like tonnes of fun.
  • Paul 8v
    Paul 8v Posts: 5,458
    Had a great time, unfortunately my (Borrowed) GoPro decided it was going to shear off its mount and roll down the road after about 500m! Thank God no-one ran over it!
  • kieranb
    kieranb Posts: 1,674
    Had a great time but a bit disappointed that after hours of queuing we only got to do one lap of the course! 10 years ago for the centenary of the tour (2003, with Lance going for his 5th record equalling victory - Paris was full of Americans) I took part in a similar ride around Paris but we got to do as much laps as you could within a certain time (had great fun with some from the C+ website racing through the crowds). This time I did it with my wife and children, still, loved it (best bit was going through the tunnel) and got the t-shirts. We looked for the sky fanzone on the Champs Elyees but couldn't see it for certain so we watched from the Tuileries Garden.