Nibali comments



  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    John Kline wrote:
    However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.

    Eric Bristow said, "Scoring's for show double's for dough"
    "Strikers win matches, but goalkeepers and defenders win leagues" - David Lacey, Guardian football correspondent.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • mfin
    mfin Posts: 6,729
    Panache doesn't exist. Its just a bit of vocabulary that a lot of people seem to litter about to laud their heroes, saves them saying they'd shove their tongue up the ass of 'whoever it is they idolise' just for one shared moment with them, and if not, probably at least stalk the hell out of the poor sportsmen if they lived near them.

    Idolising people and hanging on their words is weird. Mix it up with labelling them with 'panache/true this/ultimate that/lit up this/cleaned up that' is just a load of complete verbal guff.

    It is possible to complement/assess people on what they did in a race without resorting to using these meaningless terms, arguing over 'what panache is' when it doesn't exist is plain odd.

    ...or have I got it wrong and you have to be 'into' these terms to be a valid fan of the sport (the answer is 'no', but Im sure some might think otherwise).
  • mike6
    mike6 Posts: 1,199
    Panache is being the first Brit to win the TDF. The days of a team leader going out on a day long break are over. Merckx is not riding any more. If any team leader was to attempt a long solo break on a flat stage the other team leaders would put there domestiques on the front, let the lone leader hang out front till he was cooked, then put 10 minutes into him. That's the way it is now.
    Wiggins douse what he is good at, what do you expect him to do, bury himself just to let your heart throb win?
  • ratsbeyfus
    ratsbeyfus Posts: 2,841
    His Nibs is at it again. This time it's Contador he takes aim at.
    "When Froome went, I waited for Contador to go after him but he didn’t have having the legs," Nibali said in frustration.

    "I said, 'C'mon, do a bit' but he just stayed on my wheel. It's a pity because we could have fought out for the win and stopped Froome from getting back up to us.

    I had one of them red bikes but I don't any more. Sad face.

  • rebs
    rebs Posts: 891

    Who is the better climber. Wiggins or Nibs?:P
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    Once again Nibali comes with the pure racer talk. Love this guy. ... nts_325049

    “The teams don’t want to try these big and long moves because they are thinking of the WorldTour classification,” Nibali told VeloNews. “The riders all think about bringing in points because they are important for the teams and for their contracts.”

    “I can do it solo in Liège-Bastogne-Liège, but Milano-Sanremo is another story. Sanremo is 300 kilometers, not 250, so any sort of extra effort you do … It’s difficult,” Nibali added. “For Milano-Sanremo, I could’ve used someone with me on my attack. I had many kilometers ahead of me. Ahead of my move on the Cipressa, I spoke with someone. I won’t say or name names of those who should’ve gone with me. Instead, I was on my own.”

    “Riders like me and Cancellara don’t think about the points, just the win,” he said. “That way of thinking, about placings and WorldTour points, it’s a big downward spiral. It’s a shame for cycling because it steals the show from the fans but that’s the way it is because many riders have contracts that are linked to points so they watch the classification closely.”

    “Liège suits me with its long climbs,” he said. “I’ll have to see what the situation’s like on Sunday, but I’m not afraid to attack from far out.”

    Also a little fyi for people on here who think rider's dont care about the fans and actually perform for them see what Nibali says above and the best stage racer of his generation has also said the same numerous times.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • mfin
    mfin Posts: 6,729
    Also a little fyi for people on here who think rider's dont care about the fans and actually perform for them see what Nibali says above and the best stage racer of his generation has also said the same numerous times.

    Lance has never said that

  • “Riders like me and Cancellara don’t think about the points, just the win,” he said. “That way of thinking, about placings and WorldTour points, it’s a big downward spiral. It’s a shame for cycling because it steals the show from the fans but that’s the way it is because many riders have contracts that are linked to points so they watch the classification closely.”

    It is easy for Nibali to say that the big guns like himself and Cancellara need only worry about going for the win. They have a guaranteed contract at the end of every year. Plenty of riders don't and must scoop up as many points as possible because that is deemed to be their true value, hence we have the situation where teams are hiring riders from Iran because of their points tally, not because of their suitability for competition at World Tour level.

    Nibali's "winning formula" arguably cost him last year's Vuelta. :)
