Don Valley Stadium



  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    It's not about one stadium, there is a noticeable decline in cities around the UK of late. I know you have cities like Liverpool and Manchester that have had money spent but in the suburbs, villages and towns there are so many places that used to have the hustle and bustle of market town facilities that are withering away to nothing over the last few years that it becomes easy to jump into any subject relating to trying to save public or local facilities.
    The decline in public pools is another outrage but people have to make a voice as the decline is rather quick.
    Living MY dream.
  • rodgers73
    rodgers73 Posts: 2,626
    I would have thought that the main driver behind getting people into professional/elite sport is a club infrastructure where they can get the right training and to capture and nurture the talent at the right age. Sure, having an amazing stadium to train in is nice, but in times where money is tight I'd choose closing the stadium over cutting the coaching etc. I think the importance of all this in terms of its impact on sport is exaggerated.