


  • alihisgreat
    alihisgreat Posts: 3,872
    Bustacapp wrote:
    VTech wrote:
    Im not sure why it has got this far with so many people having a difference in opinion.
    The solution is ride 2 abreast when you feel like it and when a car comes to overtake simply fall into a line making it easier for the driver.
    After all, you want them to be courteous, surely the return of favour is the best solution ?

    This is not good enough for the selfish pr!cks in this thread who simply MUST ride 2 abreast at all times. Some other guy further up the thread said when he rides alone he likes 'x' amount of space between him and the kerb. So if he is riding 2 abreast would that then mean his mate would be almost in the centre of the road? ~Sorry but this thread just goes to show how many cyclists are utter w@nkers.

    It's funny how I've never had abuse whilst out cycling. From what I can see a lot of cyclists are the provokers!!

    There is nothing wrong with riding two abreast in most situations, unless it prevents traffic overtaking safely -> eg. on very narrow roads.

    Riding single file only encourages cars to 'sneak' past in gaps that they shouldn't try to. Its also arguably more dangerous since it doubles the length of your group.

    But you continue to ride around on your own in 'single file' then come back if you can find some friends to ride with and actually have experience riding two abreast... then you can voice your opinion.
  • Bustacapp
    Bustacapp Posts: 971
    There is nothing wrong with riding two abreast in most situations, unless it prevents traffic overtaking safely -> eg. on very narrow roads.

    Riding single file only encourages cars to 'sneak' past in gaps that they shouldn't try to. Its also arguably more dangerous since it doubles the length of your group.

    But you continue to ride around on your own in 'single file' then come back if you can find some friends to ride with and actually have experience riding two abreast... then you can voice your opinion.

    I have ridden two abreast before and if you actually take the time to pull your head out of your anal canal and bother to read my posts (instead of spewing mindless babble) you will see that I have no problem with it if it doesn't affect drivers coming up from behind.

    So voice my opinion I most certainly will if that is ok with you!

    It's all about good manners and not being an arrogant, selfish sh!tcunt.
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    Bustacapp wrote:
    It's all about good manners and not being an arrogant, selfish sh!tcunt.

    Manners, Timothy :lol:
    Faster than a tent.......
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    I dont wish to make another war here, god knows ive had enough but for what im short on cycling skills I make up for in common sense.
    Im not saying dont ride 2 abreast, in almost all circumstances, just file to single line when traffic is behind, this will then show them that they should pass safely and your back to 2 abreast before you know it.

    I really cant see the issue here, ive has similar discussions with other people on here and for whatever reason I struggled to get my point across so kind of gave up.
    Living MY dream.
  • smidsy
    smidsy Posts: 5,273
    But seeing how the overtaking vehicle should be in the other carriageway as showm earlier it is irrelevant!
    Yellow is the new Black.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    smidsy wrote:
    But seeing how the overtaking vehicle should be in the other carriageway as showm earlier it is irrelevant!

    Im with you, I think in general cars/vans etc do not consider bikes, they may give a little space, maybe the same as they do a car but a car isnt going to be blown over when passing at 40mph whereas a bike will go right over.
    It is always going to be a battle, thats for sure.
    Living MY dream.
  • Gizmodo
    Gizmodo Posts: 1,928
    dfriel2 wrote:
    Just wondering how common it is? Only been riding a few months but on the receiving end twice in the last month and its a bit off putting. First time a driver heading in the other direction slammed on the brakes (in a derestricted) and window down then hurled abusive. More recently I've had a bag of rubbish thrown at me from a moving car. Just missed. Too surprised to catch the plate number.. Both on the same road, heading to a prison. Is this "normal" or have I been unlucky??
    I think this thread tells you all you need to know about human nature. It's not about car drivers giving cyclists abuse, this thread demonstrates that any human being is quite happy to give another human being abuse if their views/feelings differ in any way.

    I am begining to dispair with this Road Beginners forum, what with the direction this thread has taken and
    iPad and bike gps :roll:
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    Yup, people with a contrary pov are subjected to insults and aggression...
    Nice welcoming place for cycling 'beginners?'
  • Tom Dean
    Tom Dean Posts: 1,723
    Bustacapp wrote:
    Tom Dean wrote:
    Riding two abreast always makes overtaking more difficult doesn't it? Should we go single file in the gutter, and make it even easier?

    Generally speaking yes it does you bovine halfwit. Yes go in single file in the same place you would ride if alone. If you're out in the sticks then you can hold your mates hand a bit more there, but remember to get in line if a vehicle travelling faster than you is having trouble getting past. Why would you not? Why would you want a car up your ars* for miles if anything else?
    Why am I a bovine (?) halfwit if the answer is yes? Stick to dreaming about doing violence to people rather than attempting intelligent discussion.
  • fluff.
    fluff. Posts: 771
    Gizmodo wrote:
    I am begining to dispair with this Road Beginners forum, what with the direction this thread has taken and
    iPad and bike gps :roll:

    Same, I wandered in here by mistake, but I now have 2 people on the ignore list. The first 2 people on ignore in how ever many years of intermittently browsing the forums. Sadface, and whatnot.
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,120
    Had someone sit on the window sill of a moving car and yell at me, been gobbed at and once hit by a (full) milk carton thrown from a moving car (going in the opposite direction, must have been a sniper or something)...

    As JPS said: "Hell is other people"

    It's just a hill. Get over it.