What books do you wish had never been made into a film?



  • American Psycho.

  • Monkeypump wrote:
    Life of Pi.

    A book full of imagination and film full of... er... not much at all.

    Haven't seen it but was disappointed when I discovered they were making a film. Just looks like a kid on a boat with a tiger. Tell me they include the others?
  • tim wand wrote:
    4 FOOT10 pretty boy Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher? Come on!

    Spot on - was listening to a podcast with Lee Child who said that in his mind after writing the books and at the early stages of moving it to a film had someone like lawrence dallaglio as the perfect person from an image point of view to play the part, but obviously the acting part might have been a stretch.

    In stead the cast a chap (don't get me wrong I like some of his films) who makes even me feel quite tall
    Pain hurts much less if its topped off with beating your mates to top of a climb.