Strava article in yesterdays Sunday Times



  • Gizmodo
    Gizmodo Posts: 1,928
    lawrences wrote:
    Gizmodo wrote:
    lawrences wrote:
    Near were I am there is a downhill segment on a single lane road with traffic going both directions. The road surface is awful and there are at least 3 blind corners. Prime example of a dangerous segment.
    Did you know you can flag a segment as dangerous? ... -Hazardous

    Just did that. I didn't want to be a spoilsport but that segment is a stupid idea. It's not a test of cycling ability anymore. The guy who was first has loads of other KoM's so he shouldn't mind too much. Incidently going down the same stretch of road earlier (at a more appropriate pace) I managed to hit a pothole so deep I pinch punctured the rear.

    I think any segment where someone can reach the first page with a power output of 0-50 Watts shouldn't exist.

    The real question though is that now the segment has gone will people go down at a reasonable pace or carry on pushing the limits?
    You and I both know it'll make no difference, but to keep the PC brigade happy we all have to do our bit.
  • This means that you may well have to flag just about every Alpine descent as dangerous then.........the reason these guys are KOM (or KOD?) with 0-50W is because they are excellent at descending - it's an impressive skill that I haven't completely mastered yet, but respect to those that have.

    If you've reccied the segment and consider it too dangerous, surely just don't do it fast? Stay within your limits.

    If you go too far you'll have us all required to email .pdfs of our medical certificates to Strava before we can attempt an (uphill) KOM, just like the French, they love all that red tape..........
  • navrig
    navrig Posts: 1,352
    Bustacapp wrote:
    MJF01 wrote:
    Durr...because innocent people get hurt. They need protecting from your selfish madness :)


    How about we use common sense and don't make dangerous downhill segments in built up areas?

    There is no such thing or at least it cannot be defined in such a way that it can be applied in a formal setting such as Strava sections.

    You could assume that it is the sense (of safety, reasonableness, ability to judge risks etc) of the average person. By default, then, half the people will be below that threshold and not be able to make that judgement (if you could define it of course).
  • bigmat
    bigmat Posts: 5,134
    Some people are just interfering idiots. Why flag a section as dangerous? Anybody who knows the area well enough to know there's a segment will presumably be able to make their own judgement. I guess there's a very small chance of a segment being dangerous to third parties (a fast descent past a school maybe?) but we're talking rare extremes here. Otherwise, if you don't like it then don't do it and leave it to the rest of us. I have had several KoM's flagged as dangerous and its just really irritating and pointless - I don't cycle dangerously, and I don't need someone to tell me if a stretch of road is safe for me or not. :evil:
  • Where I live the only descent sections are on the mtb trails but I agree with most on here that people have to take responsibility for their own actions.

    If you are riding beyond your comfort zone to get that KOM and crash then it wasn't stravas fault was it?
  • navrig
    navrig Posts: 1,352
    Where I live the only descent sections are on the mtb trails but I agree with most on here that people have to take responsibility for their own actions.

    If you are riding beyond your comfort zone to get that KOM and crash then it wasn't stravas fault was it?

    Depends: ... sts-death/
  • Navrig wrote:
    Where I live the only descent sections are on the mtb trails but I agree with most on here that people have to take responsibility for their own actions.

    If you are riding beyond your comfort zone to get that KOM and crash then it wasn't stravas fault was it?

    Depends: ... sts-death/

    It's a sad story, but it shows what happens when you live the 'blame culture'.

    It's like buying a Ferrari and crashing it 'cos you drove too fast, then sueing Ferrari for making such a fast car.

    Take responsibility for your own actions.
  • Navrig wrote:
    Where I live the only descent sections are on the mtb trails but I agree with most on here that people have to take responsibility for their own actions.

    If you are riding beyond your comfort zone to get that KOM and crash then it wasn't stravas fault was it?

    Depends: ... sts-death/

    saw that last summer then it seemed to die off with no more updates. To say strava caused him to crash is a complete and utter joke yet once again the Yanks try to abuse their legal system. The rider went out of his comfort zone, lost control and crashed so no one to blame but himself.

    Just because it's there doesn't mean you have to do it.
  • slowmart
    slowmart Posts: 4,516

    rather than taking absurd risks descending or jumping lights.

    Thats my take on it anyway.

    That's your choice. Take some personal responsibility rather than push your ideas onto someone else.

    It's the equivilant of banning cake, some will eat and enjoy in moderation, others will continue to stuff their face until they balloon in weight. Everyone has a choice.
    “Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime. Teach a man to cycle and he will realize fishing is stupid and boring”

    Desmond Tutu
  • I'm not pushing them onto anyone. As you say people can do what they like and will. I take responsibility for my actions. Sorry if you got offended, that wasn't my intention.
  • Thing is, if you check the ride of the KOM on that segment, his maximum speed reached is just over 20mph. The 2nd place rider did it from a standing start according to the data points and the data is clearly nonsense. Its just matching errors on a segment that's far too short. See the Veloviewer article linked to earlier. There's a segment near me that's equally short and just stupid: Maybe Strava should have a minimum length for a segment.
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    Cool seg. 0.2 miles in 65 hours. Hmm have a chance of KOM ....
  • dabber
    dabber Posts: 1,971
    There are just so many segments around. I did a quick calculation and of my 38 mile ride yesterday approx 29 miles of it were segments. This doesn't include segments overlaid on segments but just pure linear miles.
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