Strava article in yesterdays Sunday Times

supermurph09 Posts: 2,471
edited February 2013 in Road general
(If its been covered before then please link me to the discussion)

I'm sure Strava bores some to tears but as a new rider, riding on my own, with a thirst for stats I really like it. I've seen some of the bad press, some of it justified, but this all seems to be centred around flat sections and worst of all descents. Would Strava not be be better just having their software look for segments which show a decline and removing them, or even better not allowing them to be added?. Its always the stories about being being recorded at speed, usually above the speed limit for that road that seem to cause concern, rightly so.

For me as I'm sure many, I'd much rather be getting a KOM for an uphill battle rather than taking absurd risks descending or jumping lights.

Thats my take on it anyway.


  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    Where was this in the paper? I had a quick scan read but was too tied up with other stuff to read it properly, other than the Motoring section obviously.

  • It was in the main paper (I think), so many bloody bits to it I cant remember. I'd like to throw this in as well, good article. ... s-article/
  • I have to search to find where a segment is when I get told I've been competing in one. I agree, though, if someone is using it to try and beat another time they should not have descents (or sections with junctions and lights) that will encourage dangerous riding. It is both a risk to the rider (if they are stupid enough to act in that way) and innocent bystanders.
  • problem is how you define a descent - I have a segment (private) that is mile and is to me flat - but strava has is as a decent of 2%

    And to be honest people are just a slikely to injure themselves going for a uphill KOM as a downhill - as ever its moderation and testing yourself against yourself that works best - fek everyone else......unless you ride my one mile section, then its war. :lol:
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • WhipIt
    WhipIt Posts: 52
    No descent segments on Strava??

    It's a good job you didn't post this in the MTB forums!
  • And to be honest people are just a slikely to injure themselves going for a uphill KOM as a downhill - as ever its moderation and testing yourself against yourself that works best - fek everyone else......unless you ride my one mile section, then its war. :lol:

    Completely agree with the testing yourself comment, in fairness that's my focus when I'm on a segment, because its just that, me against me. I'm not riding in a group, I have no-one to battle against or wheel to follow! (I really must join a club!!).
    WhipIt wrote:
    No descent segments on Strava??

    It's a good job you didn't post this in the MTB forums!

    Ha ha, downhill for MTB more than acceptable, no traffic lights or HGV's in the middle of the woods!
  • KOM's for uphill segments only. The clue's in the abbreviation.

    There’s an almost entirely flat 26 mile route near here that has about half a dozen segments!
  • KOM's for uphill segments only. The clue's in the abbreviation.

    There’s an almost entirely flat 26 mile route near here that has about half a dozen segments!

    Spot on. :)
  • Why not just let people live their own lives and take their own risks?

    The world is boring enough already thanks to Health & Safety gone mad.
  • MJF01
    MJF01 Posts: 9
    Durr...because innocent people get hurt. They need protecting from your selfish madness :)
  • Bustacapp
    Bustacapp Posts: 971
    edited February 2013
    MJF01 wrote:
    Durr...because innocent people get hurt. They need protecting from your selfish madness :)


    How about we use common sense and don't make dangerous downhill segments in built up areas?

    There is also a function to flag sections that may be dangerous so that Strava can review them.
  • Ha ha, downhill for MTB more than acceptable, no traffic lights or HGV's in the middle of the woods!

    No just people walking dogs.
  • Bustacapp wrote:

    How about we use common sense and don't make dangerous downhill segments in built up areas?

    That was my point?

    As for the walkers and dogs, not being an MTB rider I though their segments would be runs in areas specified for bikes. Probably being naive there.
  • That was my point?
    In that case you need to edit your OP and remove the bit where you say you think it would be a good idea if Strava removed the ability to create descent segments.
  • Would Strava not be be better just having their software look for segments which show a decline and removing them, or even better not allowing them to be added?.

    So if I take the word "Would" out you'd be happy? Crikey, sorry if I offended you. :shock:
  • TakeTurns
    TakeTurns Posts: 1,075
    Are you really saying that these people who take reckless actions in order to get a KOM are simply doing it for Strava?

    That is preposterous. Anyone with common sense would know the risks involved and would avoid such stupidity.

    If someone is being reckless, it's to do with their persona and lack of care of others. Not because they want to go up a leaderboard. What I'm saying is; don't blame Strava, blame the people.

    The place I live in London is probably the highest point. It's a nice view from above. There are plenty of hills around, including one of the steepest in London. I've never even taken a look at the decent segments, nor do I go down them dangerously.
  • Gizmodo
    Gizmodo Posts: 1,928
    Bustacapp wrote:
    Why not just let people live their own lives and take their own risks?
    The world is boring enough already thanks to Health & Safety gone mad.
    Because that wouldn't sell newspapers. On a slow news day with pages to fill, newspapers and other news media have to rely on stirring up our emotions so that the name of their paper is being discussed on forums like this one.

    I never buy newspapers because they are 98% lies/exaggerations/sensationalism.
  • I'm happy to try for a KOM on a mountain climb, but I'd never push extra hard for one on a descent - I don't want to die just yet thanks.

    But ban descent KOM's? No way, if someone wants to go down balls out, let them, it's a free world. Everyone can manage their own risks.

    Flat KOM's are fine too, useful for measuring different aero positions.
  • Flat KOM's
  • Flat KOM's

    and? That's what Strava calls them whether they're up, down or flat. Take it up with them!
  • GGBiker
    GGBiker Posts: 450
    Having just secured 2nd place on a descent in the past hour (1st place is a pro rider), I have to respectfully disagree. People should take responsibility for their own actions. On a bike you are almost exclusively a liability to yourself.

    I would add that some of the sections I ride include traffic lights and the people holding the KOM either broke red lights, got very lucky or rode at 6am. I can see an argument for removal purely on grounds of fairness.
  • lawrences
    lawrences Posts: 1,011
    Near were I am there is a downhill segment on a single lane road with traffic going both directions. The road surface is awful and there are at least 3 blind corners. Prime example of a dangerous segment.

    However there are hundreds and hundreds of segments with downhill gradients that are perfectly fine, Good visibility and a smooth road surface. To state all downhill segments should be removed is just over dramatic. Every now and then you'll come across one that is a bad egg but on the whole they are as safe as you want to ride them.
  • alihisgreat
    alihisgreat Posts: 3,872
    And to be honest people are just a slikely to injure themselves going for a uphill KOM as a downhill - as ever its moderation and testing yourself against yourself that works best - fek everyone else......unless you ride my one mile section, then its war. :lol:

    Completely agree with the testing yourself comment, in fairness that's my focus when I'm on a segment, because its just that, me against me. I'm not riding in a group, I have no-one to battle against or wheel to follow! (I really must join a club!!).
    WhipIt wrote:
    No descent segments on Strava??

    It's a good job you didn't post this in the MTB forums!

    Ha ha, downhill for MTB more than acceptable, no traffic lights or HGV's in the middle of the woods!

    The funny thing about Strava for MTBs is that people are complaining since the Police use Strava to track down people riding illegal trails in the US :lol:
  • Gizmodo
    Gizmodo Posts: 1,928
    lawrences wrote:
    Near were I am there is a downhill segment on a single lane road with traffic going both directions. The road surface is awful and there are at least 3 blind corners. Prime example of a dangerous segment.
    Did you know you can flag a segment as dangerous? ... -Hazardous
  • KOM's for uphill segments only. The clue's in the abbreviation.

    There’s an almost entirely flat 26 mile route near here that has about half a dozen segments!

    [edit] there are 21 segments! :shock:
  • Interesting debate, I'm all for people having responsibility for themselves, they're obviously better going downhill than I am!
  • lawrences
    lawrences Posts: 1,011
    Gizmodo wrote:
    lawrences wrote:
    Near were I am there is a downhill segment on a single lane road with traffic going both directions. The road surface is awful and there are at least 3 blind corners. Prime example of a dangerous segment.
    Did you know you can flag a segment as dangerous? ... -Hazardous

    Just did that. I didn't want to be a spoilsport but that segment is a stupid idea. It's not a test of cycling ability anymore. The guy who was first has loads of other KoM's so he shouldn't mind too much. Incidently going down the same stretch of road earlier (at a more appropriate pace) I managed to hit a pothole so deep I pinch punctured the rear.

    I think any segment where someone can reach the first page with a power output of 0-50 Watts shouldn't exist.

    The real question though is that now the segment has gone will people go down at a reasonable pace or carry on pushing the limits?
  • lawrences
    lawrences Posts: 1,011
    Interesting debate, I'm all for people having responsibility for themselves, they're obviously better going downhill than I am!

    Those people are responsible for other people on the road too though. Smear yourself over a car windscreen and the driver's living with that for the rest of their lives. There's just the big grey area where you draw the line.
  • lawrences wrote:
    Interesting debate, I'm all for people having responsibility for themselves, they're obviously better going downhill than I am!

    Those people are responsible for other people on the road too though. Smear yourself over a car windscreen and the driver's living with that for the rest of their lives. There's just the big grey area where you draw the line.

    Yer. Shame, Darwin had pinned his hopes on this one.