What is logically wrong with eating horse meat?



  • team47b
    team47b Posts: 6,425
    Pross wrote:
    team47b wrote:
    Killing an animal for the sole purpose of eating it to satisfy your taste, causing pain, injury and death solely to bring an unnecessary diversity to your diet is not moral.

    Agreed, that's why I let other people do it.

    You should change your surname then, you're misrepresenting yourself :lol:

    team47b Why is it not moral to eat something that we have been designed to eat?

    Are we designed to do this, good question, you decide...

    Facial Muscles
    CARNIVORE: Reduced to allow wide mouth gape
    HERBIVORE: Well-developed
    OMNIVORE: Reduced
    HUMAN: Well-developed

    Jaw Type
    CARNIVORE: Angle not expanded
    HERBIVORE: Expanded angle
    OMNIVORE: Angle not expanded
    HUMAN: Expanded angle

    Jaw Joint Location
    CARNIVORE: On same plane as molar teeth
    HERBIVORE: Above the plane of the molars
    OMNIVORE: On same plane as molar teeth
    HUMAN: Above the plane of the molars

    Jaw Motion
    CARNIVORE: Shearing; minimal side-to-side motion
    HERBIVORE: No shear; good side-to-side, front-to-back
    OMNIVORE: Shearing; minimal side-to-side
    HUMAN: No shear; good side-to-side, front-to-back

    Major Jaw Muscles
    CARNIVORE: Temporalis
    HERBIVORE: Masseter and pterygoids
    OMNIVORE: Temporalis
    HUMAN: Masseter and pterygoids

    Mouth Opening vs. Head Size
    CARNIVORE: Large
    HERBIVORE: Small
    OMNIVORE: Large
    HUMAN: Small

    Teeth: Incisors
    CARNIVORE: Short and pointed
    HERBIVORE: Broad, flattened and spade shaped
    OMNIVORE: Short and pointed
    HUMAN: Broad, flattened and spade shaped

    Teeth: Canines
    CARNIVORE: Long, sharp and curved
    HERBIVORE: Dull and short or long (for defense), or none
    OMNIVORE: Long, sharp and curved
    HUMAN: Short and blunted

    Teeth: Molars
    CARNIVORE: Sharp, jagged and blade shaped
    HERBIVORE: Flattened with cusps vs complex surface
    OMNIVORE: Sharp blades and/or flattened
    HUMAN: Flattened with nodular cusps

    CARNIVORE: None; swallows food whole
    HERBIVORE: Extensive chewing necessary
    OMNIVORE: Swallows food whole and/or simple crushing
    HUMAN: Extensive chewing necessary

    CARNIVORE: No digestive enzymes
    HERBIVORE: Carbohydrate digesting enzymes
    OMNIVORE: No digestive enzymes
    HUMAN: Carbohydrate digesting enzymes

    Stomach Type
    CARNIVORE: Simple
    HERBIVORE: Simple or multiple chambers
    OMNIVORE: Simple
    HUMAN: Simple

    Stomach Acidity
    CARNIVORE: Less than or equal to pH 1 with food in stomach
    HERBIVORE: pH 4 to 5 with food in stomach
    OMNIVORE: Less than or equal to pH 1 with food in stomach
    HUMAN: pH 4 to 5 with food in stomach

    Stomach Capacity
    CARNIVORE: 60% to 70% of total volume of digestive tract
    HERBIVORE: Less than 30% of total volume of digestive tract
    OMNIVORE: 60% to 70% of total volume of digestive tract
    HUMAN: 21% to 27% of total volume of digestive tract

    Length of Small Intestine
    CARNIVORE: 3 to 6 times body length
    HERBIVORE: 10 to more than 12 times body length
    OMNIVORE: 4 to 6 times body length
    HUMAN: 10 to 11 times body length

    CARNIVORE: Simple, short and smooth
    HERBIVORE: Long, complex; may be sacculated
    OMNIVORE: Simple, short and smooth
    HUMAN: Long, sacculated

    CARNIVORE: Can detoxify vitamin A
    HERBIVORE: Cannot detoxify vitamin A
    OMNIVORE: Can detoxify vitamin A
    HUMAN: Cannot detoxify vitamin A

    CARNIVORE: Extremely concentrated urine
    HERBIVORE: Moderately concentrated urine
    OMNIVORE: Extremely concentrated urine
    HUMAN: Moderately concentrated urine

    CARNIVORE: Sharp claws
    HERBIVORE: Flattened nails or blunt hooves
    OMNIVORE: Sharp claws
    HUMAN: Flattened nails
    my isetta is a 300cc bike
  • Gabbo
    Gabbo Posts: 864
    We still display some characteristics of a carnivore however. Our eyes are situated at the front, whereas the eyes of a herbivore are situated at the side of their skull thus allowing them to have continuous 360 degrees of a visual field. This allows them to keep on guard against any approaching predators.

    Also we have canines. This is a devolved trait which traces all the way back to the Jurassic period. Herbivores do not have canines.
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    Re: What is logically wrong with eating horse meat?

    nothing and just about the rest of Europe eats it.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • Gabbo wrote:
    We still display some characteristics of a carnivore however. Our eyes are situated at the front, whereas the eyes of a herbivore are situated at the side of their skull thus allowing them to have continuous 360 degrees of a visual field. This allows them to keep on guard against any approaching predators.

    Also we have canines. This is a devolved trait which traces all the way back to the Jurassic period. Herbivores do not have canines.

    We also have an appendix which is almost entirely redundant (as far as we can work out), the primary function of which is to aid digestion of cellulose (plant matter).
  • VTech wrote:
    People who know little about finance and how it works listen to the TV in the morning before work and stop spending, this is a proven fact which in turn slows down the sales of goods which in turn closes down business and less tax is generated etc etc etc.
    Its a reasonable thing to assume (as some do) that credit crunch and recession is man made and ON PURPOSE in order to keep people in order.
    Not many people understand (not saying you don't) some of the priorities of government, its far more complex but ever so easy in reality.

    While confidence played a role in the credit crunch, it was the confidence of highly paid bankers - not "people who know little about finance" - that led to the interbank lending market drying up in 2008.

    BTW looking forward to hearing more about how this conspiracy is "far more complex but ever so easy in reality" - but don't you worry that government might bump you off if they discover you've twigged their dastardly secret?
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    ooermissus wrote:
    VTech wrote:
    People who know little about finance and how it works listen to the TV in the morning before work and stop spending, this is a proven fact which in turn slows down the sales of goods which in turn closes down business and less tax is generated etc etc etc.
    Its a reasonable thing to assume (as some do) that credit crunch and recession is man made and ON PURPOSE in order to keep people in order.
    Not many people understand (not saying you don't) some of the priorities of government, its far more complex but ever so easy in reality.

    While confidence played a role in the credit crunch, it was the confidence of highly paid bankers - not "people who know little about finance" - that led to the interbank lending market drying up in 2008.

    BTW looking forward to hearing more about how this conspiracy is "far more complex but ever so easy in reality" - but don't you worry that government might bump you off if they discover you've twigged their dastardly secret?

    What is the main priority of a government ?
    Living MY dream.
  • Daz555
    Daz555 Posts: 3,976
    This is simply a matter of consent. It is not acceptable to find hidden ingredients in products purchased in good faith.
    You only need two tools: WD40 and Duck Tape.
    If it doesn't move and should, use the WD40.
    If it shouldn't move and does, use the tape.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,160
    Pross wrote:
    You should change your surname then, you're misrepresenting yourself :lol:

    Yeah that horse has bolted Pross! I can see now why you're usually off the back. :wink:

    Missed the second page as usual :oops:

    EDIT no, missed half the first page too somehow. I'm giving up on the internet!
  • smoggysteve
    smoggysteve Posts: 2,909
    team47b wrote:
    Pross wrote:
    team47b wrote:
    Killing an animal for the sole purpose of eating it to satisfy your taste, causing pain, injury and death solely to bring an unnecessary diversity to your diet is not moral.

    Agreed, that's why I let other people do it.

    You should change your surname then, you're misrepresenting yourself :lol:

    team47b Why is it not moral to eat something that we have been designed to eat?

    Are we designed to do this, good question, you decide...

    Facial Muscles
    CARNIVORE: Reduced to allow wide mouth gape
    HERBIVORE: Well-developed
    OMNIVORE: Reduced
    HUMAN: Well-developed

    Jaw Type
    CARNIVORE: Angle not expanded
    HERBIVORE: Expanded angle
    OMNIVORE: Angle not expanded
    HUMAN: Expanded angle

    Jaw Joint Location
    CARNIVORE: On same plane as molar teeth
    HERBIVORE: Above the plane of the molars
    OMNIVORE: On same plane as molar teeth
    HUMAN: Above the plane of the molars

    Jaw Motion
    CARNIVORE: Shearing; minimal side-to-side motion
    HERBIVORE: No shear; good side-to-side, front-to-back
    OMNIVORE: Shearing; minimal side-to-side
    HUMAN: No shear; good side-to-side, front-to-back

    Major Jaw Muscles
    CARNIVORE: Temporalis
    HERBIVORE: Masseter and pterygoids
    OMNIVORE: Temporalis
    HUMAN: Masseter and pterygoids

    Mouth Opening vs. Head Size
    CARNIVORE: Large
    HERBIVORE: Small
    OMNIVORE: Large
    HUMAN: Small

    Teeth: Incisors
    CARNIVORE: Short and pointed
    HERBIVORE: Broad, flattened and spade shaped
    OMNIVORE: Short and pointed
    HUMAN: Broad, flattened and spade shaped

    Teeth: Canines
    CARNIVORE: Long, sharp and curved
    HERBIVORE: Dull and short or long (for defense), or none
    OMNIVORE: Long, sharp and curved
    HUMAN: Short and blunted

    Teeth: Molars
    CARNIVORE: Sharp, jagged and blade shaped
    HERBIVORE: Flattened with cusps vs complex surface
    OMNIVORE: Sharp blades and/or flattened
    HUMAN: Flattened with nodular cusps

    CARNIVORE: None; swallows food whole
    HERBIVORE: Extensive chewing necessary
    OMNIVORE: Swallows food whole and/or simple crushing
    HUMAN: Extensive chewing necessary

    CARNIVORE: No digestive enzymes
    HERBIVORE: Carbohydrate digesting enzymes
    OMNIVORE: No digestive enzymes
    HUMAN: Carbohydrate digesting enzymes

    Stomach Type
    CARNIVORE: Simple
    HERBIVORE: Simple or multiple chambers
    OMNIVORE: Simple
    HUMAN: Simple

    Stomach Acidity
    CARNIVORE: Less than or equal to pH 1 with food in stomach
    HERBIVORE: pH 4 to 5 with food in stomach
    OMNIVORE: Less than or equal to pH 1 with food in stomach
    HUMAN: pH 4 to 5 with food in stomach

    Stomach Capacity
    CARNIVORE: 60% to 70% of total volume of digestive tract
    HERBIVORE: Less than 30% of total volume of digestive tract
    OMNIVORE: 60% to 70% of total volume of digestive tract
    HUMAN: 21% to 27% of total volume of digestive tract

    Length of Small Intestine
    CARNIVORE: 3 to 6 times body length
    HERBIVORE: 10 to more than 12 times body length
    OMNIVORE: 4 to 6 times body length
    HUMAN: 10 to 11 times body length

    CARNIVORE: Simple, short and smooth
    HERBIVORE: Long, complex; may be sacculated
    OMNIVORE: Simple, short and smooth
    HUMAN: Long, sacculated

    CARNIVORE: Can detoxify vitamin A
    HERBIVORE: Cannot detoxify vitamin A
    OMNIVORE: Can detoxify vitamin A
    HUMAN: Cannot detoxify vitamin A

    CARNIVORE: Extremely concentrated urine
    HERBIVORE: Moderately concentrated urine
    OMNIVORE: Extremely concentrated urine
    HUMAN: Moderately concentrated urine

    CARNIVORE: Sharp claws
    HERBIVORE: Flattened nails or blunt hooves
    OMNIVORE: Sharp claws
    HUMAN: Flattened nails

    Panda bears are meant to eat meat but all they want it bamboo so what does that say?
  • ben@31
    ben@31 Posts: 2,327
    Panda bears are meant to eat meat but all they want it bamboo so what does that say?

    Pandas are a bunch of nobs that need to man up?
    "The Prince of Wales is now the King of France" - Calton Kirby
  • cornerblock
    cornerblock Posts: 3,228
    ben@31 wrote:
    Panda bears are meant to eat meat but all they want it bamboo so what does that say?

    Pandas are a bunch of nobs that need to man up?

    Yeah not really a trait you'd associate with Pandas, not even sure they have nobs.
  • Garry H
    Garry H Posts: 6,639
    VTech wrote:
    What is the main priority of a government ?

    Ejucashiun, ejucation, educashiun, innit
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    It has nothing to do with what we are designed to eat or not.
    Its to do with the fact that animals are bred for human consumption and a lot is put into place to make sure the life of the animal is controlled, wether by pesticides, antibiotics, inoculations and food etc.
    When you have products being sold that do not contain what you are told, how can you guarantee the product in any context. Imagine buying a Chinese takeaway and the DNA result shows cat or dog, it doesnt mean you will become ill but it isnt what you paid for.
    When you have controlled environments, the chances of such mishaps become less.
    Living MY dream.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    Garry H wrote:
    VTech wrote:
    What is the main priority of a government ?

    Ejucashiun, ejucation, educashiun, innit

    Obviously not doing a good job then !
    Living MY dream.
  • Garry H
    Garry H Posts: 6,639
    VTech wrote:
    Garry H wrote:
    VTech wrote:
    What is the main priority of a government ?

    Ejucashiun, ejucation, educashiun, innit

    Obviously not doing a good job then !

    Go on then teach', enlighten us all.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    The number one job of a government is to keep people in order.
    Do you really think that in such a modern time with such capabilities around us there would be so many cases of wastage ?
    Its done on purpose, people get wealthier, no longer want to do menial jobs, bring people in to do said jobs, people moan like crazy, government increase taxes to restore balance.

    Its not rocket science and I dont mean that in any other way than with the best intentions but its the case the world over. Just look at the trouble China is in now, they have had 10 years of boom and now people wont work for the low wages and so costs are changing and India is now the growth capital.
    Brazil is also in hot pursuit.
    Living MY dream.
  • VTech wrote:
    Its not rocket science and I dont mean that in any other way than with the best intentions but its the case the world over. Just look at the trouble China is in now, they have had 10 years of boom and now people wont work for the low wages and so costs are changing and India is now the growth capital.
    Brazil is also in hot pursuit.

    China is growing faster than India, and Brazilian workers earn a lot more than Chinese ones - apart from that though, I think you're onto something here.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    ooermissus wrote:
    VTech wrote:
    Its not rocket science and I dont mean that in any other way than with the best intentions but its the case the world over. Just look at the trouble China is in now, they have had 10 years of boom and now people wont work for the low wages and so costs are changing and India is now the growth capital.
    Brazil is also in hot pursuit.

    China is growing faster than India, and Brazilian workers earn a lot more than Chinese ones - apart from that though, I think you're onto something here.

    Not pro rata !
    The fastest growing economy is in fact Mongolia but per capita, India is booming and has growth forecasts that are simply stunning.
    The real issue is peoples demands, the more we have, the more we want, the more we get, the more we demand.
    Its a vicious circle and is unsustainable which is why we need to be kept in order.
    At the moment there is a huge push for "green energy" as it is a kind of acceptable taxation, people are more happy to pay when they believe they are saving the planet yet in reality this is just a backdoor to taxation growth without sustenance.
    Living MY dream.
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    The question shouldn't be 'what's wrong with eating horse meat', it should be 'what's wrong with eating Findus/tesco value/lidle/iceland etc. lasagne'.
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    MattC59 wrote:
    The question shouldn't be 'what's wrong with eating horse meat', it should be 'what's wrong with eating Findus/tesco value/lidle/iceland etc. lasagne'.

    Im glad I was sitting down, I never thought the day would come when we agree on something.
    Living MY dream.
    DIESELDOG Posts: 2,087
    Bute. Not good but not technically going to kill you more than the next Smidsy.

    Looking forward to the clearance section in Tesco myself.

    L n H

    Eagles may soar but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

  • jawooga
    jawooga Posts: 530
    team47b wrote:
    Are we designed to do this, good question, you decide...

    Facial Muscles
    CARNIVORE: Reduced to allow wide mouth gape
    HERBIVORE: Well-developed
    OMNIVORE: Reduced
    HUMAN: Well-developed


    One of the best posts I've read in a long long time. I wonder if you can provide sources or links to books, articles etc. as this post is a compelling antidote to the usual we're designed to eat meat brigade.

    I've not eaten meat in 10 years. I'm aware of the hypocrisy of vegetarian-non-veganism but equally, I think there's a lot of hypocrisy in this horse meat debacle. For sure, you should eat what you expect and there are health concerns, but there's also undoubted hypocrisy in a lot of the uproar of eating horse among those who are happy to eat just about anything else, including as has been succinctly put, low-brow ready meals.

    As an aside, I was wandering through the supermarket this evening, and spotted the shelf with an array of meat past and fish past in little jars - f.uck knows what's in those. As a comedian once said... "if there's any word more ambiguous than paste, it's meat."
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    I like horse, it's like beef but has a slightly spicy taste to it.

    And, we're not designed to do anything.
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    jawooga wrote:
    team47b wrote:
    Are we designed to do this, good question, you decide...

    Facial Muscles
    CARNIVORE: Reduced to allow wide mouth gape
    HERBIVORE: Well-developed
    OMNIVORE: Reduced
    HUMAN: Well-developed


    One of the best posts I've read in a long long time. I wonder if you can provide sources or links to books, articles etc. as this post is a compelling antidote to the usual we're designed to eat meat brigade.

    You can find as much evidence to prove right any point of view that you may have, in any media you choose.
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • smoggysteve
    smoggysteve Posts: 2,909
    The fact that we eat meat has helped humans as a species become what we are today. We are stronger, faster, taller than we would be if we only ate plants. Tools invented for hunting have helped us develop our technology. If we only ate plants and fruit we would probably still be sat in caves if we even existed at all.
  • team47b
    team47b Posts: 6,425
    The fact that we eat meat has helped humans as a species become what we are today. We are stronger, faster, taller than we would be if we only ate plants. Tools invented for hunting have helped us develop our technology. If we only ate plants and fruit we would probably still be sat in caves if we even existed at all.

    That is one of the funniest things I've read on here in ages, spat my free range muesli onto the screen, nice one :D
    my isetta is a 300cc bike
  • VTech wrote:
    ooermissus wrote:
    VTech wrote:
    Its not rocket science and I dont mean that in any other way than with the best intentions but its the case the world over. Just look at the trouble China is in now, they have had 10 years of boom and now people wont work for the low wages and so costs are changing and India is now the growth capital.
    Brazil is also in hot pursuit.

    China is growing faster than India, and Brazilian workers earn a lot more than Chinese ones - apart from that though, I think you're onto something here.

    Not pro rata !... per capita, India is booming.

    Indian growth is at its lowest for a decade, putting the government under considerable pressure. The picture looks worse per capita, as its population is growing so quickly. Pesky things, facts.
  • smoggysteve
    smoggysteve Posts: 2,909
    team47b wrote:
    The fact that we eat meat has helped humans as a species become what we are today. We are stronger, faster, taller than we would be if we only ate plants. Tools invented for hunting have helped us develop our technology. If we only ate plants and fruit we would probably still be sat in caves if we even existed at all.

    That is one of the funniest things I've read on here in ages, spat my free range muesli onto the screen, nice one :D

    Well, laugh all you like. I got that from a bbc David Attenborough nature program. I think he knows a damn sight more than either of us. You don't need to invent tools to go hunting lettuce. That's one of the basic things that has helped humans develop. Even if we are not specifically designed to be meat eaters it has made us what we are today.
  • capt_slog
    capt_slog Posts: 3,965
    team47b wrote:
    The fact that we eat meat has helped humans as a species become what we are today. We are stronger, faster, taller than we would be if we only ate plants. Tools invented for hunting have helped us develop our technology. If we only ate plants and fruit we would probably still be sat in caves if we even existed at all.

    That is one of the funniest things I've read on here in ages, spat my free range muesli onto the screen, nice one :D

    Well, laugh all you like. I got that from a bbc David Attenborough nature program. I think he knows a damn sight more than either of us. You don't need to invent tools to go hunting lettuce. That's one of the basic things that has helped humans develop. Even if we are not specifically designed to be meat eaters it has made us what we are today.

    Yup. And 'easy' food meant more leisure time. That leisure time was used to pass on what was learned from one generation to the next and from that you get the development of culture and skills. Not possible if you spend all your waking hours foraging.

    The older I get, the better I was.

  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    Selling horse meat as beef is fraud, plain and simple.