Filling the Void



  • Cheers Dave, my sprained wrist is getting better now so I can cyce and run, just started doing a 30min turbo on a morning to wake me up then another session later in the day, it's been runs so far whilst the weather is bad but I might start doing longer turbos over this next week.
    I'm sure you remember how quickly fitness drops off, they do say the more you have the faster it goes and my god has mine dropped. I'm sure it's because of the two weeks off exercise and not being able to breathe due to my rib. Just got to remember it'll come back

  • Yellow Peril
    Yellow Peril Posts: 4,466

    My top training tip for you both is to remember that cycling is all about going forwards and not backwards! Enjoy smashing the 4th cats to bits this year!

    Winner of the Bike Radar Pro Race Wiggins Hour Prediction Competition
  • daveclow
    daveclow Posts: 164
    No doubts that you will get the fitness back pretty quickly. I didnt train to your level whilst rowing, but i feel like im fitter now as a cyclist. but the difference is now i feel like a weener with long noodle arms. I still think that the rowing background helps us mentally. there arent many rowers out there who cant hurt themselves. I love climbing into the pain cave :twisted:

    thanks yellow peril. I didnt mind goin backwards when someone else was steering!