My boss is a tw@t, what can I do about it?



  • cornerblock
    cornerblock Posts: 3,228
    This is starting to make me think, and I'm not sure why anyone hasn't picked up on this before, all the problems with the big bad boss, as I say I'm not too sure why nobody hasn't noticed it, the repeat pattern thing that's going on, I really am amazed it's not been mentioned up till now. Could it possibly be that it's the OP that is the problem.

    There I've put it out there! :roll:
  • Lycra-Byka wrote:
    pauldavid wrote:
    I am wondering if it is the OPs attitude that makes his boss appear to behave like a T**t. If the OP regularly behaves as he says he does just because he doesn't get on with his boss, I am wondering where the common denominator is. :roll:

    Well said that man. Think the OP probably needs to have a look at his own attitude towards work/his boss.

    Said by either a boss or a brown-nose

    It's cool to hate the boss, all the big kids do it!

    Said by neither actually.

    I go to work, do my job, go home, get paid at the end of the month.

    Strangely I get no problems from my boss and get along with him ok. He will never be a personal friend but we need to work together so I just get on with my job and he leaves/trusts me to just get on with it.

    I do have a colleague who doesn't like the boss and always whines about him, I just nod and agree where required so that he will shut up and bother someone else (I imagine this is what's happening when the OP gets colleagues agreeing with him.

    Might be a good idea for the following to happen

    1: OP to just get on with his job and stop looking for ways to wind up his manager.

    2: OP to remember how many people are currently out of works/being made redundant and feel thankful that he isn't among them at the moment.

    3: OP to mature enough to realise we aren't going to like or get along with everyone we meet/have to interact with in life and that a level of tolerance is required at some point.
  • Lagrange
    Lagrange Posts: 652
    Maybe you should try and get a job with Keith Vaz. He is a genius, completely non corrupt and does not even remotely resemble a haddock. He runs the country , if not the world.
  • Bwgan wrote:
    Apart from:
    tell him he is (and get sacked)
    Get a new job (working on it)

    Something funny. I know his mobile phone number and address if these factors will help.
    I don't want it tracing back to me though.

    Things I've done to previous tw&ts include skips outside house when they're at work, taxis to the airport in the middle of the night, pizza deliveries. Just wondering if anyone had a fresh approach?!

    An example of him being a tw@t is:

    Last week he'invented' an award out of the blue for me, to show my hard work and determination, teamwork etc etc. then I got a bollocking for not working effectively enough. Mixed messages!?!

    Thanks in advance

    Hmmm..... we all, I imagine, will have worked with a tw4t or two. Or, so we thought.

    But, just who is the tw4t??

    Might it be the guy who inconveniences a skip hire company, a taxi firm and a pizza delivery business? Causing them to incur costs that will not be met, just to satisfy an infantile desire.

    Now, the boss may do things that make him look like a tw4t, I couldn't say. However, there are 3 businesses out there who don't give a shi-ite what your problems are, because times are hard enough without running errands that don't exist.

    You might want to think about that.

    Enjoy your Christmas.
  • bushu
    bushu Posts: 711
    Everyone but the Head of IT on double our wages has either handed notice or looking for a new job so I'm safe saying my boss is a clown even if i am a tw@ :)
    Think yourself lucky, our whole team get regular put downs from management so we're made to think we can't do better for ourselves elsewhere and justify our pish wages
    Used to be a great place to work until the MD started bullying everyone, after a couple of years chasing a carrot on a stick and seeing how badly they've treat my line manager & co-MD, after being with the company from day one.
    I need a good interview in the new year to save my own sanity
  • GavH
    GavH Posts: 933
    It's the right of everyone to whinge about the effectiveness of their boss, no matter what rung of the ladder they currently sit. That said, few people actually do anything about it. I did. "If you can't beat them, join them". I thought a succession of bosses were tits when I was younger, but I did as I was told and made sure they had precious little if anything to throw at me. Now I'm the boss and have been more succesful since stepping up than some of them have managed. No need to call taxis, pizzas or skip hire firms and no need to make threatening posts about 'I know where he lives and have his phone number'. That kind of thing ranges from at best immature to at worst quite sinister.

    To the OP, take a good look at yourself. Your boss may well be a Grade A tw@t, but you'll have a better chance of moving forward with this if you're not considered likewise, which frankly, is how your original post came across to me.