Electronic Suspension System



  • pe60t0
    pe60t0 Posts: 16
    Firstly, let me congratulate @vkolotov for the (according to me) astonishing achievement. Keep up the good work. I am not sure if microcontrollers are a hobby only, but if so, then that is even better thing you have done here ! I particularly enjoy the part where you though of connecting bikes with computers. I have thought about it myself too and its great to see that people have done it.

    I want to ask you a couple of questions: (if it is not a marketing secret of course)

    -> What time did it take you to build the whole thing(without the Android app, just the design, implementation of the electronics system and software ) ?
    -> Did you build this on your own only, or you had some help too ?
    -> What kind of testing did you do to make sure it is working correctly ? Or you just did multiple rides I guess ?
    -> I am mostly interested in how did you set up the values for when the system does what it should do (angles of inclination, bump power, etc) ?

    I think this project can be extended in many ways, and probably you are thinking about it too. For example, changing the travel of the suspension based on the inclination ?

    The topic about technology and should we get dependent on it is quite interesting as well. @bluechair84 I can see what you mean that you want to ride "on your own" and I definitely agree with this, as that's what is nice about mountain biking - you, the nature and the bike as a whole. That's the idea of the sport - escape the busy lifestyle (that most of us live) and go into the nature, be part of it, experience it at its best. But also, as you said, this sport and mountaineering as a whole is very much dependent on technology - waterproof, breathable clothes, high quality rubber soles, travel-adjustable forks, advanced shifting mechanisms, bike computers to track speed and distance... Regardless of whether we want it or not, it is there and we can't escape from it. Eventually I think that this is a good thing. The counter-argument here though is that maybe that's the point...the lower technological advancement you have, the more you are to adapt to the changing environment and thus become better equipped for it(mostly mentally but pure physically too). Still however, I doubt it. Couple of decades ago people were mountaineering too, but do you think they were more efficient than us now with all the nice stuff we have now ? I hardly believe that without proper equipment(clothes,shoes, etc) mountaineering can be experienced in a nice way. For example, couple of years ago I joined a group of cyclists that went to the top of the highest peak in Bulgaria (Musala peak in the Rila mountains). We actually made a record for the biggest group of bikers to climb it. The people who set the record before us did it in the early 1900s with as you can guess, crude no-suspension bikes. There is absolutely no way they could have gown down the hill as we did. I guess they were just carrying the bikes on their backs up the peak and the down again. I doubt they experienced the same enjoyment as we did as we were killing all them rocks and gaps and you name it... So yeah, it is a contradictory topic.

    All the best :)
  • Firstly, well done, absolutely fantastic job on the finish and controls. I had been looking for my first arduino project for a while, the moment i saw this i wanted to install one on my Meta AM3.

    As this will be my first microcontroller project I plan on installing a system like this but without the android app and sensors. I have minimal coding experience in vb, thats about it.....

    Is there any chance you could provide further details on the components used, a parts list maybe?

    Microcontroller is the pro micro 3.3 or 5v, not sure which
    What are the servos used?
    Is there a separate bluetooth module required?

    If you plan on marketing this i would have no problem buying a kit or buying just the instructions from you.

    Thanks for the inspiration and any feedback in advance
  • vkolotov
    vkolotov Posts: 15
    edited July 2013
    Hi all,
    I can't share with you details about the system. Sorry for that.
  • pe60t0 wrote:
    Firstly, let me congratulate @vkolotov for the (according to me) astonishing achievement. Keep up the good work. I am not sure if microcontrollers are a hobby only, but if so, then that is even better thing you have done here ! I particularly enjoy the part where you though of connecting bikes with computers. I have thought about it myself too and its great to see that people have done it.

    Thank you for your feedback.
    pe60t0 wrote:
    -> What time did it take you to build the whole thing(without the Android app, just the design, implementation of the electronics system and software ) ?
    About 5-6 months I spent to build this system, but it was a part-time activity, I did it when I had a free time. I have really strong background in software engineering (starting with embedded applications and ending with enterprise applications), in fact it is my main activity at work, so it helped me a lot. Micro-electronics is just a hobby for me, however at my university I've had some courses which were mainly related to the electronics.
    pe60t0 wrote:
    -> Did you build this on your own only, or you had some help too ?

    Yes, I did it alone. But for testing the system I was looking for an XC proffesional/semi-proffesional rider, I've found one guy, so now the system is going to be tested by quite experienced XC rider.
    pe60t0 wrote:
    -> What kind of testing did you do to make sure it is working correctly ? Or you just did multiple rides I guess ?

    First of all, critical parts of the system are covered with unit tests. Finally, I did a lot of rides in order to test it. I am quite an active rider, 2-3 times a week I go to suburbs/countryside.
    pe60t0 wrote:
    -> I am mostly interested in how did you set up the values for when the system does what it should do (angles of inclination, bump power, etc) ?

    It is simple, there are default values stored in the internal memory (EEPROM). But you can modify them either through the buttons on the handle bar or through the android app.
    pe60t0 wrote:
    I think this project can be extended in many ways, and probably you are thinking about it too. For example, changing the travel of the suspension based on the inclination ?

    That is right, I have a plenty ideas in my head now. There were a lot of discussions on the internet about the future of this project.
  • vkolotov
    vkolotov Posts: 15
    edited July 2013
    Robbyod wrote:
    Firstly, well done, absolutely fantastic job on the finish and controls. I had been looking for my first arduino project for a while, the moment i saw this i wanted to install one on my Meta AM3.

    Thank you.

    The picture you've seen of the PCB was taken a quite long time ago, in fact it was the second version of the board. But you can still use one of those sparkfun MCU, I am sure that it is doable with it (it does not matter whether it is 3.3v or 5v version, you should decide what is best for you). Moreover, you are not limited by sparkfun, there are a lot of analogues on the market.
  • pe60t0
    pe60t0 Posts: 16
    Thanks for answering my questions. Just out of curiosity (no need to answer) how is it going to be commercialized ? Did you get an offer from an investor(I guess bikes manufacturer) or you are planning to develop it on your own and sell it as your own product ?
  • You are right, some of the manufacturers have already contacted with me. But, anyway, if we do not reach an agreement on cooperation, I'll try to find investors on kickstarter.
  • ill test it for you!
  • Kickstarter would be a great idea, it would keep it much more accessible to everyone.

    I would imagine if it were comercialised thru established bike or shock manufacturers they would charge a fortune for it and only bundle it with their top of the line models.

    Best of luck with the project anyway, hopefully i will have my own (much more limited) version installed soon.
  • bluechair84
    bluechair84 Posts: 4,352
    You could set up your own shock tune business like Tim Flooks did but install electronic systems for people as an aftermarket upgrade. You could start out doing it as a 'bit on the side' whilst you guage how much interest there is out there until the business comes to fruition.
  • Just started prototyping my own version, without any sensor input or bluetooth (for now), just a really long and painful way of getting a remote lockout really :lol:

    My meta AM 3 (back when it was still shiny and new). Note how close the shock is to the BB, my only gripe about this bike, makes it v difficult to switch shock settings on the fly

    The prototype. Somehow i need to fit all of the junk on the breadboard into that lttle cyclecomp

    Seeing as i wont have buetooth control i needed to have some other control & indication method,
    Enter the bodged shell of a 10 euro bike computer from ebay!

    How the control unit on the handlebars will look (roughly)

    My servos still havent arrived yet, nor have the linkages so it will be after christmas before anything is ready to go on the bike id say. Need to get some blue and yellow LEDs also,

    Thanks to vladimir for the inspiration

    Ill post more photos as i progress further

    Better get to sleep soon or wont be getting up for Ballyhoura in the morning
  • I've started work on a similar setup as well, thanks for the inspiration.

    So far the hardest part has been mounting the servos. I'm using a Arduino Uno to control it for testing but I've got a much smaller micro controller that I will use the the final version.

    For anyone who wants to attempt something like this and doesn't know how to program there is a graphical program called Modkit that I've been using. It took me a while to figure it out but once you figure it out its pretty easy to program.

    Thanks to Vladimir for the inspiration. This article actually got me started on this and a few other projects.