Training on wet, rainy days

Gabbo Posts: 864
edited November 2012 in Road general
How do you guys train on such a wet day like today? It's wet, rainy, and miserable and Sundays is the day a long cycle is usually penned in for.

Do you guys miss training? Use a turbo trainer or just grin and bare it?


  • I have got a turbo trainer.....but its just not the same as getting out on the road. But the bike gets knackered in the rain and I hate the time it takes to clean it after a wet ride.
  • Its does not take that long to clean your bike and tbh you dont need to do it after every single ride as the next one cleans what crud is there from the previous off haha. I usually just give mine a bounce on the back wheel around 10 times outside the door to get some wetness off and then bring it in and move the cranks around half a revolution every 20 mins a few times just so the chain can dry out away from the mech and cassette. May sound bizarre but it really does stop any rust spots appearing plus there is wet lube you can use

    Just ride out when you can imo, have a turbo also for the really bad days and just get a new chain and cassette in the spring for the bike and if anything else needs a lube well its not that difficult to sort. Thats what sealed bearings are for :roll:
  • I am lucky I have a Cycling Cadence centre 5 minutes from my house. They have a bunch of turbos with HD tv's. they allow you ride against pros or each other or against an honoirs board. sort of PS3 bit with exercise.
  • get dressed for it and head off out in it mate. its lovely when you get home in the warm and have a warm drink and a shower. i love it. here in mallorca is one of them days today. did a quick 56 miles up the mountains thismornign now sitting in front of a log fire with a coffee. lovely.
  • Raffles
    Raffles Posts: 1,137

    Do I go out in that weather......................NO
    2012 Cannondale CAAD 8 105
  • LegendLust
    LegendLust Posts: 1,022
    Gabbo wrote:
    How do you guys train on such a wet day like today? It's wet, rainy, and miserable and Sundays is the day a long cycle is usually penned in for.

    Do you guys miss training? Use a turbo trainer or just grin and bare it?

    Do like I do - get some good clothing on and just go out for a shorter ride. A short ride is better then none.

    And riding in weather like this makes me feel more alive. Not only that I count myself lucky that I can get out. My poor wife who has a chronic illness would love to ride her bike but can't. She's the reason I go out and enjoy the roads in any weather.
  • Just put your kit on and get out there.

    I've just come back from two hours of freezing cold, driving rain, warm sun, a howling gale and all of that before the end of the street :) I spotted two groups of cyclists, went through three puddles which were wider than the road, saw one car half-submerged in a ditch, two groups of horse riders and managed to get back in one piece.

    And having been fed and warmed up, all is well. You don't get that from a couple of hours inside on turbo.
  • LegendLust wrote:
    Gabbo wrote:
    How do you guys train on such a wet day like today? It's wet, rainy, and miserable and Sundays is the day a long cycle is usually penned in for.

    Do you guys miss training? Use a turbo trainer or just grin and bare it?

    Do like I do - get some good clothing on and just go out for a shorter ride. A short ride is better then none.

    And riding in weather like this makes me feel more alive. Not only that I count myself lucky that I can get out. My poor wife who has a chronic illness would love to ride her bike but can't. She's the reason I go out and enjoy the roads in any weather.

    Shame.. and i agree

    Its good for you anyway. Plus like already mentioned if you wear the right stuff then there is no excuse really. The fact people dont ride in less than great conditions baffles me tbh
  • Raffles
    Raffles Posts: 1,137
    I was out yesterday and thank god I had my new bianchi thermal jersey and funkier gilet on or I would have frozen. The wind was BITTER and no matter which direction I travelled it was in my face. Because of swallowing such cold air , when I got home I was coughing like a good un and had such a headache afterwards. thats a perfect climate , wish we had similar.
    2012 Cannondale CAAD 8 105
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    ive been dithering around all day looking at nice sunny bits and very heavy showers... finally got out and did 16. well wrapped up only a bit wet. feeling smug now with a coffee.

    what i do when the eather is rubbish is lots of local circuits so im never too far from home if i should have to turn back. then i can keep making myself do one more lap...
  • ovi
    ovi Posts: 396
    A bit foggy up in Middleton in Teesdale area but seeing the sun break through and clearing the fog up In the valleys was pure bliss, shame I had no camera really. Our countryside has so much to offer in all conditions it would be a shame to miss out on it.
  • Bozman
    Bozman Posts: 2,518
    i just get out there whatever the weather if you've got the right clothing you're fine, i've got a turbo but i hate the thing that much i'd rather have hot coals forced up my ar*e.
  • Just man up and go out.
    MADONE 5.2
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    Lights and mud guards have gone on my Trek today. Went out in the wet this afternoon and had a great ride. Winter longs, overshoes and a long sleeved base layer, kept me toasty,

    As long as you're dressed properly, you'll have a great ride, lack of motivation when it's cold and wet is your worst enemy. Ignore it and get out there, you'll be glad you did !
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • TakeTurns
    TakeTurns Posts: 1,075
    Luckily for me I live at one of the highest points in London, so I'm surrounded by hills. If it's terrible weather I'll just do hill reps till I drop since I'm only 2mins away from home
  • raffles if its any help Spain today is orrible! Still went out but its that brown stripe up the back of the white bib tights I dont like. If the OP does not want to ride in anything other than good weather the best advice I can give is Move from England as its not going to get better much sooner. Try it with the right gear on its ok. If budget allows get a MTB and kit up and go to with the purpose of finding the dirt and makign a mess thats good fun soaking wet then cleaning the bike etc. maybe im just sad but im lucky enough to have access to a huge underground garage with a purpose built wash bay etc whcih makes life a lot easier
  • LegendLust wrote:
    Gabbo wrote:
    How do you guys train on such a wet day like today? It's wet, rainy, and miserable and Sundays is the day a long cycle is usually penned in for.

    Do you guys miss training? Use a turbo trainer or just grin and bare it?

    Do like I do - get some good clothing on and just go out for a shorter ride. A short ride is better then none.

    And riding in weather like this makes me feel more alive. Not only that I count myself lucky that I can get out. My poor wife who has a chronic illness would love to ride her bike but can't. She's the reason I go out and enjoy the roads in any weather.

    Good for you mate, you so right. You have to grab every opportunity when you can. I now have a 7 month baby and until he arrived I don't know what I did with my time. I realise I should of gone out more whilst I had the chance. Time is now precious and it's difficult getting out midweek which means I have to make the most of my weekend ride, raining or not.
    Look 595 ultra - F+F for sale.....
    Cervelo r5
    Kinesis T2 2013 winter bike
    Merida Carbon 1500 flx MTB
  • Get out and ride. Get a decent jacket, tights, gloves and overshoes and they keep the weather at bay :)
  • Slack
    Slack Posts: 326
    I get out on my MTB and head out to the moors and forests for a few hours. I dont mind getting wet and dirty on the mtb.
    Plymouthsteve for councillor!!
  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    Is this as opposed to training on dry rainy days?
  • Raffles
    Raffles Posts: 1,137
    you guys with the turbos, dont you find within 10 mins its total and utter boredom ?

    i couldnt bring myself to use or buy a turbo because i just know i would detest the thing.
    2012 Cannondale CAAD 8 105
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    Well I got soaked taking the dog for her morning walk, so that put me right off the idea of a bike ride on Sunday. Watched the Formula 1 and gorged on roast dinner instead. Then got soaked again taking the dog for her afternoon walk.
  • Alibran
    Alibran Posts: 370
    Raffles wrote: thats a perfect climate , wish we had similar.

    I'd be very happy to share if you'd like some of this ....
  • Calpol
    Calpol Posts: 1,039
    Raffles wrote:
    you guys with the turbos, dont you find within 10 mins its total and utter boredom ?

    i couldnt bring myself to use or buy a turbo because i just know i would detest the thing.

    Yes^^^ but I did download a Sufferfest video and it made an hour a bit more bearable.
  • out and ride beats a turbo any day :D
  • Mike67
    Mike67 Posts: 585
    Get out and ride. Get a decent jacket, tights, gloves and overshoes and they keep the weather at bay :)

    Orrrr....just wear shorts and a tee like the guy I passed going up the Cat and Fiddle that's what I call tough...must have been all of 1 degree C at the top :D

    I was wearing my bib longs with a thermal base layer and long sleeve top...oh and gloves, overshoes and double socks....then I'm a fair bit older than him and feel the cold in my creaky bones :lol:
    Mike B

    Cannondale CAAD9
    Kinesis Pro 5 cross bike
    Lots of bits
  • Large dose of Rule #5 and get out there. As long as you have a decent jacket I find riding in the rain quite enjoyable
  • As i sit here looking out the window and its sheeting down with rain, if rule # 5 is get out and enjoy whats the other rules?
    Steady ride in the rain over TT, i'll have the steady ride anyday I think :?
  • As said, rule #5 applies here.
  • DavidJB
    DavidJB Posts: 2,019
    Waaaaaaa get out and ride.