Seemingly trivial things that annoy you



  • BelgianBeerGeek
    BelgianBeerGeek Posts: 5,226
    Cowsham wrote:
    twist83 wrote:
    Cowsham wrote:
    Sitting in the workplace toilet cubical squeezing one out -- you hear someone arriving, having a slash then leaving without washing their hands. You sit there thinking "Dave you dirty barsteward."

    On the flip side. I tend to wash my penis often. It lives in my clean boxers and comes out to pee at work. I don't tend to p.iss all over my hands and/or touch the urinals. I do wash my hands.

    Do you wash hands every time you touch any surface, handle, door or other human? Pen etc. As surely using this rule, you should.

    If it is the issue of having touched ones dinky and then possibly interacting with other humans? Is that for germs sake? Or just for the fact you have touched little Barry?

    So you wash your Willy in the sink at work ?
    Sorry to butt in, but Mrs BBGeek informs me that on our trips to Belgium (disclaimer: the Flemish bit), she has never witnessed another woman wash her hands after a pee. She finds this faintly disgusting, and will not eat any more bar nibbles. For some reason I find this slightly exciting, and now I can see where hand kissing came from. And I eat the bar nibbles.

    How does she know they didn't have a quicky, sneaky dump too ?????

    Still fancy the bar nibbles ?
    She has keen hearing. And, like almost every woman on the planet, will only poo when it is safe and everything is tickety-boo. So no unknown lavs. I have known some women to "bake it" for some 4-5 days because the plumbing isn't up to snuff. How they do that is beyond me, must be a chromosome thing.
    Still eat the nibbles
    Ecrasez l’infame
  • cowsham
    cowsham Posts: 1,399
    Mrs Cow would never go anywhere else but home ( or the highly scrutinized holiday accommodation ) ( she can hold all day and then some ) until I showed her how to make toilet tissue seat gasket -- now she sh1ts anywhere with confidence. I was surprised her mamma hadn't taught her this.
  • shortfall
    shortfall Posts: 3,288
    People who moan about the death of the High Street but who shop online and at Tescos for everything.
  • cowsham
    cowsham Posts: 1,399
    Shortfall wrote:
    People who moan about the death of the High Street but who shop online and at Tescos for everything.

    Hear hear ! -- the high street is dead and that's all there is to it -- not helped by government asking for 10 to 20 times what you'd pay for domestic rates even on empty business properties thus robbing the poor retailer of his own personal pension ( he sorted for himself ) cos he's had to sell his property for nothing to stop the colossal bills coming in with no income to pay it cos the rates are so expensive he cant get anyone to take it even for no rent. Shouldn't be in trivial annoyance -- it's very serious for some. This illegal stealing government law ( your paying for a service you are not getting ) was brought in in 2012 and has caused towns to become ghost towns cos the only other way to stop them taking your money is to tear the property down! Not at all fair.
  • Alain Quay
    Alain Quay Posts: 534
    Mountain biking.

    What that thing under their tyres when their moving? An Audi Estate.
  • TheBigBean
    TheBigBean Posts: 22,336
    Shortfall wrote:
    People who moan about the death of the High Street but who shop online and at Tescos for everything.

    Is it ok to moan that high street shops don't make their current stock publicly available? Their single biggest advantage over online retailers is that the product can be bought immediately, and yet to find out whether they have something I either need to call or go to the shop.
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,122
    Pross wrote:
    On the subject of hand washing, we have an NHS poster on the kitchen wall in work telling people how to wash their hands. This annoys me on two levels - firstly that the company thinks the adults working for them might not know the sequence of hand washing and secondly that there are presumably sufficient number of reading age people in the UK who don't know how to wash their hands that the NHS felt it necessary to create a poster telling them the process.

    Part of the NHS' role is public health. Stopping people getting sick in the first place. Having recently had a case of gastroenteritis from someone who didn't know how to wash their hands, I welcome​ measures to improve hand hygiene.

    It's just a hill. Get over it.
  • shortfall
    shortfall Posts: 3,288
    TheBigBean wrote:
    Shortfall wrote:
    People who moan about the death of the High Street but who shop online and at Tescos for everything.

    Is it ok to moan that high street shops don't make their current stock publicly available? Their single biggest advantage over online retailers is that the product can be bought immediately, and yet to find out whether they have something I either need to call or go to the shop.

    Listen, there's lots wrong with the High Street, some of it self inflicted and some of it forced on it by officialdom. All I'm saying is, don't complain that your local Butchers has shut down if you buy all your meat at my wife!
  • FocusZing
    FocusZing Posts: 4,373
    Eastenders. Even catching a bit of the shite music makes me retch. It's just a misery fest for the feeble minded.
  • SecretSam wrote:
    Pross wrote:
    On the subject of hand washing, we have an NHS poster on the kitchen wall in work telling people how to wash their hands. This annoys me on two levels - firstly that the company thinks the adults working for them might not know the sequence of hand washing and secondly that there are presumably sufficient number of reading age people in the UK who don't know how to wash their hands that the NHS felt it necessary to create a poster telling them the process.

    Part of the NHS' role is public health. Stopping people getting sick in the first place. Having recently had a case of gastroenteritis from someone who didn't know how to wash their hands, I welcome​ measures to improve hand hygiene.

    Agree. I always thought prevention is better than cure. Spend a few grand knocking out posters to politely remind people 'too busy' or just plain lazy to wash their hands or spend millions treating those who pick up coughs, colds, flu etc. Not to mention the strain on GPs surgerys with these people who go there for minor ailments afterwards then there are the countless man hours wasted by people going sick . Many all preventable if people just washed their hands more often.
  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    If you actually look at the poster you'll see that it's not such a trivial sequence - to make sure you get the whole of your hands properly clean it really does pay to follow the protocol, and how many people could honestly say they know how to do that without being told?
    I've had it drummed into me and follow it automatically by now - Mrs Bomp is Dr Bomp in her day job and is routinely shocked at how bad the medical students she teaches are at it.
  • cowsham
    cowsham Posts: 1,399
    bompington wrote:
    If you actually look at the poster you'll see that it's not such a trivial sequence - to make sure you get the whole of your hands properly clean it really does pay to follow the protocol, and how many people could honestly say they know how to do that without being told?
    I've had it drummed into me and follow it automatically by now - Mrs Bomp is Dr Bomp in her day job and is routinely shocked at how bad the medical students she teaches are at it.

    I suppose they say " So -- I wash my Willy in the sink every day So I don't have to wash my hands" "like"!

    It's little wonder you take your life in your hands when you let doctors take your life in their hands these days.
  • Matthewfalle
    Matthewfalle Posts: 17,380
    I have to give health and hygiene lessons at work - everything from washing your hands after going for a wee to why you shouldn't smash Racey Tracey without a Johnny.

    It's all aimed at people who have had a rubbish start in life through no fault of their own and I'd rather spend a couple of hours doing it rather than spend weeks swimming round in other people's poo and vomit, which is how I believe the inhabitants of Alsager live.
    Postby team47b » Sun Jun 28, 2015 11:53 am

    De Sisti wrote:
    This is one of the silliest threads I've come across. :lol:

    Recognition at last Matthew, well done!, a justified honour :D
    smithy21 wrote:

    He's right you know.
  • earth
    earth Posts: 934
    'Patents Pending' - You don't have any. You are just blagging.
  • haydenm
    haydenm Posts: 2,997
    Alain Quay wrote:
    Mountain biking.

    What that thing under their tyres when their moving? An Audi Estate.

    They aren't mountain bikers, they are FC cafe cake enthusiasts. There is the same, if not greater level of poser-ship in road cycling, they just leave their Audis at home when they take the road bike out...
  • dinyull
    dinyull Posts: 2,979
    Fugging families.

    Wife's family is pretty much a clusterf*ck - half of them aren't talking to each other and when they all get together the atmosphere is toxic.

    Parents divorced years ago thanks to Dad's gambling addiction, eldest son has just split from his wife thanks to a gambling addiction and youngest son will probably have the bailiffs on his doorstep before too long.

    He (youngest son) promised to pay for eldest sisters wedding is on sat, they haven't been paid for and he's just announced he can't afford to pay for them.

    He and his wife pretty much spend their month's wages the first weekend after pay day and will then rock up on his dad's doorstep asking for money as his 2 year old kid doesn't have any food. He'll be clad in the finest designer jeans, trainers etc whilst doing so.

    Wedding should be fun though...
  • haydenm
    haydenm Posts: 2,997
    People who think it is a badge of honour not to learn how to use modern computer software, especially if they are under the age of 40.
  • awavey
    awavey Posts: 2,368
    that thing where the lights at a pedestrian crossing go yellow and you think its ok Ill be nice and stop, and then they go red and you are stopped, and the car who must have been following behind you decides to floor it through them instead...on red...and the pedestrian trying to cross the road gives you the evil stares because of it :evil:
  • dinyull
    dinyull Posts: 2,979
    edited May 2017
    Someone in the office is getting their knickers in a twist because she thinks other professions are trying to take over our role.

    She will bitch and moan about how they're eventually going to replace us and make our profession redundant. When pointed out she should say something, she then says that if we upset them we won't get anymore work from them.

    First off, we shouldn't be wanting to work for them if they don't take us seriously. Secondly, if they make us redundant we won't get any work anyway.

    Although some are trying to add our string to their bow, the problem is she isn't strong enough meaning they know they can step on our (or her) toes. And instead of standing up for herself, she will instead bitch and moan in the office huffing and puffing and generally making the office environment horrid.
  • Ben6899
    Ben6899 Posts: 9,686
    Mate, you need a new job. This office is killing you!

    Bikes: Donhou DSS4 Custom | Condor Italia RC | Gios Megalite | Dolan Preffisio | Giant Bowery '76
  • dinyull
    dinyull Posts: 2,979
    Your right. Problem is, the bosses are top class and really look after us. And I'm a miserable c*nt who needs something to moan about.
  • capt_slog
    capt_slog Posts: 3,974
    "Football team" type voting in elections.

    Not really trivial I suppose, and summed up by the phrase I heard the other night, "I'm voting [BANANA], always have, always will".

    In that case, you're a prat. Policies change, parties change, there has to be a better reason to vote other than loyalty.

    The older I get, the better I was.

  • dinyull
    dinyull Posts: 2,979
    Capt Slog wrote:
    "Football team" type voting in elections.

    Not really trivial I suppose, and summed up by the phrase I heard the other night, "I'm voting [BANANA], always have, always will".

    In that case, you're a prat. Policies change, parties change, there has to be a better reason to vote other than loyalty.

    Was just thinking of this earlier.

    Would we ever get to a point where who you vote for is anonymous. As in, the parties aren't listed on the ballot paper, just their headline policies.

    Probably a totally stupid idea, but...
  • First.Aspect
    First.Aspect Posts: 17,856
    earth wrote:
    'Patents Pending' - You don't have any. You are just blagging.
    Thing is, you can in principle get sued for infringing a patent once the *application* has been published, albeit only once its been granted. Since most of them are, one way or another, its not that much of a blag.
  • Matthewfalle
    Matthewfalle Posts: 17,380
    HaydenM wrote:
    People who think it is a badge of honour not to learn how to use modern computer software, especially if they are under the age of 40.

    I don't know how to use modern software and have no desire to learn.

    I cannot use my telephone, iPod or iPad properly.

    I do not care because I find it all incredibly dull.
    Postby team47b » Sun Jun 28, 2015 11:53 am

    De Sisti wrote:
    This is one of the silliest threads I've come across. :lol:

    Recognition at last Matthew, well done!, a justified honour :D
    smithy21 wrote:

    He's right you know.
  • HaydenM wrote:
    People who think it is a badge of honour not to learn how to use modern computer software, especially if they are under the age of 40.

    I don't know how to use modern software and have no desire to learn.

    I cannot use my telephone, iPod or iPad properly.

    I do not care because I find it all incredibly dull.

    This is a contributing factor to what just happened to the NHS. People do not understand about security / passwords / encryption and it's starting to bite people in the ass. This ransomware or phishing scam can and does happen to every kind of person. Your phone or iPad which can have your entire life stored inside it and is so susceptible to hacking. And yet when it happens people demand someone (other than themselves) do something about it.
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,909
    John Motson.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • Matthewfalle
    Matthewfalle Posts: 17,380
    HaydenM wrote:
    People who think it is a badge of honour not to learn how to use modern computer software, especially if they are under the age of 40.

    I don't know how to use modern software and have no desire to learn.

    I cannot use my telephone, iPod or iPad properly.

    I do not care because I find it all incredibly dull.

    This is a contributing factor to what just happened to the NHS. People do not understand about security / passwords / encryption and it's starting to bite people in the ass. This ransomware or phishing scam can and does happen to every kind of person. Your phone or iPad which can have your entire life stored inside it and is so susceptible to hacking. And yet when it happens people demand someone (other than themselves) do something about it.

    Utter tosh

    My iPad gas this forum, the telegraph and Spotify on together with searches for TDNFNATN, TDSD and bicycle/RGV parts on.

    My iPod has my mega play list on.

    If you manage to hack my work email which is probably running the highest security in GB then good on ya.

    Live your life on your device and yup, you'll get caught out. Live it like a human being and you'll be fine.

    After all, it's difficult to hack my fountain pen.
    Postby team47b » Sun Jun 28, 2015 11:53 am

    De Sisti wrote:
    This is one of the silliest threads I've come across. :lol:

    Recognition at last Matthew, well done!, a justified honour :D
    smithy21 wrote:

    He's right you know.
  • HaydenM wrote:
    People who think it is a badge of honour not to learn how to use modern computer software, especially if they are under the age of 40.

    I don't know how to use modern software and have no desire to learn.

    I cannot use my telephone, iPod or iPad properly.

    I do not care because I find it all incredibly dull.

    This is a contributing factor to what just happened to the NHS. People do not understand about security / passwords / encryption and it's starting to bite people in the ass. This ransomware or phishing scam can and does happen to every kind of person. Your phone or iPad which can have your entire life stored inside it and is so susceptible to hacking. And yet when it happens people demand someone (other than themselves) do something about it.

    If you manage to hack my work email which is probably running the highest security in GB then good on ya.

    Your email on DII is pretty bog standard. High security? It's only Offical. Not Secret DII (which as a medic you are very unlikely to actually have - I should know, I'm Royal Signals IS op! ) the amount of security breaches DII has had is actually pretty high. Consider that if you have an IGS account there are lots of sites you can get to that are not blocked.