The Friday Troll - Nick Griffin on Twitter



  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Is it a Stephen Fry meme?

    Genuinely didn't know.

    I stand by it.
  • DonDaddyD wrote:
    As for the B&B owners I do feel sorry for them. Can't help but think they cited the wrong religion. Had they said they were Muslim do you reckon they'd have got away with it?
    Yeah, those Muslims always get an easy go from the courts. Loads of them get a trip to Cuba without even going to trial, the lucky bastards.
  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    bails87 wrote:
    Did you see what Griffin said on Twitter yesterday, something along the lines of "Have you seen the ads for the Police Comissioner elections? Isn't it shocking to see them discriminating and not using black actors to play the criminals."

    What he actually says is "by refusing to use black actors to play criminals"

    No idea if there is any fact to what he is saying - but it's a completely different meaning to your paraphrasing (IMO)
    What he said could be taken two EDIT three ways:
    1. People always complain about there not being an entirely representative cast in a play/film/ad/series but they're not doing it when the bad guys are all white.
    2.Black people are criminals and the tv casting people should show that.
    3. The casting people refuse to cast black people as criminals because that would be deemed racist

    I felt like he was trying to make the joke about 1 whilst nudging towards 2. But 1 isn't true anyway. And how many ads are there? I've only seen one, with one criminal in it, and the criminal was white (I think, I don't naturally think "WHITE" or "BLACK" when I see someone") but then what are the odds of an actor being white? As far as I remember the victim was also white.

    EDIT: Or maybe 3, but again, that's nonsense and all part of the 'oppressed majority' narrative that feeds these groups.

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."
  • First.Aspect
    First.Aspect Posts: 16,961
    He's not just a troll. He's also genuinely quite stupid.

    I know a few people who actually spend a lot of time studying British Facism now and then and each one are surprised by how stupid he actually is when you look at the inner workings of the BNP.

    BNP is now really rather tiny.
    In effect then, do you have to be truly stupid to be fanatically ignorant?
  • tailwindhome
    tailwindhome Posts: 19,314
    bails87 wrote:
    bails87 wrote:
    Did you see what Griffin said on Twitter yesterday, something along the lines of "Have you seen the ads for the Police Comissioner elections? Isn't it shocking to see them discriminating and not using black actors to play the criminals."

    What he actually says is "by refusing to use black actors to play criminals"

    No idea if there is any fact to what he is saying - but it's a completely different meaning to your paraphrasing (IMO)
    What he said could be taken two EDIT three ways:
    1. People always complain about there not being an entirely representative cast in a play/film/ad/series but they're not doing it when the bad guys are all white.
    2.Black people are criminals and the tv casting people should show that.
    3. The casting people refuse to cast black people as criminals because that would be deemed racist

    I felt like he was trying to make the joke about 1 whilst nudging towards 2. But 1 isn't true anyway. And how many ads are there? I've only seen one, with one criminal in it, and the criminal was white (I think, I don't naturally think "WHITE" or "BLACK" when I see someone") but then what are the odds of an actor being white? As far as I remember the victim was also white.

    EDIT: Or maybe 3, but again, that's nonsense and all part of the 'oppressed majority' narrative that feeds these groups.

    Is DDD writing your posts?

    I took it as 3.
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • First.Aspect
    First.Aspect Posts: 16,961
    CiB wrote:
    DonDaddyD wrote:
    Conservatives = The Government are a bunch of closet racists.
    I'd really like to see you substantiate this little pile of snot. Fair enough you may not like the conservative party and disagree with their policies but trotting out some w@nk that conservative = racist is drivel, not just any old drivel but proper genuine M&S Drivel in a box with a blue bow on it.

    Quick to play the racist card again though. The Get Out Of Jail card for the barmy.
    I agree with DDD. You only have to look at the demographics in comparison to the other main parties I'm afraid. Or alternatively the rhetoric. Not the policies.... these are largely identical after all..... but the party navigated most of the 2000's without worrying about the distinction between immigration and asylum. Or indeed between illegal immigration and erm, immigration. It plays to the inner xenophobe within the voting population.

    Mind you, its as much to do with the inner bully as anything else though. Hence equally disproportionate criticism on benefit scroungers (vs. tax avoiders or, erm, Starbucks) or the disabled. Hell, why not? They are quiet and they don't make party donations, after all.

    I cannot express how much I dislike the Tories. Its perfectly possible to be mostorously selfish, but not to be a *unt about it. :D
  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    bails87 wrote:
    bails87 wrote:
    Did you see what Griffin said on Twitter yesterday, something along the lines of "Have you seen the ads for the Police Comissioner elections? Isn't it shocking to see them discriminating and not using black actors to play the criminals."

    What he actually says is "by refusing to use black actors to play criminals"

    No idea if there is any fact to what he is saying - but it's a completely different meaning to your paraphrasing (IMO)
    What he said could be taken two EDIT three ways:
    1. People always complain about there not being an entirely representative cast in a play/film/ad/series but they're not doing it when the bad guys are all white.
    2.Black people are criminals and the tv casting people should show that.
    3. The casting people refuse to cast black people as criminals because that would be deemed racist

    I felt like he was trying to make the joke about 1 whilst nudging towards 2. But 1 isn't true anyway. And how many ads are there? I've only seen one, with one criminal in it, and the criminal was white (I think, I don't naturally think "WHITE" or "BLACK" when I see someone") but then what are the odds of an actor being white? As far as I remember the victim was also white.

    EDIT: Or maybe 3, but again, that's nonsense and all part of the 'oppressed majority' narrative that feeds these groups.

    Is DDD writing your posts?

    I took it as 3.
    If I was DDD it would be three times longer (oo er) and wouldn't contain the options that I didn't agree with. :wink:

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."