Is anyone else getting bored with this already?



  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Slightly disappointed the whole blanket media furor hasn't generated a few new contributors.
  • Slightly disappointed the whole blanket media furor hasn't generated a few new contributors.

    Has this whole thing, in fact, been concocted by you and t'other mods as a way to traffic to BR?

    Come on Rick, it's time to tell the truth
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Slightly disappointed the whole blanket media furor hasn't generated a few new contributors.

    Has this whole thing, in fact, been concocted by you and t'other mods as a way to traffic to BR?

    Come on Rick, it's time to tell the truth

  • tailwindhome
    tailwindhome Posts: 19,310
    Slightly disappointed the whole blanket media furor hasn't generated a few new contributors.

    Would new contibutors on a 'Lance' story not typcially be of the '500+ tests all clean' variety?

    I'm guessing there ain't many left.
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Slightly disappointed the whole blanket media furor hasn't generated a few new contributors.

    Would new contibutors on a 'Lance' story not typcially be of the '500+ tests all clean' variety?

    I'm guessing there ain't many left.

    As I was saying in another thread, a few people I know who took little interest in cycling have probably read a good 2000 pages worth of published books on it since all this kicked off.
  • Slightly disappointed the whole blanket media furor hasn't generated a few new contributors.

    Would new contibutors on a 'Lance' story not typcially be of the '500+ tests all clean' variety?

    I'm guessing there ain't many left.

    As I was saying in another thread, a few people I know who took little interest in cycling have probably read a good 2000 pages worth of published books on it since all this kicked off.

    Oh well, silver lining for Holy Dave then :)
  • Slightly disappointed the whole blanket media furor hasn't generated a few new contributors.

    Has this whole thing, in fact, been concocted by you and t'other mods as a way to traffic to BR?

    Come on Rick, it's time to tell the truth


    Oooh, I might rename myself Richmond Simeoni
  • No, I'm not bored with it, and the funny thing is the more his lawyers say 'people are bored with it and no-one really cares' the less bored I get and the more I care.
    I have a policy of only posting comment on the internet under my real name. This is to moderate my natural instinct to flame your fatuous, ill-informed, irrational, credulous, bigoted, semi-literate opinions to carbon, you knuckle-dragging f***wits.
  • Lichtblick
    Lichtblick Posts: 1,434
    You're right. You're all right. Sorreeeeeeeeeeeeeee...............

    I guess what I really meant, was, bored with the rehashing of the story, by print and online media journalists, which we all knew anyway. What I meant was, I read all this stuff and hardly ever read anything which I didn't already know, because I've had my suspicions for so long.

    I briefly clicked on a website earlier (don't remember which) and the responses to the article were overwhelmingly from angry Americans who couldn't see why their taxes had funded the USADA enquiry. But all that says is that there are many Americans who can be bothered to post that, but not be bothered to read more widely about one of their own who accepted Government money to fund the Postal team in the first place.

    The only other thing I've learned in all the media-fest, is that the UCI v. Kimmage court case is still on-going.
  • Lichtblick
    Lichtblick Posts: 1,434
    THIS is the kind of thing I mean, from the Telegraph today (usually a less stupid paper): ... tions.html

    She weaves Lance Armstrong into the Jimmy Savile story, and, wait for it, they are "victims of celebrity cult". Twice she says "Armstrong’s alleged drug-taking".

    This kind of bleeding-heart liberalism sickens me. She clearly has not read a single page of the USADA evidence to the UCI (easily readable as we all know), and it makes me even more sick that this kind of tripe gets published in the not-red-top-rag Telegraph. I presume she's on a £xxx,xxx contract for churning this out. :shock:

    I hope someone answers this, because I've looked the link up, and posted it just for you.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,180
    Telegraph being accused of bleeding-heart liberalism? That's a new one :shock: Next someone will be accusing the Daily Mail of being overly-PC!
  • I think you've missed the point of that article. She's not condoning Saville or Armstrong's actions. Her article is simply making the very straightforward point that the malaise of celebrity culture can make people (fans or otherwise) blind to the darker aspects of said celebrity's personal or professional lives. You can accuse the Toryraph of a lot but bleeding hearted liberalism is not usually one of its failings.
    Giant Trance X 2010
    Specialized Tricross Sport
    My Dad's old racer
    Trek Marlin 29er 2012
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    I think you've missed the point of that article. She's not condoning Saville or Armstrong's actions. Her article is simply making the very straightforward point that the malaise of celebrity culture can make people (fans or otherwise) blind to the darker aspects of said celebrity's personal or professional lives. You can accuse the Toryraph of a lot but bleeding hearted liberalism is not usually one of its failings.
    Maybe that explains the enduring popularity of Charlie Sheen. You know exactly where you stand with him.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Nope, I'm not getting bored at all after the years of abuse that was aimed at 'non-believers' from the celebrity cult-ists.

    I'm also still waiting for DennisN to settle his outstanding wager from the 2010 Tour too....but expect that seeing Larry fess-up on Oprah's sofa is a more likely ;-)
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..