bike snobs



  • I love all cycling. Really do. Do agree re some roadies. Out on my bike I ALWAYS say hi to my fellow bike lovers regardless of what they ride and more roadies than anyone else look at you like you're scum. But bear in mind I love watching roadcycling too and have visited the Tour numerous times myself. But that's just an impression.
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    well i only like xc riding, im not a fan of the downhill, trials stuff. i can see its fun to them who do it but its not my thing.
    No, you're a knob.

    Common mistake.
  • Alibran
    Alibran Posts: 370
    When I'm on my MTB, most of the roadies ignore me (even the ones I always exchange greetings with when I'm on my road bike).

    When I'm on my clean MTB on the way to the trails, all the MTBers ignore me.

    When I'm on my filthy dirty MTB (and I'm filthy too) on my way home from the trails, the roadies look the other way in horror, and the MTBers wave and greet me.

    I'm not sure exactly what that says about snobbery, but I'm sure it says something.
  • craigw99
    craigw99 Posts: 224
    passout wrote:
    On purity - the most pure / undiluted form must be the early years of the sport before it got split up into different categories. I'm thinking up until the mid 1990s. When I started in 1987 there was no suspension, no discs just 'messing around' and maybe the odd race. Excuse me whilst I get all nostalgic and misty eyed. Anyway, unless you were riding then, then your MTBing is just a shadow, a mass produced unimaginative pale imitation of those glory days and you'll never understand. Of course those in Marin county on the repack trail may have a slightly different view!

    If you were riding in the 1980s or up until around 1995, then were have a bond then cannot be broken in these days of full suspension and 29ers (both are cheating by the way). Some say evolution, I say desecration & ruination. Progress? Right, I'm off for a quick blast on my Penny Farthing.
    + potatoe :-)
    opinions are worth exactly what you pay for them ;-)
    2012 boardman team F/S tarting has begun..
    1992 cannondale m1000 still going just
  • i dont get the point of all this, roadies tend to be snobs and mountain bikers whatever form that takes are generaly good lads who wont leave you behind on a run out, the number of roadies who ignore me if we pass is high but yet have yet to pass a mountain biker who hasnt said hi or stopped for a chat
    anthem x with many upgrades
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    I went for a rare road ride on Sunday (don't stone me, first one in well over a year).
    I was a bit late, (about 15 minutes as I got lost) and when I got there they were all looking a bit grumpy.
    I parked, started taking the bike out (station wagon so only takes a minute) when my mate rode up - the rest had all gone as they'd decided they wouldn't wait more than 15 minutes. Even though I was there.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • Chunkers1980
    Chunkers1980 Posts: 8,035
    Consider yourself stoned.
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    Thank you I do deserve it.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • Hahahahaha funny funny
    cosna kick a bo agen a wo and ed it back till it bos-UP HANLEY ME DUCK


    Current Bike-TREK 4500
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    :Giant Roam 3
    :Bianchi Nirone 7
  • Eh...the OP is clearly not a snob, he's stated his preferance (we all have them) even though he appreciates them, yet seems to be getting negative comments about his preferance (different to a lack of positive comment), at least he's not a shaven legged poncy gay Roadie anyway!

    Hahahaah loving it.
    cosna kick a bo agen a wo and ed it back till it bos-UP HANLEY ME DUCK


    Current Bike-TREK 4500
    Previous Bikes
    :Giant Roam 3
    :Bianchi Nirone 7
  • All mtbers hate roadies. So why would we expect anything but reciprocation?

    I dont hate roadies so does that not make me a 'real' mtbiker LMAO :lol:
    cosna kick a bo agen a wo and ed it back till it bos-UP HANLEY ME DUCK


    Current Bike-TREK 4500
    Previous Bikes
    :Giant Roam 3
    :Bianchi Nirone 7
  • I've got a road bike, a trails bike and a heavy AM bike. I've worn lycra and DH gear together a times.

    I must be confused about my sexuality

    Or possibly transcyclist haha
    cosna kick a bo agen a wo and ed it back till it bos-UP HANLEY ME DUCK


    Current Bike-TREK 4500
    Previous Bikes
    :Giant Roam 3
    :Bianchi Nirone 7
  • chez_m356
    chez_m356 Posts: 1,893
    cooldad wrote:
    I went for a rare road ride on Sunday (don't stone me, first one in well over a year).
    I was a bit late, (about 15 minutes as I got lost) and when I got there they were all looking a bit grumpy.
    I parked, started taking the bike out (station wagon so only takes a minute) when my mate rode up - the rest had all gone as they'd decided they wouldn't wait more than 15 minutes. Even though I was there.
      were they riding something like this by any chance :)
      Specialized Hardrock Sport Disc 10- CANYON Nerve AM 6 2011
    • hahahah chez_m356 OMFG HAHAHAH HAD ME IN STITCHES bahahaha :lol:
      cosna kick a bo agen a wo and ed it back till it bos-UP HANLEY ME DUCK


      Current Bike-TREK 4500
      Previous Bikes
      :Giant Roam 3
      :Bianchi Nirone 7
    • stubs
      stubs Posts: 5,001
      I can understand road riding in fact I once used to be a keen road rider till I saw the light. What I cant understand is you want to ride on British roads!! those pothole strewn, diesel slicked, smog filled, overcrowded with knobheads in Audis stretches of madness. Way too dangerous give me a muddy rock strewn palm width strip of trail with a 60 foot drop on one side anyday of the week at least no bellend is going to pull out in front of me while tweeting or applying lipstick.
      Fig rolls: proof that god loves cyclists and that she wants us to do another lap
    • mac_man
      mac_man Posts: 918
      welshkev wrote:
      welshkev wrote:
      passout wrote:
      Even then some of us regard cyclo cross as a bit perverted.


      doesn't everyone? :wink:

      first race of my season this weekend..can't wait.. now, where's my gag ball and mask.

      Pervert :wink:

      My brother in law used to race it years ago over the winter. I never really got it. But each to their own, I just used to watch and think "that'd be much easier on a mountain bike" :lol:

      Thought exactly the same this morning... about 15-20 cyclo crossers riding up near Stoodley Pike in Calderdale. Christ it was muddy... never ever seen it this bad up there. The bridleway was more than ankle deep in mud most of their way up (I was going the opposite way).

      They didn't understand my joke of 'Have you taken a wrong turning somewhere?'. :roll:

      There must indeed be something inherently masochistic to think it's fun to take a fully rigid bike up some mud strewn puncture highway :D
      Cool, retro and sometimes downright rude MTB and cycling themed T shirts. Just MTFU.

      By day:
    • ilovedirt
      ilovedirt Posts: 5,798
      I personally think that some of the road cycling clubs where i live do frown a little on mountian biking, a few of us sense that from time to time, we couldn't care less but it is noticeable. And a little bit of how much my bike cost snobbery too
      Production Privee Shan

      B'Twin Triban 5