Cycling Alp D'Huez next summer - anyone interested?



  • Is anyone still interested in this trip? I am happy to continue with organising it unless there is someone keen to demonstrate their travel agent credentials.
    If there are enough people to make it worthwhile hiring an MPV/van and we stay in Bourg d'Oisan it would mean being able to cycle for a day around Briancon.
  • am well in count me in, am based just outside london, but can meet up for informal chats and social rides, also have a fairly large van,that can seat three guys and have 6 man tent so am prepared so to speak to rough it???? please get in touch :D:D:D
  • It looks as though there are five of us interested so far.
    I plan to go early June(avoiding Dutch week) and stay for four days.We will need to allow two days for travel there and back- Calais to Bourg is about 8 hours drive.As mentioned before costs break down approximately as follows: Fuel £150, Tolls £100, Car Hire £300.for a group of five this works out at about £112 each added to which you will have to allow for accomodation:
    Campsite is about £10 per night.
    Hotel Bourg has 3 two star establishments (two of which are at the lower end of the 2 star scale) which charge around £60/70 half board per night.You pays your money and takes your choice.
    I envisage taking the ferry as foot passenger and renting a vehicle in Calais which has the advantage of giving us a left hand drive and saves having to pay for a ferry ticket for the van.It also means if there are any mechanicals we will be provided with a replacement vehicle rather than trying to organise a trailer for the return to Blighty.
    If you take the camping option you can have four days in the mountains(excluding food and entertainmment) for about £160 which is not bad.
    I will PM those who have expressed an interest later today.
  • Whoops, I unsubscribed from this thread coz I thought it had died - obviously it hasn't.

    I am definitely still up for it but I will be in France in early June anyway so I will just drive across to meet up with the rest of you if that's acceptable.

    Four days sounds great to me.

    So count me in and I'll now get notified of replies again so I will stay tuned to events.
  • my wife might get pregnant so i'm ooot