Peugeot concept bike



  • rebs
    rebs Posts: 891
    HPV's are surely more of a truer verson of a time trial time. I've often sipped this discussion in the past as I wasn't interested. Now I am interested.... but dont know why....

    The whole concept of having a Time Trial Bike & a Road bike for a road racing team always seems slightly silly when you get to the meat of the argument to justiify the TT bike. I'd really be interested to see TT'ing in road racing more of a "bring all your toys to teh party" type feel. Yes t will all ge into a masive arms race with the beter funded manufacturers running away with the bikes first. But this kind of happens now alrdy... just not as extreme.

    I cannot see how the HPV concept would work for road racing. any hint of road furniture or a ....corner(!) would surely bring down half the peloton at each approach. So the more traditional bike would still be more useful... and safer.
  • Daz555
    Daz555 Posts: 3,976
    Apart from aero bars not being permitted on road stages - are there any other regs which would prevent a current TT bike being used on a road stage?
    You only need two tools: WD40 and Duck Tape.
    If it doesn't move and should, use the WD40.
    If it shouldn't move and does, use the tape.
  • Richrd2205 wrote:
    What is the point of the Lotus bike, exactly?

    The point of the Lotus was that it fitted the regulations at that time. Of course, as you point out, you could build a much faster bike if you work to the only rule that is has to be human powered.

    Because faired HPVs have so much better aerodynamics, when you put them together in massed start races, they can't draft off each other. It very quickly splits up, you don't get anything of the tactics you get in road racing with "saftey" bikes.
  • Richrd2205
    Richrd2205 Posts: 1,267
    Trying to answer a bunch of the queries....
    No rebs, they climb fine. They tend to be heavier and most of them are full-on touring bikes, with equivalent weight, so it's not a like-for-like comparison. The 2nd bike pictured could be gotten down to the UCI weight limit with an appropriate budget.
    Daz555 wrote:
    I think the point is to retain the sport being ridden on 'bicycles' as opposed to HPVs. There are contests for HPVs if people want to enter them.
    Which is pretty much the point that I was making. Why play with the rules and complain about x & y? You've created an arbitrary sub-group, so it's always going to be arbitrary. It can't make sense or be congruent.
    I have no issue with the current regs. I have a huge issue, however, with people grousing about them.
    The point of the Lotus was that it fitted the regulations at that time. Of course, as you point out, you could build a much faster bike if you work to the only rule that is has to be human powered.

    Because faired HPVs have so much better aerodynamics, when you put them together in massed start races, they can't draft off each other. It very quickly splits up, you don't get anything of the tactics you get in road racing with "saftey" bikes.
    Good answer.... Badly worded question though :oops:
    I was trying to say something like the above & wandered off subject... Faired HPVs are another subject entirely. For the bikes pictured, drafting is still an important factor. I have no knowledge of a massed start event for either faired or unfaired HPVs with a roughly equivalent athlete level, so the field splits apart from having folk who'd get popped out the back of a Cat 4 race racing elite level athletes. That seems to have a bigger effect than aerodynamics...
  • inseine
    inseine Posts: 5,788

    As promised..............
  • It's very Stealth Bomber like. Well done sir.

    You should have asked me to model on it - I have a full Peugeot kit : )
    Contador is the Greatest
  • inseine wrote:


    I'm being massively pedantic here, but my Look pedals don't sit horizontally like that. Were they just drawn that way to show off the logo, and to make it look 'right'?

    Of course, now I come to think about it, my bike doesn't stand up by itself either...
  • inseine
    inseine Posts: 5,788
    my Look pedals don't sit horizontally like that. Were they just drawn that way to show off the logo, and to make it look 'right'?

    Exactly that. The lengths we go to, eh :)
  • Very very nice

    Has it been tried out by a person?
  • 8026138534_24a35a21c8.jpg

    Is that QR the door handle off a 206?
  • inseine
    inseine Posts: 5,788


    This is the 'real' bike, on the stand at the Paris show.
  • graeme_s-2
    graeme_s-2 Posts: 3,382
    Looks fab. I assume it's built just "for show", but is it a fully functioning bike, could you ride it in theory?
  • inseine
    inseine Posts: 5,788
    is it a fully functioning bike, could you ride it in theory

    I'm hoping that in a little while I'll be able to answer positively to that question............
  • hammerite
    hammerite Posts: 3,408
    inseine wrote:
    is it a fully functioning bike, could you ride it in theory

    I'm hoping that in a little while I'll be able to answer positively to that question............

    Looks great inseine.

    Regardless of whether I designed it, if it was a one off funded by my employers I think I'd be terrified to ride it just in case I came off and damaged it. If there were hundreds more in production maybe less bothered!
  • inseine
    inseine Posts: 5,788
    [quoteLooks great inseine.

    Regardless of whether I designed it, if it was a one off funded by my employers I think I'd be terrified to ride it just in case I came off and damaged it. If there were hundreds more in production maybe less bothered!][/quote]

    Thanks :D . Yep, plus the last one was got broken......
  • hammerite wrote:
    inseine wrote:
    is it a fully functioning bike, could you ride it in theory

    I'm hoping that in a little while I'll be able to answer positively to that question............

    Looks great inseine.

    Regardless of whether I designed it, if it was a one off funded by my employers I think I'd be terrified to ride it just in case I came off and damaged it. If there were hundreds more in production maybe less bothered!
    Did you design it to fit you as a custom fit? did you have to make it an "odd" size to get the right proportions for the special parts?
  • inseine
    inseine Posts: 5,788
    At the moment I've designed three sizes (there might be 4) and decided to base the show bike on the medium size. The saddle is set for someone around 1.80, though the bars are quite low. One of my goals is make the bike easily adjustable and not too gawky in the bigger sizes.
  • big_p
    big_p Posts: 565
    edited September 2012
    @ inseine

    i'm loving that bike, just look's awesome.
  • inseine
    inseine Posts: 5,788
    Thanks big P and everyone else. As well as being a designer I'm also an enthusiast and BR former like everyone else here, trying to do my bit for the cycling world. I appreciate any comments and will help get our concept bikes into production. Thanks again.
  • inseine wrote:
    Thanks big P and everyone else. As well as being a designer I'm also an enthusiast and BR former like everyone else here, trying to do my bit for the cycling world. I appreciate any comments and will help get our concept bikes into production. Thanks again.
    Do you get access to wind tunnels? or is it purely a visual object?

    Would it actually be a technically great bike, or just great looking?
  • inseine
    inseine Posts: 5,788
    Do you get access to wind tunnels? or is it purely a visual object?

    We've done some CFD work (aero software) but the tunnel testing is part of the next stage. I can't say too much about the future but we have an exciting plan.
  • inseine wrote:
    Do you get access to wind tunnels? or is it purely a visual object?

    We've done some CFD work (aero software) but the tunnel testing is part of the next stage. I can't say too much about the future but we have an exciting plan.
    Awesome, if for some reason you need to give one away in Australia then I am more than happy to help you out :P

    beautiful work
  • calvjones
    calvjones Posts: 3,850
    +1 great, great looking bike.

    Have you designed it to go in the back of my 207SW with the seats down?

    Strava is not Zen.
  • calvjones wrote:
    +1 great, great looking bike.

    Have you designed it to go in the back of my 207SW with the seats down?
    It would be great to have some sort of roof rack tracks that just fit the forks on a bike without an adaptor or rack. Make the bike part of the car
  • Here's a bit of the design teams' early work.
    Remember that you are an Englishman and thus have won first prize in the lottery of life.
  • term1te
    term1te Posts: 1,462
    The car was featured in our local paper, they didn't mention the bike, shame.