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  • Violating the learning process is a widepsread practice in schools and businesses today.
    Cube Hanzz Pro FR
    It's not that I'm over over biked, my bike is under personed...
  • k-dog
    k-dog Posts: 1,652
    The thickness maps are presented in a colour-coded spectrum from blue to red.
    I'm left handed, if that matters.
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,810
    That is, too little or too much energy may be present

    (geogeeks me and k-dog!)
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • k-dog
    k-dog Posts: 1,652
    Nah, mine was an ophthalmology textbook!
    I'm left handed, if that matters.
  • "The crumbling concrete walls were a two-level maze that was perfect, out-of-the-way spot for stoners of all ages."
    Giant XTC Pro-Carbon
    Cove Hustler
    Planet X Pro-Carbon
  • 'These instruments, although greeted with a certain amount of enthusiasm when announced, were not great sellers and in late 1965 the range was redesigned for a 1966 release'.

    Confession: From the second nearest book to hand. The first, inconveniently, was a book of pen and ink illustrations and devoid of text other than a little epigram.
    "Lick My Decals Off, Baby"
  • fatdaz
    fatdaz Posts: 348
    mudcow007 wrote:
    For example, the following query lists all accounts sorted by available balance with the highest balance listed at the top:

    man alive i need better books

    I can possibly beat that for sheer tedium:

    "An "A" is the initial character in the pattern and "Z" is the last character; anything or nothing might occur in between."

    Sadly I have lots of books like this
  • Ben6899
    Ben6899 Posts: 9,686
    "Say", Sipling said hoarsely, "I think I'm stuck, Bab."

    Bikes: Donhou DSS4 Custom | Condor Italia RC | Gios Megalite | Dolan Preffisio | Giant Bowery '76
  • Bunneh
    Bunneh Posts: 1,329
    wanted to go.
  • desweller
    desweller Posts: 5,175
    A shift system for the duration of cooking would help prevent such a disaster and no more than three cooks are required to strain, cool and divide up the broth into clearly labelled Tupperware containers.
    - - - - - - - - - -
    On Strava.{/url}
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,869
    Il est huit heures, dit M de lisieux en tirant sa montre de sa poche.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • The arete is taken direct by a hard mantle, then easier climbing leads to the top.
  • There wasn't the usual horseplay or banter.
  • Three British cruisers, seven destroyers, an aircraft carrier and four submarines were sunk, against three
    German cruisers, ten destroyers and six submarines.

    ....time flies like an hour, fruit flies like an arrow......'
  • Then he let go of his line, for he thought he saw something shining in the river-bed; and holding his breath he grabbed at it.
  • "When there is nowhere to go, they are firm, when they are deeply involved, they stick to it"
  • "... but with thicker ones, you'll have to loosen it with some liquid"
    I used to just ride my bike to work but now I find myself going out looking for bigger and bigger hills.
  • DesB3rd
    DesB3rd Posts: 285
    Moreover, the hatred for the Tartar was revived, and they were taking revenge for the infamy of centuries of vassalage to the khans.