Lycra - I just can't.



  • markos1963 wrote:
    Sorry but you did mean it in the way people are taking it. Backpeddaling by claiming it's been hijacked is a bit lame now.

    Of course I didn't mean it in it's original form. I was being sarcastic!

    BUT.....the word 'gay' has long since been hijacked away from homosexuals too. These days it means 'naff' or 'crap', which is the actual context I was using. Homosexuality never came into it.



  • ShutUpLegs
    ShutUpLegs Posts: 3,522
    Bustacapp wrote:
    Of course I didn't mean it in it's original form. I was being sarcastic!

    BUT.....the word 'gay' has long since been hijacked away from homosexuals too. These days it means 'naff' or 'crap', which is the actual context I was using. Homosexuality never came into it.

    For someone in their 30's or 40's you do come across as an ignorant tw@t.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Lycra - I just can't get enough
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    As I was waiting at merrivale climb on dartmoor today for the pelaton to go through there were dozens slogging up that awful hill. Some looked pretty svelte and some looked a little unfortunate. Some fat some thin some old some young some fast some slow some in Lycra some not some on MTb some on roadbike. In front of thousands of people. And no one gave a fudge. I was just so full of admiration that they were getting off their butt and doing something that most of the world couldn't
  • Paul E
    Paul E Posts: 2,052
    Bustacapp wrote:
    Paul E wrote:

    You really need to grow up, how old are you if you have been a gym bunny for 20 years??????

    Excuse me but I take great offence at being labelled a 'gym bunny'. Take it back at once or I shall report you to the mods.

    Do it, I have.
  • Popcorn thread if ever there was one!

    Gay is never an acceptable insult, but saying blokes on a motorbike with a rainbow flag (an overt and proud indication that they are most definitely homosexuals) is gay-the-insult not gay-the-sexuality in a thread that relates to a sport where world champions wear tight fitting clothing with big rainbows on them just takes the Irony Scale and fires it into orbit with pike and tuck!

    Disclaimer : Straight here, got three gay mates, they're all to tough with respect to insults to give a shit either way, and none of them would be seen dead in lycra!
  • DavidJB
    DavidJB Posts: 2,019
    There really are some sensitive souls on this board. The type of people who write in to the BBC because a reporter pronounced Tehran wrong.
  • This thread needs more rainbows. So here we go


    There are even some womenfolk!

  • DavidJB wrote:
    There really are some sensitive souls on this board. The type of people who write in to the BBC because a reporter pronounced Tehran wrong.

  • Not sure if this can be classed as gay,i aint no expert on these things.Thoughts anyone?

    Cannondale CAAD 8 105
    Rockrider 8.1
  • Davdandy wrote:
    Not sure if this can be classed as gay,i aint no expert on these things.Thoughts anyone?


    I would say that's a fair bit worse than Lycra.
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,120
    DavidJB wrote:
    Sorry but I can't agree with the post's about fat guys wearing lycra being fine...its repulsive. It's akin to those massive women that always wear sequin tops at the pub. I only started wearing it when I didn't look like an overstuffed sausage on a bike any more. Now I wouldn't leave home without it (on the bike)

    I'm surprised you know what a pub is, surely you realise that they sell stuff with calories in, with limited nutritional value and probably wouldn't improve your PB in a TT.

    It's just a hill. Get over it.
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,120

    That last one shows Vicky crying 'cos she's thinking, "I wish that chunky hunk SecretSam were here to give me an enhanced cuddle!". She is, you know.

    Anyway, back on/off topic, I think the OP has got himself in the mire due to an inappropriate use of a word, the old "doesn't work written although it does if spoken". I think we all accept we can make mistakes on here from time to time, no reason to believe he's homophobic.

    Let's all take a deep breath in and...exhale slowly...

    So, in summary, wear what you like, comfort is important, bigotry is not confined to sexual preference/colour but also size, as demonstrated amply by some posters on here, and frankly let's all move on. Go to your LBS and have a chat, unless they are d1cks like in my LBS, in which case go to a non-local LBS.

    Peace and love,


    It's just a hill. Get over it.
  • Paul E
    Paul E Posts: 2,052
    Davdandy wrote:
    Not sure if this can be classed as gay,i aint no expert on these things.Thoughts anyone?


    No that's just fekking bonkers, looks like someone who has been to gym a lot though...

    Sensitive to some things yes, try going through it and having sh!t shouted at you just for being you and then think on!
  • Paul E wrote:

    No that's just fekking bonkers, looks like someone who has been to gym a lot though...

    That's me that is.
  • I found that as a hairy chap, my hairs poke through lycra/other type of lycra-ish panels on shorts/top. Not a pretty sight so may want to think about that as well. Feel a little self conscious at times but sod it I feel comfy in it!
  • I found that as a hairy chap, my hairs poke through lycra/other type of lycra-ish panels on shorts/top. Not a pretty sight so may want to think about that as well. Feel a little self conscious at times but sod it I feel comfy in it!

    I would avoid white lycra then. Unless you're blond.
    Saw a sign on a restaurant that said Breakfast, any time -- so I ordered French Toast in the Renaissance.
  • CanalRider wrote:
    I found that as a hairy chap, my hairs poke through lycra/other type of lycra-ish panels on shorts/top. Not a pretty sight so may want to think about that as well. Feel a little self conscious at times but sod it I feel comfy in it!

    I would avoid white lycra then. Unless you're blond.

    I am and my kit is black :? :shock:
  • dubcat
    dubcat Posts: 754
    All my kit is Black but now I am envious of people with very courful kit /sigh
    2010 Specialized Rockhopper
    2012 Bianchi Infinito
  • I am neither gay or skinny and love my Lycra bib shorts. I look like a little Britain character in my cycling gear but I am extremely comfortable, content with my sexuality and actually don't give a flying fcuk what anyone else thinks! I am on my bike partaking in exercise - fattists of the world need to learn to deal with it!
  • I will tell you now, 'some' roadies will treat you differently if you do not wear lycra...

    That should make life easier. With any luck they won't speak to me when I'm out in my shorts. Not really the kinda people I'd like to engage in a conversation with.
  • so many people need to get over themselves and stop being so precious on here. 'i will report you to the mods balh blah blah'. really? come on. grow up. its people like you who make the UK a worse place to be, complaining about anything and everything, when its clear to 99% of the people that the meaning and connations behind the phrase the OP said is not at all offesnisve to gays, straights, anyone nowadays.

    in this day and age, people and kids have been using the term 'gay' to describe stuff that is a a bit naff/or crap depending on your take on it, for decades. when i was growing up in the 90's the playground said and still do. Most normal homosexuals know and accept that the connotations of someone saying something 'is a bit gay' is not meant in a homophobic way, and its just the idiots in soceity (mostly straight 'right on' PC thugs with nothing better to do but complain about perceived injustices that the actual people the supposed derogratary term aimed at dont care about) who complain and take offence about anything and complain to authority figures about it.

    as for lycra, makes sense to wear it...even if u arnt svelte, rightly or wrongly everyone else on a road bike wears it, fat or thin young or old, so you will look a bit odd and draw attention if you dont. but then why should you be bother about that. as long as you are comfortable and happy in what you are wearing wear what you want.
  • DavidJB
    DavidJB Posts: 2,019
    SecretSam wrote:
    DavidJB wrote:
    Sorry but I can't agree with the post's about fat guys wearing lycra being fine...its repulsive. It's akin to those massive women that always wear sequin tops at the pub. I only started wearing it when I didn't look like an overstuffed sausage on a bike any more. Now I wouldn't leave home without it (on the bike)

    I'm surprised you know what a pub is, surely you realise that they sell stuff with calories in, with limited nutritional value and probably wouldn't improve your PB in a TT.

    Aye cos I'm not a lard arse I must be a health nut :shock:
  • I weigh 125kgs but when I'm out on the bike I'll be in my Lycra! I am a 6'3" and an ex cricketer though, so I'm never going to be below 100kgs as I'm just not built that way.

    Best thing about Bib shorts is taking your top off and walking around the house pretending to be a WWF/WWE wrestler!!! My kids find it hilarious.
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,120
    Dubcat wrote:
    All my kit is Black but now I am envious of people with very courful kit /sigh

    Ooh where do you get black kit? Black's very slimming, you know :roll:

    It's just a hill. Get over it.
  • dubcat
    dubcat Posts: 754
    SecretSam wrote:
    Dubcat wrote:
    All my kit is Black but now I am envious of people with very courful kit /sigh

    Ooh where do you get black kit? Black's very slimming, you know :roll:

    It also goes with my hair. On a serious note, as a new rider i did not think about the fact that colourful kit helps you to stand out in the eyes of a driver.
    2010 Specialized Rockhopper
    2012 Bianchi Infinito
  • Andy_S_T wrote:

    Best thing about Bib shorts is taking your top off and walking around the house pretending to be a WWF/WWE wrestler!!! My kids find it hilarious.

    So Wrong :D:D:D

    I do hope Countdown is back on in a minute so Rachel can take that image away
    Saw a sign on a restaurant that said Breakfast, any time -- so I ordered French Toast in the Renaissance.
  • When I first put my lycra on before my first road ride I thought "I look bloody ridiculous". Then I cycled 20 miles and thought "that was the most comfortable I've ever been while cycling."
    2012 Cube Agree GTC
  • Locked.

    Please refrain from calling other people names and abusing each other.

    Please bear in mind this is a road beginner's section so simple questions will be asked!
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