Oh Dear



  • ocdupalais
    ocdupalais Posts: 4,314
    Pross wrote:
    Remember when they were going to make a film about Lance Armstrong?

    I guess they might still make one, though it might be more of a legal drama than a classic sporting success story.

    Surprised it never happened. He could have made sure it reflected him in the inspirational way he'd have liked but now it will hopefully be more real if it ever happens. He'd probably tie any unauthorised version in legal knots though forcing the producers to drop the idea.

    Doesn't surprise me at all.
    From writer/director/producer's point of view, once the whiff of doping started stinging their nostrils (however strong or faint) getting the "narrative thrust" of a big-budget film wrong (in this case, originally coming at it from the 'Texan sporting prodigy from broken home (estranged father) becomes World Champion cyclist, gets cancer, on death-bed, recovers, dominates hardest sporting event record 7 times in row, has 5 kids despite inadequate bollock count: cops off with pop star. Generates billions for sponsors and cancer org. Becomes "All American Hero". Yee haw. Run credits') would be unthinkable - so everyone has been waiting to get an historical perspective on it all.
    And from the Armstrong & Associates point of view, unless it was a self-financed production, they would seek to block anything in the last few years that in any way might add to the voices of suspicion - they've been fighting fires on so many fronts.
    Besides, as so much of the evidence points to outrageous guilt, even LA and his colossal ego couldn't bring himself to collaborate on a self-aggrandising feature film in the increasing likelihood of his comprehensively accepted deceipt.