Do you acknowledge over riders?

cr250noob Posts: 57
edited October 2012 in MTB general
Just wondering if anyone else gives a nod to other cyclists they see? I always try to but very rarely get one back. When I rode my motorbike nearly every other biker would nod or wave. When I'm out running other runners nod or say hi. Only place I find people do acknowledge most of the time is at trail centres. Am I expecting too much?
Felt F95
Orange Alpine 160


  • mcnultycop
    mcnultycop Posts: 2,143
    Based on the level of response to this I think you've got your answer.
  • warpcow
    warpcow Posts: 1,448
    I almost always give a nod. Don't always get one back, but don't really expect one either. Anecdotal evidence (the best kind!) would suggest that the more lycra is worn by a rider, the less likely they are to acknowledge you :wink:
  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    As a Lycra wearing rider I find the more body armour worn the ruder the rider! Always say hello, don't really care if they respond!
  • It is a society problem i find.Whether on a bike or not.
    Cannondale CAAD 8 105
    Rockrider 8.1
  • I acknowledge pretty much everyone. Apart from one seriously grumpy old woman in a mobility scooter that I pass on the way to work each morning. That miserable angry cow can go to hell.
  • yup, Everyone, walkers, riders, roadies, as cheerily as i can muster! especially Roadies!! in fairness, down here ive not really seent hat much angst against us, everypones out for fun/hobby/health, so a bit of friendlyness doesnt harm! and more a case of you never know who you'll need to get you out of the ditch! :-D
    After all, I am Cornish!
    Cotic Soul, The bike of Legends!:wink: Yes, I Am a bike tart! ... 1#16297481
  • njee20 wrote:
    I dress like a ballerina, and sometimes people can be quite rude about it.
  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    I would respond, but it's not the CC ;-)

    I stopped for some cake a few months ago. Sat on a bench next to a bloke (with a bike), said "alright", he looked at me for several seconds, then turned away. Amazing! I gave him another cheery hello when I saw him later in the ride!

    People get far too worked up about it, no reason for people to be friendly just because of a vaguely shared interest!
  • benpinnick
    benpinnick Posts: 4,148
    I say hello to everyone I see. This can get tiresome after a while though. Particularly at the supermarket. Maybe I should stick to just on the bike.
    A Flock of Birds
    + some other bikes.
  • bartimaeus
    bartimaeus Posts: 1,812
    I nod, raise a hand or otherwise acknowledge all fellow riders... even roadies.
    Vitus Sentier VR+ (2018) GT Grade AL 105 (2016)
    Giant Anthem X4 (2010) GT Avalanche 1.0 (2010)
    Kingley Vale and QECP Trail Collective - QECP Trail Building
  • I always nod or say hello to other rides, walkers, joggers tec.

    Normally get a positive response but today we were passed by a number of riders on a Sportive and very few said hello back... Shame really, it doesn't cost anything to be socialble...


    Best Weather Bike - Time ZXRS
    Summer Road Bike - Pinarello FPX Dogma
    Winter Road Bike- Colnago E1
    Being Dismantled - Sintesi Blade
    Mountain Bike - Sold them all....
  • njee20 wrote:
    I would respond, but it's not the CC ;-)

    I stopped for some cake a few months ago. Sat on a bench next to a bloke (with a bike), said "alright", he looked at me for several seconds, then turned away. Amazing! I gave him another cheery hello when I saw him later in the ride!

    People get far too worked up about it, no reason for people to be friendly just because of a vaguely shared interest!
    Er, you know what "cake" means don't you, I mean, you are a regular cruddite and all :lol:
  • stubs
    stubs Posts: 5,001
    Was out around Rivington and Healey Nab today and said hello to other bikers, Horse riders and walkers and got a cheerful response from eveyone apart from some miserable twonk on a green Orange. Cheer up you miserable twat I shouted at his back which probably didnt make his day.
    Fig rolls: proof that god loves cyclists and that she wants us to do another lap
  • Paul 8v
    Paul 8v Posts: 5,458
    Always give a nod or say hello and nearly always get a reply.
  • Always, unless they're wearing a TT helmet or a Shoreditch Twat on a fixie wearing a vest, headphones and those stupid sunglasses with slats in them. Can you even see through those things?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Always. Can't say there are many who don't acknowledge back. Even walkers / dog-walkers are quite happy to acknowledge back and may joke about the unfit state you appear to be in climbing up the hill :D.

    Some of the non-cyclists need prodding else they'll ignore you but makes for a better relationship with those you're potentially in conflict with, with a quick hello.

    Lycra clad roadies however - :P

    Well maybe they are acknowledging, just they're all head down storming on. I can't tell if they've given a nod or not. Probably upsets their times if they do. :D
  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    Er, you know what "cake" means don't you, I mean, you are a regular cruddite and all

    It's why it was weird he didn't acknowledge me!

    There's a slightly chavvy looking bloke I pass riding into work, he's out every day, all weathers, all year, £50 Apollo, hoodie and jeans. Always give him a hello, and he always reciprocates. There's another bloke from my office I often see, also on a road bike, in Lycra, who rarely says anything. WGAS?
  • I assume the worst and just shout abuse at everyone. Including my mum. I am not popular.
    Closet jockey wheel pimp whore.
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    I prefer to acknowledge under riders.

    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • ^ :lol:

    I acknowledge other riders if I notice them, often stop and have a chat with random people when on the trails too. One of the nice things really because you wouldn't just have a crack with a random on the high street.
    08 Pitch Pro
    14 Kona Unit
    Kona Kula SS
    Trailstar SS
    94 Univega Alpina 5.3
  • I have found the further south you go, the less likely people are to share a greeting. Being a Midlands Lad, most people will say hello when walking the dog, riding etc up there, not so now I live down south. I make a point of giving everyone a cheery hello when I (carefully and courteously) pass them on my bike, you generally get one of 4 responses - all of which are fine by me.

    1. A nice cheery hello back, sometimes accompanied by a chat if the situation permits
    2. A hello / Nod Back
    3. Nothing
    4. A look of horror and disgust as if the Hooligan on the bike has just robbed a Childrens home charity box (this is normally by ruddy faced middle aged / pensionable aged people walking a pack of little dogs wearing tweed coats and walking boots, amazed that a person on a mechanical contraption should dare share this bridleway - its for Dog Walking and Horses you know)!
    My biggest fear is that should I crash, burn and die, my Wife would sell my stuff based upon what I told her I paid for it.
  • ^ :lol:

    I acknowledge other riders if I notice them, often stop and have a chat with random people when on the trails too. One of the nice things really because you wouldn't just have a crack with a random on the high street.
    I dunno, in Rhyl, you can randomly pick any stranger and it's more than likely they'll have some crack for you.
  • Glad its not just me, I was beginning to get a complex! I'm gonna carry on nodding and saying hi, maybe it will catch on!
    Felt F95
    Orange Alpine 160
  • down here ive not really seent hat much angst against us

  • jolmes
    jolmes Posts: 144
    Having read this thread the other day I though I'd see how many people inc. walkers, runners and the dreaded angry dog walking women with far too many dogs to control would acknowledge us or even say Hi, maybe people are more friendly up north but over an entire 5-6 hour ride, at least 90% of people said hi or gave a small bob of the head/wave
  • Briggo
    Briggo Posts: 3,537
    jolmes wrote:
    Having read this thread the other day I though I'd see how many people inc. walkers, runners and the dreaded angry dog walking women with far too many dogs to control would acknowledge us or even say Hi, maybe people are more friendly up north but over an entire 5-6 hour ride, at least 90% of people said hi or gave a small bob of the head/wave

    90% of what, 3 people?

    I'll do it when I can be bothered.
  • jolmes
    jolmes Posts: 144
    Sorry, its a popular track for walking and other bikers from Scarborough to Whitby, probably around 60-70 people perhaps more as its popular with families, nice sunny day so everyone was friendly.
  • in Rhyl, you can randomly pick any stranger and it's more than likely they'll have some crack for you.
    cr250noob wrote:
    Glad its not just me, I was beginning to get a complex!

    The police have been notified, they're on their way right now :lol:
  • IhateDNS
    IhateDNS Posts: 380
    edited September 2012
    Not just me then. Shouldn't worry me but It does!
    Riding to woods lastnight nodded at roadie he looked at me then looked away! W@nker makes me think wish I never nodded.
    So If I start to blank rider I will become an arrogant twat!

    I go out off my way say hello to dog walkers as not meant to be in that part of woods.

    Edit: looks as if phone decided to randomly change and delete words!
    I only ride 'em, I don't know what makes 'em work!
  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    W@nker make think wise I never noded. So If I start to blank other I will become an arrogant fool.

    WTF? Are you drunk? I don't even know what you're trying to say!

    I really don't know why this upsets people, it's rather pathetic! If I'm walking down the street I don't say hello to everyone else. If I'm riding in London I don't say hello to every rider, I'd never get anywhere. If I'm out in the countryside I do say hello to everyone. Most respond, some don't. There's little correlation between walkers/runners/cyclists and their response. As I said, if I had to pick a group who tend not to respond it's the 'storm trooper' types, which is fine!

    They may be rude, they may be trying too hard, having a conversation, not have heard me, in a world of their own (I know I sometimes am). It really doesn't affect me in the least! I do worry about some of the delicate little flowers on here.