Advice for 1st 12hr TT?



  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,146
    Thanks - I'll give it a few more days to improve then. Unfortunately I only have the one pair of shoes, I did have them as loose as I could without them starting to come off though. It felt more like it was stemming from the pressure of the pedal than any problem with my feet swelling.

    BTW Grill, did you take a photo of the result board (or are you aware of the results being posted anywhere yet)? I had to leave before my distance came in so don't know my official distance. I'm sure the organiser will issue the results soon but I don't want to chase him as I'm sure he deserves a break from the work after putting on an event like that!
  • Grill
    Grill Posts: 5,610
    In that case it could be lack of support that's causing the arch as well as the varus to collapse. I use Specialized Green footbed (have also used Superfeet which are very good) with 1.5 degree of varus correction in each shoe. THe socks help as my feet don't swell since they stay dry and cool.

    I didn't get a picture of the board but I've been in contact with Ritchie in regards to correcting my provisional distance and he said the final results will be finalised and posted in the next couple weeks.
    English Cycles V3 | Cervelo P5 | Cervelo T4 | Trek Domane Koppenberg
  • Grill
    Grill Posts: 5,610
    Official results have just been posted:

    Looks like you finished on 209.49, very nice!

    I finished on 229.948 miles beating one of my clubmates by half a mile. Looking at the splits had I not been sent the wrong way and crunched with no food and drink I probably would have been close to 235.
    English Cycles V3 | Cervelo P5 | Cervelo T4 | Trek Domane Koppenberg
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,146
    Grill wrote:
    Official results have just been posted:

    Looks like you finished on 209.49, very nice!

    I finished on 229.948 miles beating one of my clubmates by half a mile. Looking at the splits had I not been sent the wrong way and crunched with no food and drink I probably would have been close to 235.

    Thanks for that, I'm well pleased with that but also annoyed as I would have easily beaten 210 if it hadn't been for the stops to relieve my foot pain. I got lucky with the lights on the Hereford road but got held up on 4 of the 5 laps at Chainbridge and got held up in traffic twice through Raglan (plus spent too much time chatting to family at the feed zone on the final lap :oops: )
  • Grill
    Grill Posts: 5,610
    I hear that! Both myself and Justin had 231 on our Garmins so we were both annoyed to not officially hit 230. Only .051 miles away for me! What a kick in the nuts.
    English Cycles V3 | Cervelo P5 | Cervelo T4 | Trek Domane Koppenberg
  • dru
    dru Posts: 1,341
    Missed this thread entirely! lol

    Didn't know you were riding Pross otherwise I would have come over and said hello pre-event and then seen how you got on afterwards.

    Was a great day out in the saddle.

    Although I've done some 10's ,25's and 50 mile on a TT bike this year, I decided to do the 100 mile baqck in the summer and this 12 hour on my road bike with clip-on, with my powertap traing wheel (with discover) but with my Adamo Saddle.

    First 100 miles was done 8 minutes quicker than my 100tt PB from earlier in the year and had great support from our helpers and the guys out on the circuit.

    Managed just over 230 miles on the Garmin as Eric said but officials pegged me back to 229 something and Eric finished just ahead of me.

    My feet, legs were and have been fine (maybe not pushed myself hard enough?) my back gave me a bit of grief so I was on Ibuprofen from hour 4. A tablet every 2 hours.

    Biggest issue was one of my aero bars twisted and my pad slipped out. Had to then grip differently and have more weight on forearm. Monday night had a nasty bruise come up - its going down now.

    ....when is the next one then?

    Next time I think with more training I would do it on my new TT frameset and also try it in the skinsuit.
  • Grill
    Grill Posts: 5,610
    Skinsuit was a winner for me!
    English Cycles V3 | Cervelo P5 | Cervelo T4 | Trek Domane Koppenberg
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,146
    So are you both planning on doing next year's race? My intention was to just do one so I could tick the box and say I'd done it and hopefully get 200 miles. I don't really bother doing Open TTs and my only previous long distance TT was a 100 back in 1993 when I was much fitter, although I blew up in the last 30 miles of that my time at the 98.4 mile split was about a minute slower than that 100 mile time. I felt like I took the ride very steady throughout so now I'm thinking train more and do some 50s and a 100 next year (hopefully there will be a fairly local one as I want to target a sub 5 hour ride) and possibly aim to eventually ride a 12 at 20mph average. I need to do something about my feet and also get some different clip on bars first though as my arms felt too bruised to use my current bars for more than a few seconds after the Hereford leg.
  • Grill
    Grill Posts: 5,610
    I'll be doing the 12hr again next year as well as the 24hr!
    English Cycles V3 | Cervelo P5 | Cervelo T4 | Trek Domane Koppenberg
  • sub55
    sub55 Posts: 1,025
    The 24 hr is a completely different animal to the 12hr, its just not the same.
    Thats not to say that its any more difficult . Coincidentally , there's a trophy out there called the marcher cup , which is awarded to the rider with the highest aggregate mileage for the wca 12 and the 24.
    Dont think to yourself you're not in that league because you might be surprised.

    Some of the other contributors to this thread may interested to know , the wca 100 will probably be back in abergavenny next year . A much quicker course than this years llandovery based affair . South wales also has the national 50 miles championships next year , which will be promoted by the wca on a abergavenny based course , possibly a new one if what we have in mind measures up. So all the bar distances are on your doorstep .

    As for feet hurting and arms hurting , yep been there infact just about every bit of has hurt at some time in a 12. But strangely its never the same thing twice. Just because you had bad feet this year ,doesn't mean you will next year. Oh and its skinsuit, tt bike , aero lid, disc wheel all the way. Contary to popular belief , if you feel the need to alter your riding position , you want to put the bars down and not up.
    constantly reavalueating the situation and altering the perceived parameters accordingly
  • dru
    dru Posts: 1,341
    I have a feeling that 2013 will contain lots of long distance training rides in full aero kit.... happy days ;)
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,146
    Good news that the 100 is coming back to Aber, I'll be doing that then - should be another guaranteed trophy at the club dinner as well as possibly a 50 as all the other members have an aversion to time trials of over 25 miles. I could even get the club BAR! :)

    So were you the rice pudding cornet man Sub55? If so, many thanks - the only thing I've tasted recently that was nicer was the tuna sandwich after I finished, a bit of savoury was a real treat after all the sweet stuff!