Up at 6am, Jam Sandwich, benchmark and some plotting

MrCubeLtd Posts: 192
edited August 2012 in Road beginners
Right, got the shoes, pedals and saddle on the new bike. Decided to get up at 6am, 1 x coffee, 1 x Jam Sandwich, wait for the meds to wear off and away I go. Another reason is I am still getting used to the Speedplays and thinking along the lines of, no traffic early morning so less chance of getting flustered with the pedals and having an accident.
See this thread about my shoes and pedals

Now that I have a computer on the bike, I am going to spend the next 2 weeks taking different routes around Walton, Weybridge, Kingston etc. Make a note of the milage for a given route and then plot on a map. Yes I would love a fancy GPS, but that money could go on wheels and groupset upgrade. Plus if I have a plotted map I can see exactly where I have been and it helps me visualise a given route.

As for the todays ride I was at 70% power, I had more to give but I was taking it easy. I obviously put the power down on the slopes but I recorded the following. ( Bearing in mind this is only my 2nd real week on a road bike).

Distance 10.33 Miles
Average Speed 15.7 Mph
Time 39.21 minutes

How does this shape up?

ps I have been riding a MTB (now sold!) for the last 4 months but that is my only other cycling experience.
I'm pedalling as fast as I can!


  • paulus69
    paulus69 Posts: 160
    Good luck, on a side note do you have a smartphone with a GPS. Even my rubbish blackberry has apps to plot your route.
    Me on Strava
    My cycling blog
    Specialized Secteur 2012 / Carrera Vulcan v-spec
  • MrCubeLtd
    MrCubeLtd Posts: 192
    I'd rather not take out my smartphone in the bag, even though I have a mini wedge saddle bag. I do take an old crappy Nokia out with me for emergency. Anyway I like printing out maps its good for the rain forest :D
    I'm pedalling as fast as I can!
  • paulus69
    paulus69 Posts: 160
    The other option with the smart phone is put it in a zip lock bag. I've found increasing the number of hills/distance in my routes to be a good way of increasing my fitness on the bike.
    Me on Strava
    My cycling blog
    Specialized Secteur 2012 / Carrera Vulcan v-spec
  • I did 10.28 miles on my first ride out round Basingstoke a couple of day back. I did it in 47mins with some left in the tank as I'm having gearing problems.

    The area you live and ride is good as there are plenty of other riders out there you can pace yourself with or at least try.
    Don't call me sir I work for a living
  • MrCubeLtd wrote:

    Distance 10.33 Miles
    Average Speed 15.7 Mph
    Time 39.21 minutes

    How does this shape up?

    ps I have been riding a MTB (now sold!) for the last 4 months but that is my only other cycling experience.

    Sounds roughly where I was when I first got my road bike after a couple of months on a MTB.
    Keep up the good work Sir :)
    "You really think you can burn off sugar with exercise?" downhill paul
  • MrCubeLtd
    MrCubeLtd Posts: 192
    I did 10.28 miles on my first ride out round Basingstoke a couple of day back. I did it in 47mins with some left in the tank as I'm having gearing problems.

    The area you live and ride is good as there are plenty of other riders out there you can pace yourself with or at least try.

    Yep its nice and flat :D

    Going to have to tackle hill from Hersham to Esher up to the high street. That should give me a good indication of where I am at.
    I'm pedalling as fast as I can!
  • MrCubeLtd
    MrCubeLtd Posts: 192
    Thanks CharliePotatoes glad I am on the right track. Its nice to know other people have come across from MTB to road as well.

    Blood starving after that ride. Had 1 medium bowl of ceral, cup of ovaltine for muscle repair and then some scrambled egg, some cold meat, toast and a cup of tea.

    Footnote: without going into detail too much, one of the side effects of my medication is constant hunger. Now the ride this morning made me hungry. But hungry pains mid day is the tablets and not my body actually needing food. Its bloody tuff work not giving into the hunger pains of the meds but I think because of the 5 x per week rides I am starting to win again.
    I'm pedalling as fast as I can!
  • I have just finished my third breakfast :mrgreen:

    A bowl of cereal before I left, Two energy bars on the way round, A full English when I got back and another bowl of cereal as I was still peckish.

    I did 50 miles in 2hrs 56mins @ 17mph so I reckon I've earned it.

    Mrs Potatoes is moaning about the increase in the weekly food bill though :lol:
    "You really think you can burn off sugar with exercise?" downhill paul
  • MrCubeLtd
    MrCubeLtd Posts: 192
    LOL thats some breakfast mate!

    50 mile ride - seems a very long way off me at the moment but I know over time it is something I can work up to. Just got to set myself some realistic targets and go from there.

    Well done on the 50 miler :D
    I'm pedalling as fast as I can!
  • adm1
    adm1 Posts: 180
    Have a look at www.MapMy Ride.com for route planning. You can draw out your route on your computer, see what the hill elevations are going to be like etc...

    Nowt wrong with taking your smartphone out with you - just stick in in the back pocket of your jersey. Couple that with the MapMyRide app and you can follow the route you already planned as well as logging all your stats.

    Above all though....have fun!
  • MrCubeLtd wrote:
    LOL thats some breakfast mate!

    50 mile ride - seems a very long way off me at the moment but I know over time it is something I can work up to. Just got to set myself some realistic targets and go from there.

    Well done on the 50 miler :D

    I have just completed week 14 of this training guide....


    Attempting my first Sportive in 2 weeks. I recommend the training guide it's really helped to keep me focused.
    "You really think you can burn off sugar with exercise?" downhill paul
  • MrCubeLtd
    MrCubeLtd Posts: 192
    Nice one Charly. Wow that is some training guide - I guess just what I need as I ride solo and have no one to push against.

    At the moment I can do 10 - 12 miles per day 5 x days per week. I guess that puts me in Week 3 of the training schedule. Until I get to the Sunday and it is a mammoth 25 miles! :?

    Can my body do a 25 miler? If I can manage 10 average per ride 5 days per week.

    How did you find going from a 10 mile to a 25 mile for the sunday?

    I did notice 3 rest days - does this compensate for the extra mileage?
    I'm pedalling as fast as I can!
  • MrCubeLtd wrote:
    Nice one Charly. Wow that is some training guide - I guess just what I need as I ride solo and have no one to push against.

    At the moment I can do 10 - 12 miles per day 5 x days per week. I guess that puts me in Week 3 of the training schedule. Until I get to the Sunday and it is a mammoth 25 miles! :?

    Can my body do a 25 miler? If I can manage 10 average per ride 5 days per week.

    How did you find going from a 10 mile to a 25 mile for the sunday?

    Yep the 25 miler should be okay as long as you observe the rest days. You will be surprised how quickly you can do 100k.
    I'm 46 and used to smoke and drink at a national level :lol: and I made 88 mile last Saturday.
    Mrs potatoes is on week 5 and going for the 30 miles tomorrow on her MTB and she's just a girl :mrgreen:
    "You really think you can burn off sugar with exercise?" downhill paul
  • MrCubeLtd
    MrCubeLtd Posts: 192
    I've smoked for 20 years and I still do. I hardly drink because of the meds they don't go hand in hand. I watch my diet these days and I have lost 21lbs in weight since starting cycling 4 months ago :D

    What would you advise as I don't want to start the schedule half way through and I am still getting used to the bike.

    Should I start on week 4 next week or start again as week 3, follow the guide to the letter and build up from there.
    I'm pedalling as fast as I can!
  • If it was me I would start at week 3 which means Monday rest, tues 5miles, weds 10etc.
    This will give you a relatively easy recovery week (wk4) after the 25 miler.

    Be warned though. I find the rest days are the worst as I just want to get out there :lol:
    "You really think you can burn off sugar with exercise?" downhill paul
  • MrCubeLtd
    MrCubeLtd Posts: 192
    Once again thanks mate. Week 3 it is then :D
    I'm pedalling as fast as I can!
  • MrCubeLtd wrote:
    Once again thanks mate. Week 3 it is then :D

    Good Luck and keep me posted :wink:
    "You really think you can burn off sugar with exercise?" downhill paul
  • adm1
    adm1 Posts: 180
    MrCubeLtd wrote:
    I've smoked for 20 years and I still do.

    What would you advise ?

    Stop smoking (sorry - couldn't resist). It'll do wonders for your general fitness. I know how hard it is as I quit nearly 3 years ago now.
  • MrCubeLtd
    MrCubeLtd Posts: 192
    MrCubeLtd wrote:
    Once again thanks mate. Week 3 it is then :D

    Good Luck and keep me posted :wink:

    Will do mate. One other question if ok...

    What do I do for the inflight meal? ie 25 miles I'm gonna need topping up. I can't eat fruit except for jam sandwiches. Would a jam sandwich half way through the ride be sufficient plus liquid? I have tried malt loaf etc couldn't eat it.
    I'm pedalling as fast as I can!
  • MrCubeLtd
    MrCubeLtd Posts: 192
    adm1 wrote:
    Stop smoking (sorry - couldn't resist). It'll do wonders for your general fitness. I know how hard it is as I quit nearly 3 years ago now.

    I know mate I have tried over the last 2 weeks and fail miserably. I start off so well then by lunchtime I'm having a cigg again. I have will power for everything else in life but not when it comes to smoking.
    I'm pedalling as fast as I can!
  • MrCubeLtd wrote:
    MrCubeLtd wrote:
    Once again thanks mate. Week 3 it is then :D

    Good Luck and keep me posted :wink:

    Will do mate. One other question if ok...

    What do I do for the inflight meal? ie 25 miles I'm gonna need topping up. I can't eat fruit except for jam sandwiches. Would a jam sandwich half way through the ride be sufficient plus liquid? I have tried malt loaf etc couldn't eat it.

    How about flapjacks?
    I buy those packs of bitesize ones from Tesco. Fairly easy to eat whilst breathing heavily.
    Or jam sandwich will be fine.
    To be honest I am okay without food for up to 30 miles but everyone is different.
    1 x 750ml for 25 mile with 2 'high5' no calorie tablets.
    "You really think you can burn off sugar with exercise?" downhill paul
  • MrCubeLtd
    MrCubeLtd Posts: 192
    I'll give the flapjacks go this week otherwise squashed jam sandwich for back up :D
    I'm pedalling as fast as I can!
  • MrCubeLtd wrote:
    Thanks CharliePotatoes glad I am on the right track. Its nice to know other people have come across from MTB to road as well.

    Blood starving after that ride. Had 1 medium bowl of ceral, cup of ovaltine for muscle repair and then some scrambled egg, some cold meat, toast and a cup of tea.

    Footnote: without going into detail too much, one of the side effects of my medication is constant hunger. Now the ride this morning made me hungry. But hungry pains mid day is the tablets and not my body actually needing food. Its bloody tuff work not giving into the hunger pains of the meds but I think because of the 5 x per week rides I am starting to win again.

    I don't know what your meds are obviously but it appears to me that you may be eating far too much considering the distances involved. A ten mile ride in reality expends a limited number of calories and, depending on portion size obviously, your sandwich, ovaltine, eggs and meat are probably overcompensating, even accounting for the need for a regular breakfast. Tbh you've probably only used a banana's worth of energy on that ride. Mind you, I sympathize with the permanent hunger. It's one of the reasons why I'm fitter, but heavier...
  • adm1
    adm1 Posts: 180
    MrCubeLtd wrote:
    adm1 wrote:
    Stop smoking (sorry - couldn't resist). It'll do wonders for your general fitness. I know how hard it is as I quit nearly 3 years ago now.

    I know mate I have tried over the last 2 weeks and fail miserably. I start off so well then by lunchtime I'm having a cigg again. I have will power for everything else in life but not when it comes to smoking.

    This might be way off base....but I quit completely and easily using Swedish Snus (Google is your friend here). You can't buy it here.....but you CAN order it online from a few places (in Sweden).

    The key to it is that it gives you more nicotine than the fags, over a longer period of time. So the fag crave just goes completely. It's also more or less harmless and has almost none of the nasty cancer problems that most tobacco based nicotine replacement therapies have (it's classed as a food product in Sweden) - the Swedes have the lowest rates of tobacco related cancers in Europe.

    Anyway - if you struggle getting off the fags, I can highly recommend it (plus you can do it places you can't smoke - such as on aeroplanes or in hospitals). Try that for a while, then when you've broken the physical part of the nicotine habit (having a fag in your hands - which takes about three days) then switch to nicotine gum.

    Nicotine in itself isn't really very bad for you - it's the by products of smoking that will kill you.
  • MrCubeLtd
    MrCubeLtd Posts: 192
    I'm going to go out on a limb here - I am not after sympathy or pats on the back. I am saying this because there are so many people out there with some form of mental illness and if anyone reading this on this forum, if it can give them hope that it can be overcome then that is good enough for me. Again, it is a public forum but obiously I not using my real name :D

    I have a very severe form of BiPolar it is very destructive in nature. It is under control finally by meds, regular exercise, a lot of work with mental professionals and keeping my head strong.

    I take a mixture of hardcore anti-psychotic drugs to level me out. They are a mixture of heavy sedatives, mood stabilizers and emotion suppressents. They basically stop me having extreme high and lows - they don't work all the time and occassionaly I can have an severe episode but the last one was Nov 2011. So compared to my previous track record this is a positive step in recovery and management and hope for the future.

    Olanzapine - this is the one that makes me permantely hungry

    So to give you an example: I could wake up at 10pm at night and feel like I have not eaten in days. I feel so hungry I will then eat again to ease the hunger pain otherwise I won't go back to sleep etc This then causes weight gain etc. So all the hard work done in the day cycling it then undone at night time eating. I will also get the hunger pains in the day time as well. So the hunger from cycling is blurred against the hunger of the olanzapine

    I have lost 21lbs since I started cycling 4 months ago - but again if it wasn't for the olanzapine I would be even slimmer. Its an uphill battle that I am trying to win.

    What has this got to do with Cycling?
    Cycling basically saved my life and it is what keeps me going every day. The regular exercise is so good for the mental development, I am getting fitter and getting out and about and not festering. It is keeping me positive, it keeps my mood swings under control. Its a low impact sport with so many rewards and as each week goes by, I found something else out about cycling.

    Its 6:33am, I have been up since 6am, still groggy but should clear in the nex 15 mins then I'll be out the door for my Sunday ride.

    1 in 4 people in their lifetime will suffer some form of mental illness at some stage in their life. For some it is temporary for some (like me) it is with them for life. It can be overcome, you have just got to want to overcome it. Everything in life is fixable at some stage or enougher. To what extreme, that will be up to the individual :)
    I'm pedalling as fast as I can!
  • Have a good ride out Mr Cube and stay lucky :D:D
    "You really think you can burn off sugar with exercise?" downhill paul
  • MrCubeLtd
    MrCubeLtd Posts: 192
    Cheers mate - I did my 10 miles today in 37.47 minutes. I shaved off 1.47 seconds - slimstreaming the milk float helped :D

    The ride was just smoother and I enjoyed it more then yesterday - I would say since I have got the bike it was the best ride I have had so far. Week 3 starts tomorrow.

    There was alot of other riders out - some on the road, most however must have been at pre-arranged meeting points before their ride. I do say hello to other cyclists when on the bike.

    Still breaking in the shoes and pedals and the saddle. One thing I did find that I did today was stop less for a drink and that I also drunk less as well from my bottle. I still haven't got the confidence to be able to drink from my bottle whilst riding. So I stop by the kerb for a top up. I only stopeed twice today for a quick drink - when I got back I was suprized how little I had drunk.
    I'm pedalling as fast as I can!
  • 15.89mph Average. Nice going.
    Rest Day for me :cry:
    "You really think you can burn off sugar with exercise?" downhill paul
  • MrCubeLtd
    MrCubeLtd Posts: 192
    adm1 wrote:

    This might be way off base....but I quit completely and easily using Swedish Snus (Google is your friend here). You can't buy it here.....but you CAN order it online from a few places (in Sweden).

    The key to it is that it gives you more nicotine than the fags, over a longer period of time. So the fag crave just goes completely. It's also more or less harmless and has almost none of the nasty cancer problems that most tobacco based nicotine replacement therapies have (it's classed as a food product in Sweden) - the Swedes have the lowest rates of tobacco related cancers in Europe.

    Anyway - if you struggle getting off the fags, I can highly recommend it (plus you can do it places you can't smoke - such as on aeroplanes or in hospitals). Try that for a while, then when you've broken the physical part of the nicotine habit (having a fag in your hands - which takes about three days) then switch to nicotine gum.

    Nicotine in itself isn't really very bad for you - it's the by products of smoking that will kill you.

    Sorry Adm I was so busy prattling on myself I completely missed your post. Thanks for the heads up. I will look into it.
    I'm pedalling as fast as I can!
  • MrCubeLtd
    MrCubeLtd Posts: 192
    15.89mph Average. Nice going.
    Rest Day for me :cry:

    I think you will be right tomorrow will be rest day and I will be at my witts end! :D I guess a trip to my LBS may sooth the pain
    I'm pedalling as fast as I can!