Bottom of back, top of bottom pain

pb21 Posts: 2,171
I have noticed that after a couple of hours hard cycling I am getting an ache right at the base of my back / top of my buttock on the right hand side, kind of normal I think?

It hasn't been too bad or caused an issue, but today it was a bit more of a sharp pain as I was pushing it a bit more than usual.

Any ideas what it is? Should I go to the Drs? Any excersies/stretches I could do?

Thanks :D


  • dw300
    dw300 Posts: 1,642
    If I do some deadlifting in the gym, I get aching in that area during rides in the few days afterwards, especially on the side of what I have recently found to be my shorter leg. So it could just be your spinal erectors, which aren't huge muscles but work fairly hard.

    Do you lift heavy things in your daily job? Or have you been doing so recently .. gardening, moving furniture etc, that you normally wouldn't? Small muscles are going to ache a bit if you subject them to lots of intensity and volume.
    All the above is just advice .. you can do whatever the f*ck you wana do!
    Bike Radar Strava Club
    The Northern Ireland Thread
  • pb21
    pb21 Posts: 2,171
    No I haven't done anything like that recently. I guess it could be to do with these spinal erectors though, so will look into that.

    Does the fact that I only notice it if I am working hard, either effort wise or duration suggest anything?

    The other thing worth mentioning is that the ache feels quite deep.
  • dw300
    dw300 Posts: 1,642
    Well it would lead you to believe that it's fatigue or overuse, rather than anything catastrophic. But you did mention sharp pain, which doesn't really tally with that. Is it really a sharp pain like a stabbing pain, or is it just a very sore ache?

    I can't really help other than suggesting similar things I've experienced. But the more info you can provide the more likely someone else can. How long have you been cycling, and how much recently? Have you increased your mileage or intensity recently, or the position on your bike?
    All the above is just advice .. you can do whatever the f*ck you wana do!
    Bike Radar Strava Club
    The Northern Ireland Thread
  • I get a similar pain on my right side lower back. I was once told that cyclists suffer alot of lower back pain due to shortened hamstrings. Cycling does develop short compact muscles because they do not operate through their whole range.

    Try regularly stretching your hamstrings to see if that helps. It works for me and I was surprised at how inflexible I was.


  • t.m.h.n.e.t
    t.m.h.n.e.t Posts: 2,265
    Does your bike fit you correctly?
  • pb21
    pb21 Posts: 2,171
    Thanks for all the replies.

    I think it is overuse or a weak muscle causing overcompensation, or something like that. I do have short hamstrings, always have, maybe I should sort that out. I think my bike fits me properly, its been the same position for years but I have never been fitted.

    What caused me to post today was that the general area of achiness, was a more localised or sharp and that I could pinpoint where it was
  • alihisgreat
    alihisgreat Posts: 3,872
    If your core is weak its going to show up on longer rides or when you're pushing it: I get a small ache whilst riding if I go on 2 hour rides and push up a few cat 4 climbs.

    Its not as bad as before I started doing core work though.... perhaps something you should look into?

    I just did 6-8 weeks with a few days in the gym specifically targeting the core.
  • Yukirin
    Yukirin Posts: 231
    This used to be a problem for me, I was told to try doing regular situps to strengthen my middle and that helped after a couple of months. I was quite surprised to find I was struggling to do 10 at first, didnt realise my middle had become so weak.
  • bahzob
    bahzob Posts: 2,195
    Check bike fit, especially saddle height.

    Also 5 mins a day doing the below should help. Works all the core muscles and also helps with legs/hamstrings.

    1:30 this

    1:00 each side

    then 1:30 first exercise again.
    Martin S. Newbury RC