No wonder Wiggo keeps winning



  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    P_Tucker wrote:
    kanto wrote:
    JGSI wrote:
    Whoever won it , I suspect has no real feelings about our sport.. saddens me.. obviously the bike's bars were dropped like that to give the kid a ride.. so it ends up on Ebay.... why enter a competition when you don't give a t0ss about the prize and just want the money? unless they are up sheet creek financially?
    I really hope they regret selling this in 10 years time.
    For me Dogmas are not out there in the beauty stakes in top end bikes, but still, I wish I hadnt read this thread now.

    That is the problem, no honour, no values, no morals, left in most of today's world. Really poor show indeed!

    Perhaps he'll send each of you a few quid for stepladders to get off your high horses.

    on reflection Tucker, couldnt give a flying fck... the guy must be desperate for the's the bike.. here's ebay
  • raymondo60
    raymondo60 Posts: 735
    Raymondo60 wrote:
    Opportunist t0sser

    Why? He won something in a competition and is choosing to sell it. The bike might not fit him. He might just need / want the money. Why has this bothered you so much?

    Actually you're right - its his bike he can do what he likes with it. I was probably in one of those moods

    "Let's just all be really careful out there folks!"
  • Manc33
    Manc33 Posts: 2,157
    I'd sell it but be pissed off that I am selling a piece of history. :cry:

    I'd definitely have a few rides on it although its far too big for me.

    IMO he won it because of the MTB cassette.

    I noticed that, I can go 1 MPH slower but more efficiently with a super low gear. Original setup was a 30F/25R and I was doing about 5 MPH at 30 RPM struggling like hell. Swapped the cassette to give me a 30F/32R and can go at about 70 RPM doing 4 MPH, but the thing is with the road bike cassette (25T) I couldn't get up the same hill I could get up today with the 32T on. It still wasn't easy, but I wasn't craving for a lower gear all the time and having to stop every 25 meters.
  • I don't know what you guys are on about...

    The 10 K request is fair and not that far off the cost of the same bike without Wiggins written on it and certificate. Personally I wouldn't bother with ebay and would try to sell it at a proper auction... right now it might sell for well in excess of 10K.

    We all enter competitions, he won something he can do without... there are people selling kidneys, this is just a bike...


    I'd probably sell it, trade it or give it away as well. I've entered competitions like that before, knowing that I'd probably need to. I'm a beanpole of 6'0; what use to me is a bike sized for someone of 5'7 likely to be? I'd rather that the bike were put to full use by somebody suitably able to do so. I understand that for off-the-peg sloping geometry frames the sizing rules are different to off-the-peg straight geometry frames, but it would be my assumption that I would be a different size. My Falcon is a pretty big bike. I'd guess the seat tube is about 60-62cm; I've never measured it.
  • Manc33 wrote:
    IMO he won it because of the MTB cassette.

    I don't know for certain, but I would assume that everybody was probably using MTB cassettes for the mountain stages. They're all in it to win, so I don't see why they wouldn't.
  • TKF
    TKF Posts: 279
    Man in selling something he owns shocker

    What fantastic sanctimony on this thread
  • kanto
    kanto Posts: 112
    Mr greedy failed to sell the item it seems. Didn't sell at £10,400 due to the reserve not being met. I wonder how high this vulture put the reserve at :lol:
  • 10k a decent car and a decent bike . straight on ebay
  • daveski12 wrote:
    I'd sell it.

    10k is a nice chunk of a house deposit.

    +1 to this.

    The guy won it, obviously isn't going to use it to its full potential so might just sit in the garage and get scratched, dented etc so why not sell it to someone who will use it properly.
  • Fella can do what he wants with it - it's his.

    If it fitted me, I'd ride it. ALthough my missus would have a very different view, and I could flog that, have our first family holiday in 2 years and still buy a very nice bike with the change... so maybe I'd sell it too...
  • acidstrato
    acidstrato Posts: 945
    +1 I would sell it so that somebody who can afford to hang a 10k bike on their wall or could afford to ride a 10k bike into the ground without a second thought

    I have plenty of bikes, so a 10k bike or 10k? i know which I'd prefer. Wiggins probably didn't ride it anyway, its most likely a spare that was carried on the car or in the mechanics truck.
    Crafted in Italy apparantly