how many miles this year so far?

ianbar Posts: 1,354
edited August 2012 in Road beginners
i passed 1000 on saturday, concindering i didn't ride the whole of may not too bad, but oddly did 130 miles last week...what have i been doing all year lol
enigma esprit
cannondale caad8 tiagra 2012


  • schlepcycling
    schlepcycling Posts: 1,614
    'Hello to Jason Isaacs'
  • xscreamsuk
    xscreamsuk Posts: 318
    4048 plus a good few hundred on the turbo,
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    Take a look at the Stats board - link below. Mostly commuters on there but a good mix.

    Me? 2931.
  • ThatBikeGuy
    ThatBikeGuy Posts: 394
    About 20 :lol:
    Plagued with injuries so far, hoping to get on the bike in time for the summer sun. :roll:
    Cannondale SS Evo Team
    Kona Jake CX
    Cervelo P5
  • BillyMansell
    BillyMansell Posts: 817
    About 20 :lol:
    Plagued with injuries so far, hoping to get on the bike in time for the summer sun. :roll:
    Nuts! I was going for the Lanterne Rouge with my 200 miles due to illness since the end of last year and a recovery that hasn't materialised. Already planning for a new start next year.
  • dazzlers82
    dazzlers82 Posts: 50
    Only started riding at the end of June and I must have done 200 miles with the miles I've done on the turbo as well, not bad for an unfit newbie :)
    Scott speedster 20 compact 2013
    Claud butler san remo 2012
  • 2860 from 78 rides
  • DaveL
    DaveL Posts: 188
    2484 miles, 75804 feet climbing in 90 rides.

    Not bad for my first 7 months of road riding :D

  • gattocattivo
    gattocattivo Posts: 500
    77 rides (no commuting), 2199 miles
  • ianbar
    ianbar Posts: 1,354
    51 rides 1059 miles 51045ft climbing
    enigma esprit
    cannondale caad8 tiagra 2012
  • smidsy
    smidsy Posts: 5,273
    Somewhere between 2500 and 3000 but I do not use a bike computer so hard to be more precise.

    Only started cycling in late January after 20 years of nothing and could only manage 8 miles back then - dreadful.
    Yellow is the new Black.
  • simona75
    simona75 Posts: 336
    Only been keeping a strava record since mid April so since then its 1100 miles. Think i'll be up closer to 1500 for the year in total.
  • mouth
    mouth Posts: 1,195
    650 or so. All commuting.
    The only disability in life is a poor attitude.
  • 1_reaper
    1_reaper Posts: 322
    around 3,500 soon to come to an abrupt Holt due to some ops :-(
  • simon_masterson
    simon_masterson Posts: 2,740
    Between one and two thousand miles; most of that commuting.

    I only just acquired a cycle computer, so it's hard to give exact figures. I already have about 150 or so on it.
  • 1717.53 miles from 63 rides over 98hrs:31mins:46secs, with 72,736ft of climbing at an average speed of 17.43mph.

    I'm a statto to trade. :lol:

    Quite pleased as it took me a while to get the bug properly after I bought the bike almost two years ago - probably only did around 500-600 miles in the whole of last year (didn't start keeping a record of rides until October 2011). So this year is a marked improvement. I started off hoping to do 1000 or so this year, then the target became 2000, but realistically I could be looking at getting near 3000 by the time the year is over. It has all been recreational solo rides - I so far haven't bothered with sportives, club runs or anything else involving human interaction on a bike!
  • ToeKnee
    ToeKnee Posts: 376
    3100 ... nearly all commuting but some track training is in there.
    Seneca wrote:
    It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.
    Specialized TriCross Sport+Ultegra+Rack&Bag+Guards+Exposure Lights - FCN 7
    Track:Condor 653, MTB:GT Zaskar, Road & TT:Condors.
  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971
    958 miles - low due to 10 weeks off with a broken scaphoid + surgery to fix it, plus 4 weeks of holidays.

    Still, managed 23,563 metres (77,306 feet) of climbing - very hilly where I live!

    65 activities, all non-commuting road fun!
  • daveski12
    daveski12 Posts: 158

    Mostly in May, June and July and most of them on a MTB as I've only had a road bike for 3 weeks.

    On how do I add miles to a month rather than the total?
  • cje
    cje Posts: 148
    A little over 2300.

    Roughly half of it commuting.
  • Escher303
    Escher303 Posts: 342
    3867 miles and 324,377 feet of climbing. Bit surprised at that last figure, haven't looked before what it was. Guess I'm not really a beginner anymore then!
  • JohnBoyUK
    JohnBoyUK Posts: 206
    3,162.2 miles according to Strava, averaging 4 rides a week and 158 miles. Not too bad for a single Dad spending weekends with his daughter and doing the London commute by train :)
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    daveski12 wrote:

    Mostly in May, June and July and most of them on a MTB as I've only had a road bike for 3 weeks.

    On how do I add miles to a month rather than the total?
    How do you mean? Once you've logged in your name on the main table is a link to the New Rides page where you enter the mileage, journey time if you want to (or leave it blank) and the ride type (defualt = Commute, it was written for the Commuting thread), then hit the Add button.

    Some do it daily, weekly, or just monthly. And some just enter a new total in the Adjust box further down and avoid adding individual journeys.
  • ricey155
    ricey155 Posts: 233
    2055 not bad seeing as the weather has not been kind

    anyone use endomondo how can i find out rides per year doesn't seem to be an option ??

    October when the cricket season finishes im going to smash it :shock:
  • 4264 this year so far and climbing!
    Sorry its not me it's the bike ;o)

    Strava Dude link
    Commuting, Domestic & Pleasure : Specialized Sectuer Sport Disc

    Please Sponsor
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    3,685 pleasureable miles spent on the roads (3 road bikes: 1108+804+1773), countless hours of suffering on the turbo. I know which I prefer, bring on the summer.
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 21,715
    5329. Was hoping to get to 10,000 in the year, but a bit behind target at the moment. But fingers crossed for a good August.
  • ForumNewbie
    ForumNewbie Posts: 1,664
    smidsy wrote:
    Somewhere between 2500 and 3000 but I do not use a bike computer so hard to be more precise.

    Only started cycling in late January after 20 years of nothing and could only manage 8 miles back then - dreadful.
    Smidsy, if you could only do 8 mile rides in late January, but since then have done up to 3,000 miles over the next 6 months, that's an incredible increase. You must now be super fit.

    I ride quite a lot but can't manage 500 miles a month even in the summer. My total is 1,630 this year so far. My target for the year is 3,000 miles.
  • I'm at 1311.99 thats from the end of jan(when i got my garmin500) up to today and not including april as i did not ride in april :( none of that is commuting miles
    Trek Madone 5.9 2012
    Cboardman Team 2011
  • cyberknight
    cyberknight Posts: 1,238
    Coming up on 2700 miles so far.
    Behind target due to another addition to the family at the start of the year but i would not change it for the world :)
    FCN 3/5/9