protien drinks



  • Good. The advice should be eat a balanced healthy diet with food from all groups. And when I say food, I mean food, proper food.
  • If you read my posts thats what i was trying to get at, shakes have there place but only when life gets in the way of proper food.
  • YeehaaMcgee
    YeehaaMcgee Posts: 5,740
    If you're trying to give advice on how much of a certain thing to consume, it REALLY helps to specify how much, not leave it as an exercise to the reader.
    It also doesn't hurt to admit fault on occasion, rather than hide behind a barrage of excuses.
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    When giving advice it's good practice to proof-read it. I think that's all Yeehaa is getting at. As obvious as grams and kg are, the other mistake could mean advising a client to use 100kg barbel instead of 10.
    Pedant mode on>That would be one big mother of a fish<off
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • t.m.h.n.e.t
    t.m.h.n.e.t Posts: 2,265
    cooldad wrote:
    When giving advice it's good practice to proof-read it. I think that's all Yeehaa is getting at. As obvious as grams and kg are, the other mistake could mean advising a client to use 100kg barbel instead of 10.
    Pedant mode on>That would be one big mother of a fish<off
    There's another intentional mistake in this post that you missed. Terrible pedant :lol:
  • DCR00
    DCR00 Posts: 2,160
    agreed, although the mistake is kinda obvious as eating your bodyweight in protein would take some doing. its a shame that everybody on this forum doesnt have your level of politeness.
    Well, since I'm not psychic, I had no idea what the hell you were on about.
    Even if you are converting weights from one unit to another, what are we starting with, lbs? Kg? Stones? And what are we going to? grams, KG? lbs? ounces?
    it wasn't a case of proof-reading, it was just nonsense as you wrote it.

    I wrote it in a hurry before work, in a rush with the intention on helping others on this forum something you obviously dont do. Its a shame because this forum seems sound but every forum has one knob-head and in this case it appears to be you.
    Im done with trying to help people on here.

    lets be honest though, despite the kgs gaff, your advice was a little shaky i.e. "Shitting out" excess protein, and 80g - 100g of protein per day isnt a high protein diet (unless you weight 40kgs)
  • sammysideways
    sammysideways Posts: 41
    edited November 2012
    DCR00 wrote:
    agreed, although the mistake is kinda obvious as eating your bodyweight in protein would take some doing. its a shame that everybody on this forum doesnt have your level of politeness.
    Well, since I'm not psychic, I had no idea what the hell you were on about.
    Even if you are converting weights from one unit to another, what are we starting with, lbs? Kg? Stones? And what are we going to? grams, KG? lbs? ounces?
    it wasn't a case of proof-reading, it was just nonsense as you wrote it.

    I wrote it in a hurry before work, in a rush with the intention on helping others on this forum something you obviously dont do. Its a shame because this forum seems sound but every forum has one knob-head and in this case it appears to be you.
    Im done with trying to help people on here.

    lets be honest though, despite the kgs gaff, your advice was a little shaky i.e. "******** out" excess protein, and 80g - 100g of protein per day isnt a high protein diet (unless you weight 40kgs)

    i disagree, if you use the governments eatwell plate diagram then 80-100g of protein would be considered maybe not a high protein diet but it would be more than whats recomended. I dont remember saying it would be shat out either?
  • oh and don't get me wrong, i was in the wrong for not proof reading my post, that is a mistake on my part but at least im helping or trying to help people unlike you who makes no useful contribution other than to make new people on this forum feel un-welcome.
  • DCR00
    DCR00 Posts: 2,160
    "Obviously that's for hardcore dudes only and will be shitted out by most of us?"

    I'm sorry, did i hurt your feelings by disagreeing with your inaccurate statements about the "right" amount of protein to consume or the fact that the excess doesn't get "sh*tted out", or was your question mark at the end of the statement above asking a question ?

    what you will find with this forum is that people generally don't mind ignorance, however a denial of fault when what you have stated in the first instance is incorrect is, on the whole, met with the reaction you've had

    if you had come back and said "Know what, i think i was wrong", then people would have been far more tolerant.
  • t.m.h.n.e.t
    t.m.h.n.e.t Posts: 2,265
    kammybear wrote:
    Obviously that's for hardcore dudes only and will be shitted out by most of us?
    DCR00 wrote:
    "Obviously that's for hardcore dudes only and will be shitted out by most of us?"

    I'm sorry, did i hurt your feelings by disagreeing with your inaccurate statements about the "right" amount of protein to consume or the fact that the excess doesn't get "sh*tted out", or was your question mark at the end of the statement above asking a question ?

    what you will find with this forum is that people generally don't mind ignorance, however a denial of fault when what you have stated in the first instance is incorrect is, on the whole, met with the reaction you've had

    if you had come back and said "Know what, i think i was wrong", then people would have been far more tolerant.
  • DCR00
    DCR00 Posts: 2,160

    Sammy. i was wrong to say you suggested that excess protein was "sh*tted out". Know what, i think i was wrong.
  • thats ok. mistakes are easily made :D
  • Chillax dudes!

    The ? was there because I read it on another forum years ago and don't mind being put right!

    It may not get "shitted out" but it sure as hell won't help much eating 1.5x-2x bodymass for most people unless they're looking to put on loads of muscle mass? (in g not kg :wink: )

    I'm on low carbs right now and tend to consume around 100-150g of protein a day...I weigh about 76kg so I kinda hit that scale though...