Lunch other than McDonalds



  • ste_t
    ste_t Posts: 1,599
    slowsider wrote:
    oodboo wrote:

    Getting kids ready in the morning means there's no time to make a sandwich before I leave the house and being disorganised means there's no chance of me getting my lunch ready the night before. So at lunch time I can get to Morrisons, Asda, McDonalds, KFC, chip shops and sandwich shops. What do you guy reckon my best options are?


    Ignore the sanctimonious twats on here preaching about what your lifestyle should be, there has been some reasonable advice.

    Reduce portion size, make more of what you eat fruit and veg (easy to source from supermarkets) and drink more water.

    Was that your attempt at giving 'reasonable advice'? Utterly pointless, but bravo for criticising everyone else who, in the vast majority, have made perfectly valid points.
    oodboo wrote:
    You don't appear to need any advice at all since you're clearly happy stuffing yourself with McD's.
    I think you've missed the point, I started this topic because I'm not happy stuffing myself with McD's and wanted alternate suggestions that aren't just take you're own food. Instead everyone seems to have made it about why I can't/don't want to take my own food.

    Makes sense. Disregard the best solution for being too much effort.

    You simply MUST break the eating habits that you have at present and make the effort to cut out the massive amount of fat laden junk food and replace it with fruit/veg/lean protein. The most effective way to do this is to prepare it yourself and ensure that there is no junk food too hand. Once you start doing this your energy levels will increase dramatically, particularly first thing in the morning - thus leaving you enough time to prepare food to last you through the day. You keep the chippy/Maccys as treats, not a way of life.
  • slowsider
    slowsider Posts: 197
    ste_t wrote:
    slowsider wrote:
    oodboo wrote:

    Getting kids ready in the morning means there's no time to make a sandwich before I leave the house and being disorganised means there's no chance of me getting my lunch ready the night before. So at lunch time I can get to Morrisons, Asda, McDonalds, KFC, chip shops and sandwich shops. What do you guy reckon my best options are?


    Ignore the sanctimonious twats on here preaching about what your lifestyle should be, there has been some reasonable advice.

    Reduce portion size, make more of what you eat fruit and veg (easy to source from supermarkets) and drink more water.

    Was that your attempt at giving 'reasonable advice'? Utterly pointless, but bravo for criticising everyone else who, in the vast majority, have made perfectly valid points.
    oodboo wrote:
    You don't appear to need any advice at all since you're clearly happy stuffing yourself with McD's.
    I think you've missed the point, I started this topic because I'm not happy stuffing myself with McD's and wanted alternate suggestions that aren't just take you're own food. Instead everyone seems to have made it about why I can't/don't want to take my own food.

    Makes sense. Disregard the best solution for being too much effort.

    You simply MUST break the eating habits that you have at present and make the effort to cut out the massive amount of fat laden junk food and replace it with fruit/veg/lean protein. The most effective way to do this is to prepare it yourself and ensure that there is no junk food too hand. Once you start doing this your energy levels will increase dramatically, particularly first thing in the morning - thus leaving you enough time to prepare food to last you through the day. You keep the chippy/Maccys as treats, not a way of life.

    Another sanctimonious twat :roll:

    Read my post. Slowly.
    It says that there has been some reasonable advice.
    My suggestions was to cut down junk and eat more fruit and veg, you think that's 'utterly pointless' but you then go on to give the same advice.

    The OP evidently has issues with home life - take that at face value and don't minimise the fact, or patronise the OP saying that they are not prepared to make the effort. The question that was asked was what to eat out that is healthier than McDonalds, and you and several others are telling the OP that he shouldn't be asking that question. :? Is that a perfectly valid point?

    It's possible to buy healthier options from the outlets that were listed as being within reach for the OP at lunchtime.
  • DCR00
    DCR00 Posts: 2,160
    i think the point being made was that there is a better alternative to eating out at lunchtime, which presents a danger of eating crap

    if you prep your food at home, either the night before or in the morning, then you are far less likely to eat crap

    at the start of this thread several people suggested prepping food at home to take with him, which he claims is too hard due to disorganisation and having kids.

    Plenty of people have kids and have enough time to make their lunch for the next day.

    the OP wants us to say "Maccy D's is fine mate, just have one of their salads instead", but instead he got some proper advice, which wasn't what he wanted to hear

    the other reality of this forum is that if you ask for advice, you get it. Wont necessarily be what you want to hear tho...
  • DCR00
    DCR00 Posts: 2,160
    slowsider wrote:
    The OP evidently has issues with home life - take that at face value and don't minimise the fact, or patronise the OP saying that they are not prepared to make the effort.

    I'm sorry but how do you come to this conclusion ? "issues with home life" ?

    the guy is disorganised/lazy at worst
  • t.m.h.n.e.t
    t.m.h.n.e.t Posts: 2,265
    DCR00 wrote:
    i think the point being made was that there is a better alternative to eating out at lunchtime, which presents a danger of eating crap

    if you prep your food at home, either the night before or in the morning, then you are far less likely to eat crap

    at the start of this thread several people suggested prepping food at home to take with him, which he claims is too hard due to disorganisation and having kids.

    Plenty of people have kids and have enough time to make their lunch for the next day.

    the OP wants us to say "Maccy D's is fine mate, just have one of their salads instead", but instead he got some proper advice, which wasn't what he wanted to hear

    the other reality of this forum is that if you ask for advice, you get it. Wont necessarily be what you want to hear tho...
    When it comes to diet and nutrition there is only one type of advice to give - the correct advice whether the receiver likes it or not.
  • slowsider
    slowsider Posts: 197
    DCR00 wrote:
    the OP wants us to say "Maccy D's is fine mate, just have one of their salads instead", but instead he got some proper advice, which wasn't what he wanted to hear

    except that the first post includes
    oodboo wrote:
    So yes, my diet sucks. I reckon if I can fix my lunch time routine and stop eating crap then I'll lose some weight. So my question is what should I eat?
    So at lunch time I can get to Morrisons, Asda, McDonalds, KFC, chip shops and sandwich shops. What do you guy reckon my best options are?

    So the 'proper advice' was not an answer to the question.

    As for:
    DCR00 wrote:
    I'm sorry but how do you come to this conclusion ? "issues with home life" ?
    the guy is disorganised/lazy at worst

    you know as much as I do about the OP, but you make a snap judgement. Going by the statements made, it's just possible that
    oodboo wrote:
    It's not just time, there's a whole other issue of disorganisation going on. Can't make a sandwich when there's no bread or any sort of filling in the cupboards. When there is stuff to make a sandwich then I will, but those times are few and far between at the moment. This is something we're working on and don't need your advice on.

    indicates something on a level we aren't aware of. Give the benefit of the doubt, in my case.
  • Chunkers1980
    Chunkers1980 Posts: 8,035
    slowsider - what point are you trying to make?
  • mintedox
    mintedox Posts: 273
    Instead of McD's go to a supermarket and spend the same amount of money on some cooked ribs or chicken, and some pasta.
    Papa? Nicole
  • t.m.h.n.e.t
    t.m.h.n.e.t Posts: 2,265
    slowsider - what point are you trying to make?
    He's trying to appear intelligent and failing hard.
  • BillyMansell
    BillyMansell Posts: 817
    slowsider - what point are you trying to make?
    He's trying to appear intelligent and failing hard.
    And you're trying to appear a dick and succeeding easily. :lol:

    Clunkers, what slowsider is saying is read what the OP has said and asked throughout the thread and offer advice based upon that rather than making judgements on limited information and pontificating with a holier than thou attitude.
  • ste_t
    ste_t Posts: 1,599
    slowsider wrote:

    Ignore the sanctimonious twats on here preaching about what your lifestyle should be, there has been some reasonable advice.

    Reduce portion size, make more of what you eat fruit and veg (easy to source from supermarkets) and drink more water.

    Another sanctimonious fool :roll:

    Read my post. Slowly.
    It says that there has been some reasonable advice.
    My suggestions was to cut down junk and eat more fruit and veg, you think that's 'utterly pointless' but you then go on to give the same advice.

    The OP evidently has issues with home life - take that at face value and don't minimise the fact, or patronise the OP saying that they are not prepared to make the effort. The question that was asked was what to eat out that is healthier than McDonalds, and you and several others are telling the OP that he shouldn't be asking that question. :? Is that a perfectly valid point?

    It's possible to buy healthier options from the outlets that were listed as being within reach for the OP at lunchtime.

    Your original advice was 'eat more fruit and veg' which, although a valid point, was of no help whatsoever. My point as to it's uselessness was that if the OP can't get up 2 minutes earlier to make a sandwich then how will he plan how to incorporate your vital nugget of wisdom into his daily routine?

    The fact of the matter is that the OP's question was the wrong one to be asking. It is pretty bloody obvious to even the most simple of minds that eating a sandwich and a bag of crisps from a supermarket is going to be better for you than having a burger and fries. What the masses are alluding to is that if the OP is determined to make a difference then there is little point being half arsed about it, it needs doing properly.

    If someone asked the question 'Which of these 2 tyres for racing DH? 1) Conti gatorskin, 2) Schwalbe fast Fred?'

    The answer would be along the lines of 'How about you try something suitable for the application, such as a Minion so that you don't die?'

    Not the answer the OP would be looking for, but a bloody better answer nonetheless.

    You, slowsider, are an utter moron.
  • t.m.h.n.e.t
    t.m.h.n.e.t Posts: 2,265
    slowsider - what point are you trying to make?
    He's trying to appear intelligent and failing hard.
    And you're trying to appear a dick and succeeding easily. :lol:

    Clunkers, what slowsider is saying is read what the OP has said and asked throughout the thread and offer advice based upon that rather than making judgements on limited information and pontificating with a holier than thou attitude.
    It's a cruel world
  • DCR00
    DCR00 Posts: 2,160
    slowsider wrote:
    oodboo wrote:
    It's not just time, there's a whole other issue of disorganisation going on. Can't make a sandwich when there's no bread or any sort of filling in the cupboards. When there is stuff to make a sandwich then I will, but those times are few and far between at the moment. This is something we're working on and don't need your advice on.

    indicates something on a level we aren't aware of. Give the benefit of the doubt, in my case.

    nope im pretty sure its disorganisation

    not just slow by name then
  • slowsider
    slowsider Posts: 197
    ste_t wrote:

    The fact of the matter is that the OP's question was the wrong one to be asking. .

  • oodboo
    oodboo Posts: 2,171
    I bought some stuff to make sandwiches on the way home last night and I actually made sandwiches last night. Even more impressive is that I remembered to bring them with me today, I usually end up leaving them behind when I've tried this in the past.

    Getting the kids ready in the morning has, more often than not, recently included passing an NG tube down my son's nose so to his stomach that he can be fed for the day. As he is getting bigger and stronger this is taking longer and has more emotional impact than it used to. I'm guessing that the people who said they have friends that can manage don't have to perform medical procedures as part of their morning routine. Anyway, that's my problem to deal with and just one of many.

    The advice I was looking for was along the lines of what can I get on the road that's going to give me enough energy for the day without being too fattening. I do want to stop eating McDs as I know the food is, well it's not really food.

    So todays eating will consist of the weetabix I had for breakfast, a banana when I got to work (I'm on my bike today and it's a 15 mile ride here). I've got a couple of ham and salad sandwiches to eat over lunchtime which will probably be one before my lunchtime ride (about 5 miles) and one after followed by a chocolate biscuit. Then finally one more banana before my 10 mile ride home. Then I'll cook a meal for the family when I get home.

    Thanks to everyone for their input on this, even the "sanctimonious twats" and their (what I'm going to call) tough love. Here's hoping I can carry on with the sandwich making and hopefully shed a few pounds.
    I love horses, best of all the animals. I love horses, they're my friends.

  • Chunkers1980
    Chunkers1980 Posts: 8,035
    We all need a bit of tough love from time to time.

    Glad you've managed to do the sensible thing and make time to fit it in.

    BTW - I do that all the time, make stuff to take, and forget it!
  • slowsider
    slowsider Posts: 197
    Thanks for coming back with an update oodboo
  • Fair play fella. Keep up the good work.

    Some of the words said were harsh, but fair. It's good advice even if it's not framed in a "touchy-feely", PC manner.

    Think about it this way, if your son is ill don't you owe it to him to keep yourself healthy?

    One suggestion I have to offer is to do some of your food shopping online perhaps? This way you can guarantee you have the stuff needed to make your daily lunches at the beginning of the week. Also, beats standing in the queues!