Should I support Wiggins?



  • rodgers73
    rodgers73 Posts: 2,626
    PBo wrote:
    he seems like a ......normal human being with all the ups, down, and foibles and weaknesses that go with his positives. Frankly, this has endeared him (and similarly Cav) to me much more than say - oh I don't know - John Terry, Wayne Rooney - or Joey Barton :wink:

    Also more endearing than the bland fare offered up by Stevie G, Michael Owen, David Beckham etc

    Although I always liked Calamity James for some reason...

    More weight behind the idea that he's alright, rather than an arse. You see, that's the sort of stuff I was looking for really. Thanks!
  • BillyMansell
    BillyMansell Posts: 817
    PBo wrote:
    there have been some ridiculous threads on these fora, but this is right up there...!
    I wouldn't say that. This is Pro Race, the home of the gay cycling mafia who are more interested in discrediting cyclists for what they wear, say or look like than credit them for their successes on a bike. The Op will fit in nicely here (their mental/emotional retardation may actually be a benefit).
    I am now off to self flagellate for even reading/getting irritated/bothering to comment...
    Be careful, you'll become fodder for the gay cycling mafia's mutual masturbation society.
  • Crankbrother
    Crankbrother Posts: 1,695
    On the plus side he has shown he can deliver the goods on the bike the past year or so ...

    On the flip side he pretends to have a stance on doping and makes sly digs here and tnere but was happy to take a paycheck from 2 teams who had a (not even alleged) history of doping practices ...
  • I like Wiggins. I like the story - the track star/TTer who decides to see what he can achieve if he really gives it a go in a GT and turns out to be pretty good. The disappointing follow-up year, a renewed work ethic, the disaster of the crash last year when he looked in great shape - then almost total dedication to achieving the biggest and toughest goal of his career. It's a good tale.

    As for him personally, well he seems a decent enough low-key kind of bloke to me. I don't think he likes all the attention and media and I think he kind of uses dry humour to kind of get him through it. It often doesn't translate well into print. Anyway, I'll be cheering him on, a British TDF winner would be amazing!

    Of course he could be a serial puppy killer for all I know, in which case I hope he only podiums.
  • Squaggles
    Squaggles Posts: 875
    PBo wrote:
    there have been some ridiculous threads on these fora, but this is right up there...!
    I wouldn't say that. This is Pro Race, the home of the gay cycling mafia who are more interested in discrediting cyclists for what they wear, say or look like than credit them for their successes on a bike. The Op will fit in nicely here (their mental/emotional retardation may actually be a benefit).
    I am now off to self flagellate for even reading/getting irritated/bothering to comment...
    Be careful, you'll become fodder for the gay cycling mafia's mutual masturbation society.

    You live in a strange world my friend
    The UCI are Clowns and Fools
  • Scrumple
    Scrumple Posts: 2,665
    rodgers73 wrote:
    Scrumple wrote:
    rodgers73 wrote:
    I'm not asking you to tell me who to support, he missed most of last year's Tour so I've had relatively little exposure to him, so for all I know he's an ars*.

    I was looking for comments on what he's "really" like

    Read the title of your thread - now tell me you are not asking strangers who to support?! If I said, yes, support him, does that make it better? Would you like to support an Englishman, in an English team, trying to make history? Or would you prefer to have a lottery of all the names at the local WI meeting? Sure some old dear would pick you a name out to follow.

    Do you ask your mum what to wear in the morning? Or is she too busy tossing a coin to decide what's for breakfast?

    Well if you read beyond just the title and saw what I'd posted in the first and subsequent posts then you see that your reply was a bit silly.

    It was meant to be silly, stupid.
    You need to learn the difference!

    (BTW I did mean to type British - slip of the keyboard)
  • rodgers73
    rodgers73 Posts: 2,626
    You could have just been nice :-)
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I never get the negativity from UK cycling fans to Sky. It seems when one of the BRITS start talking about winning people panic and hate him.

    I wasn't a massive Brad fan at the start of the year but he turned that around and I think some of his interviews are class. Look at the Dauphine one. He also seems to care a lot about the sport. I for one will be cheering him on and will be gutted for him if he doesn't get it this year.
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,661
    ^It's the exact same Crap as Indie Boys not liking the Kings of Leon now they re famous...
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • Squaggles
    Squaggles Posts: 875
    I really don't think there is that much negativity towards Wiggins , obviously not 100% of people are going to like and support him , people do have other favourite riders and nationality isn't everything . I also feel some of the negativity is aimed more at the sponsor rather than the individual
    The UCI are Clowns and Fools
  • rebs
    rebs Posts: 891
    Those crazy Belgiums going mental when Gilbert kicks off on the prologue.... dear oh dear. Did none of you lot tell them it's not cool to support home riders... :P

    I've liked Wiggins for sometime. It gets mentioned his attitude is quite bad. But alot of it is very sarcastic/toungue in cheek that gets picked up as attitude by journo's with no sense of humour or forign press that may not "get" what he means. The video clip at the Dalphine at a press conference is a good example of this.
  • Beatmaker
    Beatmaker Posts: 1,092
    having met him on a couple of occasions in a social environment, I can confirm he is a really nice bloke. So is David Millar come to that, so if this the green light you need to support him, so be it!

    For those who want to support Brad and raise money for a fantastic cause, have a look at the Tee's and Prints at