She's starting to ask questions !!



  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Mrs dmclite actually suggested me buying my last bike as I was slobbering over internet bikes. After getting off the floor she explained that she understoood it was my thing that I do, don't deny myself, just dont take the pee on the budget.

    I love her so much, she got a box of maltesers that evening, I can tell you. :D
  • sarm34
    sarm34 Posts: 182
    I have a 3 week old brand new cube agree gtc hidden at work, the wife knows nowt, I could tell her but I know for a fact that if I kept the bike at home I would hardly get out on it, at least while it's at work and I get to finish early a few times a week I can go ride that thing.
    Plus over a 3 month period I was having parcels comming to the house on a regular basis , which contained new parts for a custom build MTb which she knew about and is now sitting in the shed , but she has no idea how much this lot cost me so........ What she don't know won't hurt her, and I do treat her every now and then.