Why I hate the Tories.

tim_wand Posts: 2,552
edited June 2012 in The bottom bracket
New data published (by GMB Union) shows that 248 of the 1000 people on the Sunday Times Rich List (nearly a quarter) of the richest people in Britain are Conservative party doners.

What a suprise, just shows whos interests they look out for! and I bet £83 million donated by this group over the last decade doesnt include monies for a cosy diner party at No 10 lobbying Mr Cameron to tilt policy your way.

What a bunch of C*nts, are we really all in it together (Not without an Eton or Harrow Tie and an Oxbridge degree and mansion in the Cotswolds we're not).


  • jonomc4
    jonomc4 Posts: 891
    I like riding my bike
  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    So Does Boris and he's a Tory, and a rich one, but funnily enough I quite like him, maybe being a cyclist covers a host of sins :)
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    So. More than 3/4 of the rich list do not contribute to the Tories.

    How does that sit? :twisted:
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    edited June 2012
    oh for god's sake !

    Shock horror, people who can afford it, donate to political party that they support. But proportionally, not as many as you'd expect !!
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • Alinshearah
    Alinshearah Posts: 339
    So the £1.4m that the GMB give to Labour each year is not in it's self interest.
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    So, in the 2010 election, the Conservatives won 36.1% of the votes.
    The figures you give show that 24.8% of the people on the rich list donate to the Conservatives.

    So what are you moaning about ? Basically, your argument doesn't stack up.
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    I dont think Labour has given a stuff about the Unions ever since New Labour.

    The GMB has over 60,000 Members so per head it doesnt really work out anything like those 25% of the Sunday Times Rich list.

    Matt sorry mate I ve tried to put a lighter hearted post above that I am sure a man of your means can add some Photographic Value too :D

    Of the 36.1 % of the electorate that voted conservative at the last election, I would wager that other than the pensioners within the group , all of them earn in excess of the national average.

    I dont really have an arguement, just because your well off , it doesnt mean you dont have the right to vote to protect your own interests. We all do that regardless of our financial status.

    My arguement is that it really Pees me off when Cameron trys to potray the Conservatives as the party of the common man .

    I wish the common man/ woman was as financially comfortable as a Tory doner, but I very much doubt it.
  • RDW
    RDW Posts: 1,900
    MattC59 wrote:
    So, in the 2010 election, the Conservatives won 36.1% of the votes.
    The figures you give show that 24.8% of the people on the rich list donate to the Conservatives.

    Voting is not the same as donating. You have to be pretty committed to a party, or think you're going to get something out of it, before you start throwing money at them.
  • Frank the tank
    Frank the tank Posts: 6,553
    The whole issue of political party funding needs a overhaul.

    Of course the tories are sponsored by the very wealthy and they get looked after in return.

    The labour party by and large are supported by unions (not too sure what help the unions get in return) and wealthy benefactors who don't do too bad out of them either.

    Lib/dems do have wealthy benefactors but they have to work a lot harder for funding and I would suspect even harder in future after this coalition balls up.

    I'll say again, the funding issue needs looking at.
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    tim wand wrote:
    Matt sorry mate I ve tried to put a lighter hearted post above that I am sure a man of your means can add some Photographic Value too :D

    Something like this Tim ? :wink:

    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • GiantMike
    GiantMike Posts: 3,139
    I'll say again, the funding issue needs looking at.

    Maybe, but: The politicians are largely self-interested sociopaths that would sell their Gran for 3 mins 'in power'. Regardless of where the funds come from and what limitations may be imposed, the same self-important, snivelling, back-stabbing, 2-faced, lying, cheating, fiddling, dodgy cnuts will still get to the top.

    What's needed is proper accountability. Politicians are elected according to a set of lies they say they will stick to, and then discard as soon as they get into office. The facts about what they do is spun and counter-spun by the different parties, but with NO ACCOUNTABILITY for actions unless they break the law.

    As a minister you can do what you like, lie about it, spin the results and the general public are none-the-wiser. In my world, politicians would get shot in the face if they lie. That's proper accountability.
  • springtide9
    springtide9 Posts: 1,731
    There is lots of talk about how badly off the UK's budget is in terms of public spending. There have been cuts and increases of revenue everywhere, and it seems we all have to be worse off now...

    .. apart from one group of people..... the people who pay the highest rate of tax; so while we are all told that we all have to chip in and pay a little bit more to help improve the countries purse, the rich have had a tax break.

    Unfortunately the government appear to be able to do what they like and get away with it, while they blame the last government for the global recession caused by the greed of the banks.
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    A doner is a kebab. I think you must mean donor.

    Actually I'd quite like the idea of a Tory doner.

    Imagine George Osbourne on a rotating spit, with a perspiring Turk occasionally slicing bits off.
  • tim_wand
    tim_wand Posts: 2,552
    Cheers Keef, I meant donor and not doner.

    Getting some real bad images now though thanks to your correction, Anyone fancy Pickles in their Kebab?
  • springtide9
    springtide9 Posts: 1,731
    keef66 wrote:
    Actually I'd quite like the idea of a Tory doner.
    Imagine George Osbourne on a rotating spit, with a perspiring Turk occasionally slicing bits off.

    I think you'd need a lot of chilli sauce with a Tory Doner; and there would be no point in pretending it was good for you by throwing a load of salad over the top, you'd just replace the salad with slices of dripping.
  • GiantMike
    GiantMike Posts: 3,139
    they blame the last government for the global recession caused by the greed of the banks.

    Technically it the greed of the general public and all business. Banks can only lend if people/companies want to borrow, and EVERYBODY wanted to borrow because they thought the good times would last forever. Blame international competition and light-touch regulation for the actions of the banks. The last Govt was very happy for light-touch regulation, because heavy regulation would have made the City of London less competitive. ANY Govt would have done the same thing, and Govts all around the world did.

    Banks are just a small part of a wider system re-distributing money between lenders and borrowers, working within a legal framework designed to protect the system from failure.
  • springtide9
    springtide9 Posts: 1,731
    GiantMike wrote:
    they blame the last government for the global recession caused by the greed of the banks.

    Technically it the greed of the general public and all business. Banks can only lend if people/companies want to borrow, and EVERYBODY wanted to borrow because they thought the good times would last forever. Blame international competition and light-touch regulation for the actions of the banks. The last Govt was very happy for light-touch regulation, because heavy regulation would have made the City of London less competitive. ANY Govt would have done the same thing, and Govts all around the world did.

    Banks are just a small part of a wider system re-distributing money between lenders and borrowers, working within a legal framework designed to protect the system from failure.

    Actually it was Mrs Thatcher who removed the regulation of the Banks many years ago, which put governments in a position where they couldn't allow banks to fail.
    Banks leant money to people who didn't have the ability to pay. The banks then knowing that they had these bad debts on their books, then decided to push them under the carpet by repacking them with slightly more favourable debts, and trade in them to make money. I guess the bankers understood that they could make money on trades both on the way up and on the way down (short selling).
    The whole banking and trading sector was based on a win win situation, where bonuses were awarded on short term profits, with no penalties for losses or failure.

    Unfortunately this has highlighted that banks left to their own devices are not trustworthy to be able to manage themselves, when they know that if the 's*t hits the fan' - the government will bail them out.

    As for this country being so reliant on the banking sector, you don't need three guesses to name the political party who killed any other industry in the UK.

  • GiantMike
    GiantMike Posts: 3,139
    GiantMike wrote:
    The last Govt was very happy for light-touch regulation

    Actually it was Mrs Thatcher who removed the regulation of the Banks many years ago, which put governments in a position where they couldn't allow banks to fail.

    Yes, but the Labout Govt did nothing to reverse it or tighten things up. Even after 13 years in power.

    Anyway, back on topic.

    All political parties are full of liars
    All political parties are funded by people who want/expect them to represent their views
  • springtide9
    springtide9 Posts: 1,731
    GiantMike wrote:
    GiantMike wrote:
    The last Govt was very happy for light-touch regulation

    Actually it was Mrs Thatcher who removed the regulation of the Banks many years ago, which put governments in a position where they couldn't allow banks to fail.

    Yes, but the Labout Govt did nothing to reverse it or tighten things up. Even after 13 years in power.

    Anyway, back on topic.

    All political parties are full of liars
    All political parties are funded by people who want/expect them to represent their views

    Yep, I can only agree with all of the above statements!
  • Frank the tank
    Frank the tank Posts: 6,553
    They ALL p1ss in the same pot and the said pot ALWAYS GETS EMPTIED ON THE SAME PEOPLE.
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • GiantMike
    GiantMike Posts: 3,139
    The last 3 posts all agree. Is this some kind of record?
  • Frank the tank
    Frank the tank Posts: 6,553
    GiantMike wrote:
    The last 3 posts all agree. Is this some kind of record?

    Here, here. :lol:
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • Redhog14
    Redhog14 Posts: 1,377
    GiantMike wrote:
    The last 3 posts all agree. Is this some kind of record?

    Yes it is..
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    Hey tim wand - here's a tip. Don't vote conservative; you obviously don't like them.
  • Cleat Eastwood
    Cleat Eastwood Posts: 7,508
    CiB wrote:
    Hey everybody - here's a tip. Don't vote conservative

    FTFY :D
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    CiB wrote:
    Hey everybody - here's a tip. Don't vote conservative

    FTFY :D
    :) I think you're probably right - no-one will anyway. Here's to another 10 years of p!ssing money down the drain then once we can get the messy business of an election out of the way.
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,098
    Toffee nosed twats
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    Toffee nosed twats
    Why I find labour supporters difficult to comprehend sometimes. Do you mean all of us? Just those with off shore bank accounts? Anyone whose vote != Labour?

    Works both ways.
  • rodgers73
    rodgers73 Posts: 2,626
    I don't like the Conservative Party much and neither do I like people who hate them and go on about it (use of the word "Tory" is a bit of an alarm bell really!).
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,098
    CiB wrote:
    Toffee nosed twats
    Why I find labour supporters difficult to comprehend sometimes. Do you mean all of us? Just those with off shore bank accounts? Anyone whose vote != Labour?

    Works both ways.

    I was just going for a record, blame Wiggle/Cleat. Re.:


    seanoconn - gruagach craic!