Lance Armstrong guilty ???



  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,163
    Oh jeez, we've attracted a fanboi yank!!

    Rick, can you change the thread title so it doesn't come up on Google and bring in more people who think that criticising a drug cheat and wanting him bought to account means you are somehow in favour of cancer???
  • Pross wrote:
    Oh jeez, we've attracted a fanboi yank!!

    Rick, can you change the thread title so it doesn't come up on Google and bring in more people who think that criticising a drug cheat and wanting him bought to account means you are somehow in favour of cancer???

    Didn't you know, if Lance loses, Cancer wins?

    (As I said in gushing tones recently in the cafe... I used to be sensible, but I can't be arsed anymore)
    "A cyclist has nothing to lose but his chain"

    PTP Runner Up 2015
  • Max009
    Max009 Posts: 5
    Pross wrote:
    Oh jeez, we've attracted a fanboi yank!!

    Rick, can you change the thread title so it doesn't come up on Google and bring in more people who think that criticising a drug cheat and wanting him bought to account means you are somehow in favour of cancer???

    WOW you are a real bumb ass I did not say anything about anybody favouring cancer, my point was it's time to move on. What the hell is a "fanboi" and yes I am a yank and proud of it.
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    Max009 wrote:
    Pross wrote:
    Oh jeez, we've attracted a fanboi yank!!

    Rick, can you change the thread title so it doesn't come up on Google and bring in more people who think that criticising a drug cheat and wanting him bought to account means you are somehow in favour of cancer???

    WOW you are a real bumb ass I did not say anything about anybody favouring cancer, my point was it's time to move on. What the hell is a "fanboi" and yes I am a yank and proud of it.
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Max009 wrote:
    Pross wrote:
    Oh jeez, we've attracted a fanboi yank!!

    Rick, can you change the thread title so it doesn't come up on Google and bring in more people who think that criticising a drug cheat and wanting him bought to account means you are somehow in favour of cancer???

    WOW you are a real bumb ass I did not say anything about anybody favouring cancer, my point was it's time to move on. What the hell is a "fanboi" and yes I am a yank and proud of it.

    I appreciate you're new here, so in future, don't call people names.
  • Max009
    Max009 Posts: 5
    Sorry about that won't happen again.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Max009 wrote:
    Pross wrote:
    Oh jeez, we've attracted a fanboi yank!!

    Rick, can you change the thread title so it doesn't come up on Google and bring in more people who think that criticising a drug cheat and wanting him bought to account means you are somehow in favour of cancer???

    WOW you are a real bumb ass I did not say anything about anybody favouring cancer, my point was it's time to move on. What the hell is a "fanboi" and yes I am a yank and proud of it.

    I appreciate you're new here, so in future, don't call people names.
    Cor, flexing that Mod-Muscle, Rick. Good, strong stuff.
  • Max009 wrote:
    Sorry about that won't happen again.

    Don't restrict your options - you have no idea yet how much people on here may laugh at your earnest defence of LA and how annoyed you may get.

    Anyway I though BB was the place where insults (among those logged in) were allowed
  • May I suggest someone posts some custom made LA is innocent decals?
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,163
    Let him call me names it's more fun that way. I love the "leave him alone he's done loads to raise money for cancer" defence. Anyone would think there was no cancer awareness or fund raising prior to Livestrong which is an insult to the myriad cancer charities and medical researchers who were around before the mid 90s. Some even raised money without being directly affected by the disease. Why should a cheat be allowed to maintain his wins just because he's done some charity work?
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    His business career like his cycling career is pretty well a fraud too - because Livestong doesn't actually give any money to medical research on cancer? You know, the people who actually do anything about it? They only fund research on survivorship and "awareness'. Meanwhile, they spent a shed-load of other peoples money on lawyers, private jets, fancy offices and stuff. ... ion_203023
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Thing is, even though it is increasingly likely he has doped, I really didn't want him to be guilty of it. I am a fan, reading his first book when I had the same cancer made me buy a road bike after my chemo and am riding and racing 6 years on. I'm not angry he doped, just a bit fed up and sad.

    Please don't be cynical about this post lads, just wanted the 7 wins and all that went with it to be right and true, but i know deep down it isn't.

  • Max009
    Max009 Posts: 5
    Oooo my bad I see the problem now this is a UK thread stupid me, no worries I like you folks anyways.
  • Max009 wrote:
    Oooo my bad I see the problem now this is a UK thread stupid me, no worries I like you folks anyways.
    Good on you my colonial cousin - stick around grow a thick skin and give us the US perspective on stuff.
  • Max009
    Max009 Posts: 5
    Max009 wrote:
    Oooo my bad I see the problem now this is a UK thread stupid me, no worries I like you folks anyways.
    Good on you my colonial cousin - stick around grow a thick skin and give us the US perspective on stuff.

    That's funny I needed a good laugh, I tried to give you my perspecctive not that of the whole US and you guys blasted me made me feel bad you dudes are so mean. :(:(:(
  • rdt
    rdt Posts: 869
    Larry has done more to promote than anyone else alive, and for that its shareholders applaud him.
  • [/quote] That's funny I needed a good laugh, I tried to give you my perspecctive not that of the whole US and you guys blasted me made me feel bad you dudes are so mean. :(:(:([/quote]

    Sorry no option now you've been outed as American so from now on every word you utter is taken as Offical US Policy (PS - you are royalty [ie either a Bush or a Kennedy] aren't you?
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Cor, flexing that Mod-Muscle, Rick. Good, strong stuff.

  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,661
    Yeah!!! 52 pages nwestyn! In your face, we really are that sad..errr..oh! :(

    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Cor, flexing that Mod-Muscle, Rick. Good, strong stuff.


    Bus Wankahs :shock:
  • LeicesterLad
    LeicesterLad Posts: 3,908
    Lance Armstrong is a grubby, bullish little man that deserves nothing less than prison, removal of all victories and a good kicking. The End.
  • You have to allow for the trickle down effect to occur.

    Prostate trouble? Don't suffer in silence!
  • Hoopdriver
    Hoopdriver Posts: 2,023
    Lance Armstrong is a grubby, bullish little man that deserves nothing less than prison, removal of all victories and a good kicking. The End.
    Don't sugar coat it like that. Come right out and say what you mean. :-)