New Forum Suggestion



  • xixang
    xixang Posts: 235
    Think about this.

    People that are not into cycling think every pro rider is on the gear of one type or another. Now then,someone new to the sport comes on this site and wallop. There they see a sub forum entitled Drugs/Doping is issues :shock: errrrrrrrrrrmm..........REALLY CR@P IDEA ME THINKS. :roll:


    and surely any doping news relating to pro cyclists is a part of the "pro race" whether we like it or not. What next? Stop discussing frames in buying advice because someone is fed up of continually reading theads titled "is frameset x any good?"...

    If a thread is about a subject matter you don't like then don't read it - simples
  • dsoutar
    dsoutar Posts: 1,746
    xixang wrote:
    If a thread is about a subject matter you don't like then don't read it - simples

    Simples ???? That's precisely my point. Thread's start off about one subject and before you know it's descended into a doping discussion. FFS, even the "F1 and Cycling cross paths" thread has doping in it (albeit in a jocular tone). Obviously it's a very appropriate subject (especially given what's happened in the last 36 hours), to some degree unavoidable and I'm not suggesting we stick our heads in the sand.

    My original post wasn't to be taken that seriously but more to exhibit that it just gets rather tedious seeing the same stuff regurgitated over the entire forum at times. And that's the other issue here - if the posts contained new and enlightening information it would be a lot more bearable but most of them are not.