New Forum Suggestion

dsoutar Posts: 1,746
edited June 2012 in Pro race
Can we have a new forum please called "Doping and everything related to it". I'm getting fed up of every other topic seemingly turning into some rant either for or against doping and dopers (and usually both). I don't want to constantly have to sift through pages of ranting to find something entertaining or enlightening. Not only that but it's the same tired old arguments continualy being aired by both sets of people. Can you all kindly piss off to your own forum - we've all read too much about this already.

It's like reading a cycling variant of f*cking Eastenders where the entire script involves the cast shouting at each other.

If I want to read about doping (and I have, lots of times) then I want to be able to make that decision rather than have it interfere with any enjoyment I might seek to get in the normal scheme of things


  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    It's been discussed lots of times.

    Our american cousins have such a settup.

    While, for sure, you get dope free racing chat, on in the doping section you get a bunch of loonies - and it all gets a little extreme.

    Unfortunately, June's the doping chat season. Just before the Tour, post Giro. Usually there's a scandal too.

    People speculate about the Tour with little racing going on, so it crops up more often - after all, Tour winners have a notorious record even within cycling.

    Even more unfortunate, it's a time of year when we get a lot of Tour only members - presumably even more this year given the British interest.

    My advice would be to plow on with your comments and ignore the dope chat - someone will pick it up and run with it. There are enough threads that are dope free - such as the wonderful Tour build up thread, (complete with profiles for every stage!). Head there.

    Similarly I might get a little more pushy with keeping it OT and away from the dopage, but that's not always easy, since, like it or not, the dopage is often on topic....
  • phreak
    phreak Posts: 2,941
    The Wiggins form thread has been spoilt by doping posts imo. Hope it's not a sign of things to come and I'd certainly be happy for stricter moderating of anything not on topic.
  • Rightly or wrongly it can be difficult at times to talk about one without mentioning the other. Hopefully one day that won't be the case (cue inspirational background music).
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    It's been discussed lots of times.

    Our american cousins have such a settup.

    Cycling News is British (same owners as this forum).

    There's no need for a separate forum. We don't really talk about doping that much unless something has actually happened. The Cycling News one was created because every thread was being hijacked by the doping obsessives.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • Ron Stuart
    Ron Stuart Posts: 1,242
    There just practising to become MPs (West Enders):roll:
  • secretsqirrel
    secretsqirrel Posts: 2,037
    RichN95 wrote:
    It's been discussed lots of times.

    Our american cousins have such a settup.

    Cycling News is British (same owners as this forum).

    There's no need for a separate forum. We don't really talk about doping that much unless something has actually happened. The Cycling News one was created because every thread was being hijacked by the doping obsessives.

    I thought Cycling News was Australian? :? Perhaps I dreamt that bit.

    Didn't we have a Pharmacy Section a few years ago? I think it might have been abandoned through lack of traffic. Everybody wanted to talk about doping in the Pro Race section. Where it belongs :wink:
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    I thought Cycling News was Australian? :? Perhaps I dreamt that bit.
    It was originally. They sold it to Future Publishing, which is in Bath.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • secretsqirrel
    secretsqirrel Posts: 2,037
    RichN95 wrote:
    I thought Cycling News was Australian? :? Perhaps I dreamt that bit.
    It was originally. They sold it to Future Publishing, which is in Bath.

    Ah thanks Rich. I must try and keep up!
  • dsoutar
    dsoutar Posts: 1,746
    RichN95 wrote:
    There's no need for a separate forum. We don't really talk about doping that much unless something has actually happened.

    Blimey - have you read the current topics ? Maybe it's me. I'd hate to see what things are like when people really start getting on their soap-boxes. World Persil shortage is all I can say !!
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    dsoutar wrote:
    RichN95 wrote:
    There's no need for a separate forum. We don't really talk about doping that much unless something has actually happened.

    Blimey - have you read the current topics ? Maybe it's me. I'd hate to see what things are like when people really start getting on their soap-boxes. World Persil shortage is all I can say !!

    That's unusual though and it's just one poster - he does it from time to time but never posts about actual cycling so he only appears on threads where he can crowbar his agenda in.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • Jez mon
    Jez mon Posts: 3,809
    I think splitting it into a separate section just looks slightly farcical. Ultimately the nature of the sport, and it's history are entwined with the d-word.

    Having a forum where discussion of doping was verboden would probably require some fairly extensive moderation and generally, that's unpopular.

    Having a forum solely dedicated to doping, well, it sounds quite boring, and would probably be fairly inactive, or it would be completely full of nutters. Just taken a look at the clinic. According to one poster, James or Rupert Murdoch, have decided to pay ASO to create a tour route which Brad Wiggins can win. Presumably, they also engineered Schleck's broken pelvis in some way too.
    You live and learn. At any rate, you live
  • Ron Stuart
    Ron Stuart Posts: 1,242
    I can't understand why people with such jaundiced views follow a sport so closely; if they think such ill of cycling at professional level why not just find something a bit more appealing you never know they themselves might just come across a bit more appealing. :roll:
  • alanp23
    alanp23 Posts: 696
    How about if the OP requests the topic to be Doping free, that is respected by the participants and moderated as such?
    Top Ten finisher - PTP Tour of Britain 2016
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    alanp23 wrote:
    How about if the OP requests the topic to be Doping free, that is respected by the participants and moderated as such?

    I'm not always around to enforce that and often it's relevant.

    Difficult to discuss, say, the 2006 TdF without it right?

    Best thing to do - if you don't want to discuss the doping - don't discuss it.

    If the people who really want to talk about it get ignored, it'll soon stop.

    For sure, if there's deliberate trolling I'll step in, but it's a fine line, and I think, with some of the discussions we've had, its' better to err on the side of caution re-intervention. They're valid view points, even if they're sometimes unsavoury.
  • BikingBernie
    BikingBernie Posts: 2,163
    I would be happy to see a BR 'clinic' style forum being created. However, it is hardly necessary when someone who has been granted autocratic powers in the guise of a 'moderator' can simply lock any thread that contains discussions that they don't personally like.
  • BikingBernie
    BikingBernie Posts: 2,163
    RichN95 wrote:
    I thought Cycling News was Australian? :? Perhaps I dreamt that bit.
    It was originally. They sold it to Future Publishing, which is in Bath.
    There is quite a story behind this. Cyclingnews was founded by one Bill Mitchell. Back in July 1999, after running the site for five years, he made the 'mistake' of reporting Armstrong's positive for steroids during that year's Tour de France. This triggered a campaign of harassment against him by supporters of Armstrong, with people writing to sponsors demanding that they withdraw advertising and people even contacting his employer. This led Mitchell to post the following on what was still his website:
    In recent days, a number of American readers have written abusive emails to me because I have tried to present the diversity of views about the allegations of doping by Tour leader Lance Armstrong. I have not given my own view on the European press approach. But I do think it is part of a free society to allow all views to be expressed. Then we can (as adults) make up our own minds on the balance of information. That is what freedom is all about. For those who want to censor views because they don't agree with them think about that.

    Apparently this did nothing to reduce the harassment of Mitchell. In the end he decided that he had had enough of running the site and he decided to pass Cyclingnews on to one Gerrard Knapp, leaving a parting message on the site, dated 10 September 1999, which contained the following:
    I also received a lot of antagonism for daring to have an opinion - mostly from US readers. I could not understand why people (only a small minority), who grew up in the so-called land of freedom were so intent on repressing free speech. After all it was your choice to click the link and there was no charge for doing so. But still I received many threatening and nasty E-mails on a regular basis. My employer (the University) was harassed. And lately these nasty types have been trying to encourage my sponsors to stop supporting the site. I guess these types wear white hoods around the place at times too. It made me understand how McCarthyism thrived in the USA. Lucky I live in a free society I thought.

    In 2007 Gerrard Knapp sold Cyclingnews to Future publishing for a tasty five million dollars.

    More on this story: ... ess-story/
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    See what I mean about crowbarring agendas. (Although that might have been on purpose).
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • BikingBernie
    BikingBernie Posts: 2,163
    RichN95 wrote:
    See what I mean about crowbarring agendas. (Although that might have been on purpose).
    No, you are just trying to further your own agenda. Perhaps you could also ask the 'moderator' to lock the thread...

    Someone asked about the history of Cyclingnews. I provided some background, so I was hardly going off topic. It is hardly my fault that Armstrong's goons played a central role in that history.
  • alanp23
    alanp23 Posts: 696
    alanp23 wrote:
    How about if the OP requests the topic to be Doping free, that is respected by the participants and moderated as such?

    I'm not always around to enforce that and often it's relevant.

    Difficult to discuss, say, the 2006 TdF without it right?

    Best thing to do - if you don't want to discuss the doping - don't discuss it.

    If the people who really want to talk about it get ignored, it'll soon stop.

    For sure, if there's deliberate trolling I'll step in, but it's a fine line, and I think, with some of the discussions we've had, its' better to err on the side of caution re-intervention. They're valid view points, even if they're sometimes unsavoury.

    Fair enough, I was only trying to make a positive suggestion. :wink:
    Top Ten finisher - PTP Tour of Britain 2016
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,661
    Man, it's a bad time for this thread isn't it?!?! :D
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • dsoutar
    dsoutar Posts: 1,746
    ddraver wrote:
    Man, it's a bad time for this thread isn't it?!?! :D

    Yeah - almost spooky that I started this thread. :shock:

    Unfortunately my ability to forecast the lottery numbers or indeed just the winner of the 3:30 at Kempton is not quite so finely honed :lol:
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,661
    Can you just say that "ddraver should have his own forum for shagging 50 of the finest Dutch Girls in Den Haag" for me please?!? :P
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    ddraver wrote:
    Can you just say that "ddraver should have his own forum for shagging 50 of the finest Dutch Girls in Den Haag" for me please?!? :P

    Where abouts in Den Haag are you?
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,661
    Just off of the Plein, in the center! Good place!
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    ddraver wrote:
    Just off of the Plein, in the center! Good place!

    Ha, you'll be telling me you live in the Binnenhof next ;).

    Family has a place in the Archipelbuurt that I visit fairly regularly.
  • ratsbeyfus
    ratsbeyfus Posts: 2,841
    ddraver wrote:
    Can you just say that "ddraver should have his own forum for shagging 50 of the finest Dutch Girls in Den Haag" for me please?!? :P

    Translation please... which part of the anatomy would I find a girl's Den Hagg? Do only Dutch girls have one?

    I had one of them red bikes but I don't any more. Sad face.

  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,661
    ratsbeyfus wrote:
    ddraver wrote:
    Can you just say that "ddraver should have his own forum for shagging 50 of the finest Dutch Girls in Den Haag" for me please?!? :P

    Translation please... which part of the anatomy would I find a girl's Den Hagg? Do only Dutch girls have one?

    Thanks a bunch ratty! Now I ll never be able to say where I live without smirking!!!

    Goddamit I ll have to lear how to say S'Gravenhaage properly or something....
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,661
    ddraver wrote:
    Just off of the Plein, in the center! Good place!

    Ha, you'll be telling me you live in the Binnenhof next ;).

    Family has a place in the Archipelbuurt that I visit fairly regularly.
    Almost the opposite side of the square, housewarming party tomorrow of you re around..? :wink:
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    ddraver wrote:
    ddraver wrote:
    Just off of the Plein, in the center! Good place!

    Ha, you'll be telling me you live in the Binnenhof next ;).

    Family has a place in the Archipelbuurt that I visit fairly regularly.
    Almost the opposite side of the square, housewarming party tomorrow of you re around..? :wink:

    Ha no. I've had many a mayo filled club sandwich and bitte bolle with a nice beer there.

    There's an excellent oliebollen van there at New Years too.
  • Frank the tank
    Frank the tank Posts: 6,553
    Think about this.

    People that are not into cycling think every pro rider is on the gear of one type or another. Now then,someone new to the sport comes on this site and wallop. There they see a sub forum entitled Drugs/Doping issues :shock: errrrrrrrrrrmm..........REALLY CR@P IDEA ME THINKS. :roll:
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.