Father of the year at QE today



  • wobbem
    wobbem Posts: 283
    Don't worry , she'll turn out just like her father and join the rest of the dickheads that make this country so great .......not 8)
    Don't think, BE:
  • steelie600
    steelie600 Posts: 519
    Briggo wrote:
    steelie600 wrote:
    Cant argue with that tbh, but like you say his methods need amendment. Endangering your child, recklessly cannot ever be tolerated!

    I think what we need to do is knock seven shades of sh1te out of him and then perhaps he'll change his method.

    That could work!

    And how did you get the pic of me for your avatar?? You spying on me again?
    Idiot ^^^^^^^^^

  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    steelie600 wrote:
    Never said id go outta my way to punch him, although if he dis agreed with my decision, he'd have got one..

    Don't make me a bad person, just a concerned citizen.

    Yes it does. Really, it does. If you can't see what's wrong with attacking a man in front of his young daughter for doing something that is different to what you'd do and hasn't harmed anyone, and is actually pretty unlikely to harm anyone then you need help.
    The world needs tough love, its all gone soft with the health n safety brigade,
    The irony is spectacular, you want to assault him for not wearing a helmet, and that's the fault of the health and safety brigade?!
    the human rights wallers etc etc.
    people wonder why kids today are such little bar stewards, no punishment, no sense of place, no control.

    Hell when I was a kid you didnt dare say boo to a goose in case you got a slap! This guy was obviously pampered by his parents, knows no right from wrong and I now wanna slap his old man too just for good measure!

    Wow, which university did you get your psychology doctorate from? Did you study projection?

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."
  • Jimx26
    Jimx26 Posts: 147
    Not as bad as the guy in the OP, but there was a guy at the chase the other week with his daughter and he was teaching her on the Stegasaurus section of ftd, I didnt see whta happened but I heard him shouting at her you never f***ing listen! and she started crying. She was no older than 9 or 10 :evil: