Where on your commute has the most lemming pedestrians?



  • optimisticbiker
    optimisticbiker Posts: 1,657
    Oxford Street, coming west in the evening past the new 'central reservation' up to Great Portland St. I didn't know that a central reservation means its no longer a road but a ped walkway :sad:
    Invacare Spectra Plus electric wheelchair, max speed 4mph :cry:
  • Wrath Rob
    Wrath Rob Posts: 2,918
    JonGinge wrote:
    In fact the whole area near bank. Some of our brightest minds work in that area we're told.
    +1 to this. Once I turn off from Lower Thames St its Peddergeddon all the way to the office car park.
    FCN3: Titanium Qoroz.
  • Yukirin
    Yukirin Posts: 231
    Eden street and surrounding area, kingston. Come dusk its zombie apocalypse!
  • cookeeemonster
    cookeeemonster Posts: 1,991
    CS3 along Cable St is also pretty awful, particularly outside Shadwell station and the newsagents. Combination of peds and idiot drivers turning across the cycle lane has resulted in me taking the HGV-infested dual-carriageway Highway instead as I actually think it's safer.

    I know what you mean but I find other cyclists more of a problem - there's too much a mix of fast and slow and not enough room to overtake when busy...and dont get me on boris bikes going slower than walking pace...*

    * perfectly acceptable, cycling is for everyone after all ;)
  • Flyingbogey
    Flyingbogey Posts: 352
    MTB-Idle wrote:
    Tooting High Street nuff said

    Definitely this. Always switch on the spider sense along there, still been taken out twice though. Over the other 17 miles of my commute. Never.
    Bianchi Nirone C2C FCN4
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,770
    bompington wrote:
    What's a pedestrian?

    I suppose the deer can be a bit hairy at times, particularly in winter when they run alongside you in the dark...



    Are they something we should be aware of?
    Commuting in London is terrible, no green spaces at all:
    Although I have come very close to being wiped out by a large deer through there. I worry when I can smell them but can't see them.
  • matt1973
    matt1973 Posts: 2
    nich wrote:
    London Bridge, going south turning left into Tooley St. Lemmings x 1000.
    Couldn't agree more. Got to the point where i tend to crawl down there, in the drops, hands on the brakes just waiting for someone to blindly step out. Bishopsgate on a Friday at 5pm isnt much better either ....
  • +1 for Cannon Street

    I hate how they edge out in a line if there's no cars behind you. Reminds me of that 80's footage of Group B rally cars in the Argentinian mountains.

    I haven't hit one yet, but I've had a handful of full on screeching stops, as someone just walks with the herd, not realising the rest of the crowd had stopped half way. A couple of them didn't even notice me skidding to a stop with about 2ft to spare, apparently hypnotized by their iPods.

    Trouble is, if you ease off to give them room, more keep coming behind them in a never ending tide.
  • Applespider
    Applespider Posts: 506
    There's a common theme here around the worst areas being near railway stations where people are presumably running for a train or hurrying off one because they're running late.

    My worst three (all near stations) are

    * Brixton where despite there being zebras and pelicans, people just randomly wander across the road from the station to head to the Tube or later in the day to go to Brixton Village. Oh yes, and open passenger doors so they can nip out to the station while stuck at the lights.

    *Vauxhall where people just ignore the pelican crossing and cross at will on their way to the Tube. If you dare ring a bell so you can go through, you will receive filthy looks and even then some idiots will run in front of you.

    * Victoria particularly at the end of the day. Of course, there's not just pedestrians that are lemmings. I watched a Community Support officer the other day wave people to start crossing when the red man had just come back on and who was still doing so when the lights turned green. If he'd been on the road stopping the traffic, it might have been OK but he was standing on the traffic island so presumably had no right to control traffic from there.
  • Kieran_Burns
    Kieran_Burns Posts: 9,757
    notsoblue wrote:
    JonGinge wrote:
    Yep, Cannon Street.
    Had my worst cycle accident there.

    Actually, pedestrians are always a bit of a liability all around towns and cities. You just have to give them a wide birth and assume they'll act unpredictably.

    Do you have the hips for that? :wink:
    Chunky Cyclists need your love too! :-)
    2009 Specialized Tricross Sport
    2011 Trek Madone 4.5
    2012 Felt F65X
    Proud CX Pervert and quiet roadie. 12 mile commuter
  • Initialised
    Initialised Posts: 3,047
    I find that any shared use path has plenty of lemming peds. So now I mostly use roads. Get some lemmings near the Village Shops in Team Valley. We need their sign age system to consistently reinforce the message Ride on the Left - Walk on the Right. Stand on the Right works on London's Tube system's escalators so why not copy that on to all the blue shared use signs?
    I used to just ride my bike to work but now I find myself going out looking for bigger and bigger hills.