Golden Cheetah - help

Malcolmp Posts: 2
I have been merrily enjoying GC for two years and then tried something clever tonight.

I tried to apply the information in this link ... HR_monitor

In order to allow myself to manually input TSS.

I did this - presumably incorrectly, so went back and deleted the row that I had inserted in metrics tab. The result is that the Athlete to which I did this now shows nothing in the Activity History. Data appears in the other tabs including the CP, which shows that all of the files are still being read. I can confirm that the files are still there. Just nothing seems to appear in the calendar stopping me navigating anything. The ride that appears across the tabs is the most recently uploaded one.

Any ideas - what have I done in the preferences - ride data to change something???

I am using a Mac - and any help would be gratefully received.


  • GiantMike
    GiantMike Posts: 3,139
    I'd love to help but I think that anything I'd suggest would just make things worse. And I don't use the Mac version.

    Maybe try looking at the data files (via the Help tab) and listing them according to date last modified. There might be a file with the problem setting in. If you delete this (keep a copy though) it might re-create another 'clean' version that you can start the settings again from.

    It's hindsight I know, but it's always worth backing up the files regularly so you can undo any changes like these (and it means that your notes are saved too in case you lose everything). My computer was playing up at the weekend and the first thing I backed-up were my GC files! Then my photos and music.
  • amaferanga
    amaferanga Posts: 6,789
    If all else fails just create a new athlete and copy all the existing files into the new athlete folder.
    More problems but still living....