Words fail me (for once !)



  • d87heaven
    d87heaven Posts: 348
    It's not that simple really is it. It's like saying Anorexics should just eat more instead of wasting time and money. Take drug addicts, you could lock them up, make them go cold turkey and say tadaaa they are cured. Except they won't be, most would go back to doing drugs. It's a complex issue but one not helped by the pc and human rights brigade, the families and the general malaise of certain elements of the medical progression and a million other things.
    Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals! Except the weasel
  • Vesterberg
    Vesterberg Posts: 330
    cougie wrote:
    Someone should have snapped her out of her depression well before now. .

    wow, now I see that the solution was so simple all along. cougie, you have won me over with your persuasive and insightful argument.
  • DF33
    DF33 Posts: 732
    How did they afford it? Take aways aren't that cheap and you have to constantly eat lots of them to baloon to 60 stone.
  • BillyMansell
    BillyMansell Posts: 817
    cougie wrote:
    Someone should have snapped her out of her depression well before now.
    Do people still say that someone should just snap out of it?

    On both psychological and emotional levels such a saying shows a fundamental weakness and fear in the sayer; a need to protect them-self from reality by dehumanizing or desensitising the lived experience.

    In cycling terms, such inner conflicts in the sayer are always useful to know as you can then prep the sayer to undermine themselves or fester in their own feculence before they've even pressed a pedal.
  • I honestly never knew there were so many incredibly stupid and ignorant people on this forum. The perving at girls' arses is one thing, the knuckle-dragging juvenile imbecility here is quite another.
  • Jez mon
    Jez mon Posts: 3,809
    cougie wrote:
    So you think her overrating and consequently being unable to move is a good thing for her ?

    Someone should have snapped her out of her depression well before now. I fail to see how messing upbthevrest of her life is much help to her.

    That's not what posters are saying though is it?

    And you don't just get snapped out of depression, do you? :roll:

    It's a totally surreal situation in a way, I just can't imagine getting fat in the first place, let alone feeding someone you supposedly love to this state.
    You live and learn. At any rate, you live
  • ilm_zero7
    ilm_zero7 Posts: 2,213
    cougie wrote:
    It's very sad that her dad died when she was 5 but that's no excuse.
    Plenty of people suffer loss at an early age.
    Letting her get to a weight that stops her from moving is just ridiculous.
    Call me moronic if you want Billy but I don't see letting someone immobilise themselves as being the best way to help.

    Then again I'm not a health professional as you seem to be - so you know best.

    exactly. thats what so wrong with the PC society today - there is always some bloody supposed excuse in their childhood/homelife/school-life - what TOSH. its life, get over it and get on fat lardy. WTF didnt you stop eating at 20 stone for christ's sake? answer, because the nanny state will still come running to help your self infliction - if anyone wants to eat/smoke/drink themselves to death after plenty of warning signs - let them
    Wiliers: Cento Uno/Superleggera R and Zero 7. Bianchi Infinito CV and Oltre XR2
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    cougie wrote:
    Someone should have snapped her out of her depression well before now.
    Do people still say that someone should just snap out of it?

    On both psychological and emotional levels such a saying shows a fundamental weakness and fear in the sayer; a need to protect them-self from reality by dehumanizing or desensitising the lived experience.

    In cycling terms, such inner conflicts in the sayer are always useful to know as you can then prep the sayer to undermine themselves or fester in their own feculence before they've even pressed a pedal.

    Its entirely in her own hands - its her head thats messed up. She needs to fix it. I dont see the feeling sorry for her and letting her indulge herself has helped much. If it had - she wouldnt be 50 stone and in need of urgent medical attention.

    What happened say back in the post war years ? Whole generations of kids lost their parents - they couldn't overeat- there was barely enough to go round.
  • cornerblock
    cornerblock Posts: 3,228
    cougie wrote:
    Someone should have snapped her out of her depression well before now.

    You've never suffered from depression have you? Or had a loved one who suffers? You surely wouldn't make such a stupid comment if you had. If somebody had a terrible illness to another part of their body would you be so insensitive? Depression is an illness, that needs treatment, people don't "snap out of it"!
  • She's lucky to be alive.

    This story broke our way 4 odd years ago


    A mechanical digger had to be used to lower a 52-stone man into his grave at Taunton in Somerset today.
    One person attended the funeral of 29-year-old John Christian Jeffrey, who was found dead at a hostel late last month.
    Mr Jeffrey had no known relatives so his funeral was paid for by the local council.
    Rev Geoff Boucher read a number of prayers in the short service, saying: "The most important thing for us was that he was allowed to be laid to rest in dignity. It was the least he deserved."
    An inscription on the coffin read "Peace, perfect peace".
    Cemetery workers took four hours to lower the casket into the hole, which took four days to dig.
    The coffin was constructed with reinforced MDF and at 4ft by 7ft was twice the size of a typical coffin.
    Dave Butler, who has worked at St James Cemetery for four years, said his team took days to dig the grave with the help of a digger.
    "It usually takes us two days at most to prepare graves - and that's when they've been dug by hand," he said.
    "It's a tragic story that he was so young yet had no friends or relatives - but at least we've given him a good send-off."
    Mr Jeffrey was believed to originally be from London but had been living rough in Taunton.

    IIRC the coroner concluded that the individual concerned literally ate himself to death.
    At least the girl concerned has a semblance of a family unit to get this sorted once and for all.
    You're the light wiping out my batteries; You're the cream in my airport coffee's.