Europe this summer - July?



  • dylanfernley
    dylanfernley Posts: 409
    if you start from essex you have a couple of days riding in uk, so that you will have time to sort out any teething problems, remember its not a race, so don't set targets that are too rigid, if you aim to do 40- 50 miles a day that is plenty, with a loaded bike, some days you will do more ,some less, sounds like you have a loose schedule so it is no need to stress, the main point is to enjoy the experience-- bon voyage
  • Majeed
    Majeed Posts: 20
    I think I'll start in morning and get to Dover the same day evening. It's 80 miles. Then get ferry next morning. Get to Paris in next 2-3 days.
  • dylanfernley
    dylanfernley Posts: 409
    how do you cross the thames form stanstead ? bridge at dartford /-- didn't realise you wanted to go to paris, its a capital city like london , be wary in big cities, i always try to avoid big places, unless you have a pressing need to go to one.

    You need to avoid main roads, they are not very nice, always seek the small roads, but try and read harry enfields dad's book-- its a good starter
  • Majeed
    Majeed Posts: 20
    There is another way to cross Thames - by ferry between Tilbury and Gravesend.

    I'll see about the Paris - nothing is a must on this trip :wink:
  • dylanfernley
    dylanfernley Posts: 409
    gravesend-- long time since i been there, used to go to greenhithe, just down the road, but kent is nice cycling country,off the main roads of course--when you thinking of going?
  • Majeed
    Majeed Posts: 20
    10th or 11th July
  • dylanfernley
    dylanfernley Posts: 409
    good luck majeed, will you post a diary on here when travelling, internet is good for some things, i will be going to moldova but thats another story.... au revoir, avec courage !
  • andrewleck
    andrewleck Posts: 45
    Good luck and have fun, I set off tomorrow,should be on Ventoux when you set off :)
  • dylanfernley
    dylanfernley Posts: 409
    the ventoux, never riden that beast, i know its iconic an all that but for some reason it doesn't pull me like a lot of the alpine climbs, have a great trip ..... i hope you get the weather
  • andrewleck
    andrewleck Posts: 45
    the ventoux, never riden that beast, i know its iconic an all that but for some reason it doesn't pull me like a lot of the alpine climbs, have a great trip ..... i hope you get the weather

    Thanks, I think there are a few thunder storms forecast for next week so the Izoard and Bonnet could be fun :twisted: but by the 11 it should alledgedly be sunshine and roses :P